Plus the secondary enhancement of "Hero Creation"!

A stronger breath rose from Illya's body, and it continued to soar!

at the same time!

The originally weak "Skill Level Servant" panel has also been raised to a terrifying level!


Compared with the "Hercules" who appeared in the Fifth Holy Grail War, it is better than it, and it is nothing worse!



Muscle strength: E. "Secondary Enhancement: A+"

Endurance: C. "Secondary Enhancement: A+"

Agility: D. "Secondary Enhancement: A+"

Magic: B. "Secondary Enhancement: A+"

Lucky: A. "Secondary enhancement: A+++"



Feel the almost infinite power, constantly emerging from the petite body!


Ilya was extremely excited, and let out a childish battle roar!

Even Joan of Arc felt extremely afraid of the violent breath spreading from his body!

Illya, who has been strengthened twice, has reached the strength of "Top Servant"!

0····Ask for flowers·······


"Your strengthening time is only half an hour."

"Don't have any psychological pressure, fight like a berserker."

"Even if you accidentally smashed the enemy's head, I can use my magic to fight it back for her."

Jiang Shang, who was accustomed to it, reminded him gently.


"Sister Jiang Shang...cough cough cough..."

"Master Jiang Shang...I'm going to go!"

Illya clenched her hands tightly on "Shoot Hundred Heads", probably influenced by the madness card, she almost spoke her mind.

Before the Iron Fist sanction comes!

With a guilty conscience, Illya stepped forward and launched a surprise attack on the "Snow City" at a speed unimaginable by humans!

...... 0

too fast!

Ilya's speed has surpassed that of a formula car!

In front of the girl, a gray sound barrier even condensed!

Even the defensive barrier of the "Einzbern" family is vulnerable in front of the girl!

Before the snow wolves, who were defending the outer circle, could pounce on the girl, they were shattered into bloody water by the compressed sound barrier in front of them!

The blood sprayed on Illya's body, exuding a bloody light, like runes branded on her body!

Stimulated by the blood, Ilya went into a state of madness!


The girl let out an impassioned hoarse roar, which triggered Hercules' "Brave" skill!

His own speed doubled again!

The "Illusion Barrier" of the Einzbern family doesn't work in front of girls at all!


She slammed into the city wall of Einzbern, and the city wall blessed by the defensive enchantment quickly collapsed in a large area!

Illya, who finally stopped amidst the smoke and dust, exhaled a fiery breath from her mouth.

She held the gigantic chopping sword on her slender shoulders.

The slightly bent body has begun to charge again!


The "Einzbern" family, which was hit by a sudden attack, was already in chaos.

The "maids" in charge of the battle, holding giant axes, rushed to the scene at the first time!

Lijie Lite...


These two maids who died in battle in order to protect the little master Illya in the "Fifth Holy Grail War"!

at this time...

Appearing in front of Illya as an enemy... beg...

61. Insanity secret technique!How Magical Girls Fight!

Choking smoke filled the entire battlefield.

Hastily felt the battle maid on the scene, but did not attack at the first moment!


As artificial humans, their bodies are trembling...

That is the fear of "death"...

It is the most primitive fear of "death" engraved in the shell of all life!

Can't go any further...

Here is where she ends...


In the core area covered by thick smoke, the slender and petite girl was holding a weapon several times her own size, maintaining a posture of accumulating power.

Her maddened pupils stared at the battle maid in front of her, and asked softly.


"Tell me... where is Illya..."

Illya's voice is very soft, but in the blessing of breath and environment, it is no less than the whisper of death.


Einzbern's combat maid "One Fifty Zero" held her weapon tremblingly, but did not answer.

They can die in battle, but they will never betray the Patriarch!

After a short silence...

Illya sighed with a complicated expression. She released the posture of accumulating power, and easily pierced the "Shooting Hundred Heads" on the shoulder into the solid ground!

She disarmed, opened her arms, and walked out slowly from the smoke.

"Please don't be afraid, I won't hurt you..."

"As long as you tell me where Illya is..."

Illya stepped out of the smoke and came to the two battle maids.

When seeing the real body of this "monster".

The faces of the two battle maids who lost their physical functions due to fear were full of shock!


Even though they are dressed differently, they are instantly recognizable!

The enemy in front of them is their young lady!



"Tell me, where is Illya..."

Ilya spoke again, and the Ilya in her words is her "different space-time counterpart" in this world!

It refers to Illya from the "parallel world"!


"Do you think you can deceive us by pretending to be Miss Illya?"


The battle maid, Sera, yelled at the enemy in front of her.

Her trembling voice contained fear and powerlessness!

It's obviously a scary monster, but it's despicably disguised as a pure and lovely girl...


There is no more vicious joke than this kind of absurdity!

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