Irisviel, who was right below the battlefield, was the most helpless one.

This woman who doesn't have much fighting ability can only hold her hands nervously in front of her chest.


She can only pray silently...

The next thing will develop in a good direction...

"Irisviel, I will protect you."

Sensing the fear of the helper, the knight Artoria took a few steps back.

Holding the holy sword, she stands in front of Irisviel, and will protect the titular master behind her!

Just as the people below raised their vigilance.

Circles of golden ripples appeared in the space behind the King of Heroes in the sky!


Hands of peerless magic weapons, famous all over the world, slowly protrude from the inside!

no doubt!

These weapons are genuine treasures!

But under Gilgamesh's signal, these divine soldiers were reduced to arrow-like consumables and shot towards the enemy!

Ten pieces!

Twenty pieces!

more than!Far more than this amount!

There are only streaks of golden light streaking across the night sky, as gorgeous as shooting stars!


"Taigongwang! Can you handle it!"

"In front of this king's "treasure", step back in awe! "

Gilgamesh laughed wildly!

Among the "Rain of Noble Phantasms" projected by him, there is no shortage of high-level Noble Phantasms!


There is even a magic sword that can "instantly kill enemies"!

Even if it is as strong as Jiang Shang, a strong man of this level, if he is not careful, he will end up tragically!


Jiang Shang, who was suspended tens of meters away, had no intention of dodging.

I saw the "Pseudo-Dragon Divine Beast·Sixiang" he was riding suddenly looked up, and let out a roar of a tiger and a dragon from its mouth!

The blue divine fire (aeed) containing the brilliance of the stars spews out from the four different mouths!

In an instant, it spread to ten meters away!

The moment those dozens of peerless divine weapons flew over touched this piece of divine fire!

It turned into pure light particles and dissipated in the night sky!

This astonishing scene, even Gilgamesh showed a shocked expression!

Obviously he didn't know what kind of terrifying power was contained in that blue divine fire!

Even more terrifying!

The divine fire spreading in the air was not affected in any way, and rushed straight to Gilgamesh!


Gilgamesh's face changed, and he quickly drove the "Vimaya" and flew towards the distance!

But that piece of divine fire is not relentless!

After forcing Gilgamesh back thousands of meters, it gradually extinguished!

Then it turned its head humanely and looked in Jiang Shang's direction, as if asking for the master's praise.

As the king of beasts...

Even as a mount, it has received the teachings of "Yuanshi Tianzun".

The crape myrtle sky fire it emits, but it is mixed with the divine fire of "the origin of the stars"!


Tianshu, Tianxuan.

Tianji, Tianquan.

Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang.

The light of seven stars, gathered together, can burn everything into a fire of destruction!

Its power is terrifying, comparable to the "Anti-Army Noble Phantasm"!



Jiang Shang patted Sixiang's head, took out a "deer pancake" from the storage space, and fed it to Sixiang.

This is a small snack made of wheat flour mixed with other grains.

It's so delicious that even humans will stomp their feet with excitement...

It is just right to reward the "four different images"...



Four is not like eating comfortably, enjoying it, even the eyes are narrowed into a slit...

Although on weekdays, it is basically disguised as a cute "Nightmare Eater".

But his body, after all, is a divine beast!

Step on the auspicious clouds and go straight to the sky, and the world of Kyushu will arrive in an instant!

The mobility of the four different characters is not inferior to the Five Elements Escape Technique at all!


at the same time...

In the night sky thousands of meters away, the angry Gilgamesh punched the throne!


"The real battle has just begun!"

Gilgamesh said angrily, golden ripples filled the night sky again!

Born in human civilization, the prototypes of countless treasures turned into brilliant rays of light, flying towards Jiang Shang's direction!

This is not finished!

The larger "Gate of the Treasure House" on both sides quickly unfolded from the left to the right!

Two giant swords with a length of [-] meters flew out from the "Gate of the Treasure House"!

Mountain Slashing Sword!

Open up the green horizon of Qianshan!

Even thousands of mountains can be cut easily, endowed with "the concept of the horizon", a huge boneless giant sword!


Broken Sea Sword!

Burn the horizon of the dawn of the sea!

A mountain peak like a lava block, and a sword body of pure fire, even the endless sea, can burn and destroy the god soldier!

The light it blooms is the light at the end of the sky and the sea!

Good and evil, good and evil, sky and ocean, hostile things, will all be equal in the dawn, ushering in the fate of dissolution and disappearance!


Gilgamesh, who got serious, even took out the "Mountain Slashing Sword" and "Sea Breaking Sword"!

It can be seen that in his eyes, defeating the enemy in front of him and washing away the shame on him has become the most important thing!

The moment these two divine weapons appeared in this world!

The people watching the battle below were dumbfounded in shock!

This is beyond the scope of the "Holy Grail War"!

In the night sky hundreds of meters away, the ongoing battle is a battle between two powerhouses from the Age of Gods!

This level of battle is no longer something that ordinary servants can participate in, or even imagine!


no one noticed...

In the cracks of the abandoned containers, the short-haired woman with a micro-brush sees everything.

She didn't know that the mysterious king was a terrifying existence!

But there is one thing she can be sure of!

The heroic spirit named "Taigong Wang" has been drawn into the battle situation and cannot escape for a short time!

This is a great opportunity for her!


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