Hundreds of meters of giant steel dragons, like the combined robots of Super Sentai, disintegrated in the sky!

The huge body turned into blue light and disappeared in the night sky!


A heroic white-haired beautiful girl who is less than 1.5 meters tall but wearing blue alloy armor.

With the most classic "hero debut" shape, it descends in front of everyone from the deep night sky!

That's right...

Previously huge Mechadragon, similar to exoskeleton armor, like a super robot!

The girl in front of me is the real core!

"The Fairy Knights of the Round Table "Lancelot" has come here as summoned! "

"Even if it's only for a few minutes, my wings will flap for you!"

Facing Jiang Shang, the beautiful girl with white hair earnestly performed the highest etiquette of a knight.

Those dark golden pupils contain intimacy and attachment that have surpassed the "master-slave relationship".

She was able to be reborn from Nirvana, all because of the (aeed) Master in front of her.

Give the incomplete fire the miracle of soaring into the sky again.

From the moment she regained consciousness, Melyuchina, the "Fairy Knight of the Round Table",...

She has already sworn that she will dedicate everything to this Master without reservation!

Before the soul burns out, as the ultimate weapon and lover, accompany him until the end of the world!


Goblin Knights of the Round Table: Lancelot...

When she introduced herself, everyone was stunned except Jiang Shang!


Born from the knight on the lake in "Legend of King Arthur"...


If this girl is excluded, that terrifying combat power, and the body at the apex of the Age of Gods!

There is nothing on her that can connect her with the identity of "Lancelot"!

It's just... ridiculous...


The keen Diarmuid suddenly thought of something...

He looked at the adult in front of him in astonishment, but he hesitated to speak when he reached the point of his mouth.

He thought of a terrible thing...

now that...

The dragon girl in front of her called herself the "Fairy Knights of the Round Table" and was named "Lancelot".


Is there a possibility...

The mad-rank female knight of the Matou family is also an elf knight of the round table who holds a "given name"...

If so...

I'm afraid "King Arthur" and her master will be in bad luck...


Not just Diarmuid...

Even Irisviel realized something was wrong at this time...


"'s impossible..."

"How could you be the "Knights of the Round Table"! "

Alice Viel said in disbelief.

If this is the case, then the mad-rank servants who stayed behind in the "Matou House" might be the same!

Jiang Shang looked at Alice Feier who lost his composure, shook his head pityingly, and sighed earnestly.

"A fish that pretends to be smart is always the easiest to bait."

The moment the voice fell, he had already arrived in front of this woman.

Before Irisviel could resist, Jiang Shang's hand was on her neck!

Just when Jiang Shang was preparing to destroy the flower with his hands...

The virtual screen of the system suddenly appeared...


"The master is detected, triggering a hidden plot."

"After making a choice, you can get the corresponding reward!"

"Option [-]: Kill Irisviel, get: the unfinished Holy Grail!"

"Option [-]: Let Irisviel go, get: random enhanced skills!"


70. The long-cherished wish of the military division!The Yaolan that Morgan fears!


Looking at the two options in front of me...

Only then did Jiang Shang remember that as long as he interacts with important people, the option will be triggered!

For example, Sakura Matou is the best example~!

Irisviel, as the container of the Holy Grail, is also an important figure!

If you kill her, you can only get: the Incomplete Holy Grail.

Let her live, you can get: random strengthening skills!

just for a moment...

In Jiang Shang's heart, he already had the answer...

His hand pierced Irisviel's chest, and with the woman's painful expression, he took out the blood-stained hilt...

The blood stained on the heavy sword hilt turned into scarlet light particles and dissipated into the night sky.

Jiang Shang looked at the "sword scabbard" in his hand fascinatedly, and the smile on his face became more intense.


An ideal land away from the world...


In Arthurian legend, this scabbard is blessed by the "Nymph of the Lake".

It can give the "holder" the characteristic of immortality.

The ability to heal any wounds of the "holder" and stop aging.

When the scabbard is unfolded, the holder will be placed in Fairyland, which can shield all physical attacks!

It is one of the strongest guardians known in this world.

Even the "magic" that has existed until now cannot be touched!


"Why...don't just kill me..."

Irisviel, clutching the wound on her chest, knelt on the ground in pain.

Thin cold sweat floated on her forehead...

That weak pale face looked up poignantly, and the man in front of him questioned blankly.


"Let you live, more valuable..."

Jiang Shang said flatly, he had already got what he wanted.

not only that...

He has already calculated and deduced future events!

Letting this woman live will have a greater effect on him!

From start to finish...

This poor innocent woman is nothing but a pawn.

Whether it's...Emiya Kiritsugu...

Or Jiang Shang, she could not escape this doomed fate.


Jiang Shang's real enemy, or someone he should kill!

It's that stubborn magician killer: Emiya Kiritsugu!


Jiang Shang's voice fell...

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