"Because you still have me, I will wait for you..."

Jeanne replied seriously.

"It's my blessing to have you by my side..."

Jiang Shang sighed in relief.

He likes straightforward girls very much, because getting along with them will not be very tiring.


Before Joan of Arc could reply, Jiang Shang had already jumped off the roof with his hands behind his back!

Dreamy five-color light surrounds Jiang Shang's falling body, fluctuating with the space.

Jiang Shang's slender figure had disappeared from Joan's sight and appeared on a mountain more than ten kilometers away.

"Spatial movement..."

"Is this what you call "walking the stairs"..."

Joan of Arc, who was standing on the roof, shook her head helplessly, and complained with a wry smile.

Even the servants who participated in the Holy Grail War couldn't do this!



The space is like the surface of water, with ripples in circles.

Jiang Shang, who was dressed in a black robe, appeared on the scene out of thin air, and looked around with critical eyes.

"That's it..."

Sensing that no one is disturbing the surroundings, and being in an excellent position close to the spirit veins, it is simply suitable to summon the heroic spirits here.

Jiang Shang's expression gradually became serious.

Xuan'ao's gossip array unfolded under his feet, covering an area of ​​nearly a hundred meters in radius!

"I, the embodiment of Yuxu on the ground."

"I, the implementer of conferring gods on earth!"

"Below the number of days, break the gods and guide the holy pilgrimage!"

Jiang Shang chanted solemnly, which was different from traditional summoning spells.

He wants to use the vast power of the "thought plate" to stimulate the greater potential of the Eight Diagrams Formation!

Help this "Fairy Queen of the Lost Belt" to appear in the pan-human history with a complete body!


A strange sound rang out from the formation!

The majestic crown has now turned into a blue spot of light and dissipated in the air!

at the same time!

The dreamy dark blue particles are combining into a slender figure at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The Fairy Queen from the Lost Belt, answered Jiang Shang's call!


"Your actions will rewrite the main plot!"

"After making a choice, you can get the corresponding reward!"

"Option [-]: Terminate the summoning, get: Sacred Relic - Fragment of the Round Table."

"Option [-]: Continue to summon and get: Holy Relic - Holy Spear of End!"


The system prompt appears again!


The strength of this Fairy Queen is enough to rewrite the ending of this "Holy Grail War"!

This is exactly the strength Jiang Shang needs!


"Congratulations, you have summoned a mad servant!"

"A treasure has been obtained: the Holy Spear of End!"


The system prompt that appeared again was undoubtedly a reassurance for Jiang Shang.


Jiang Shang opened his silver-gray pupils, looked directly at the dazzling dark blue light, and clenched his fists expectantly!

Bitter cold air emerged from the Bagua formation, covering the nearby vegetation with a thick layer of frost.

And at the core of the circle...

Wearing a gorgeous blue-black dress and a black thorn-bladed crown, the tall beauty stands dignifiedly on the ground.

She raised her lovely and lovely face, and those deep ice blue eyes stared majestically ahead.


A cool and soft beauty's voice sounded from under the black veil.

"It's you...call me again..."

"The crazy servant, Morgan, the queen of the demon mirror country Britain, is also an existence that curses the history of pan-humanity."

"If you don't care about these things, I am willing to help you as a follower."

"Of course... as the Queen of Britain, I am already an unchangeable fact."

"So... I also look forward to the master, as a subject, to assist me well."


"Do you want me to treat you as a "husband"? ".

8. Wife's advice?The Matou family!danger!


The ruler of the lore belt "Fairy Round Table Domain".

With unparalleled terrifying strength, he has established an absolute kingship that lasted for thousands of years.

As the highest elf, she has a talent that even the gods are amazed by.

A magi of the Age of Gods who developed the "Gun of the End" based only on his understanding of magic.

Under the cold appearance, there is actually a heart that is more gentle than anyone else.

It is different from the willful, cruel and vicious image recorded in "Legend of King Arthur".

Morgan, who was born in the "Misunderstanding Belt", has erased these negative elements and is a talented woman with outstanding talents.

About her story, with a simple sentence, can be summed up...

"The story of the savior who rescued the common people, but suffered ruthless betrayal time and time again, and finally collapsed in despair and turned black into a dragon."


Jiang Shang recalled the plot in "Strange Belt" and the dramatic ending of the Fairy Queen.

all of a sudden...

I don't know what mood I should use to greet Her Majesty the Queen...


"Are you shy..."

"If that's the case, I'll take it as you admit it."

"Then from today onwards, you are my husband."

Morgan stared at the Master in front of her. As the Fairy Queen of the Lost Belt, she spoke first to break the silence.

I don't know if it's the influence of "Crazy Rank" or her original personality.


When we met for the first time, her dangerous speech sounded a bit scary!

"Cough cough..."

"I am your Master, and I need your power for this Holy Grail War."

After Jiang Shang came back to his senses, he immediately shifted the content of the conversation to the main topic.


After hearing the word "Holy Grail", Her Majesty the Queen of the Fairy Kingdom smiled disdainfully.

"The Holy Grail..."

"Ah... I remembered..."

"It's what those unsatisfactory humans are after."

Morgan sneered contemptuously.For a magician of the age of the gods like her, the Holy Grail that mankind craves is not worth mentioning at all!

"you misunderstood..."

"My purpose is to terminate the Holy Grail ceremony and destroy it if necessary, which is also under my consideration."

"That's why I called you."

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