Morgan's magic circuit, connected to the "sword scabbard"...

The blessing from the scabbard instantly endowed Morgan with the characteristic of "immortality"!


"how could you do this..."

"You have already ruined Britain, now you still want to humiliate me in this lowly way!"

Seeing that the "sword scabbard" that originally belonged to her has become a toy for her sister, Artoria asked angrily!


What made this Knight King even more angry was far from over!

Jiang Shang, who was sitting on the stone wall, was still a little worried. He looked at the magic gun in Morgan's hand, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration!


"It's better to change to a more convenient weapon!"

Jiang Shang connected consciousness into the "imaginary space".

The Holy Spear, which is the "Tower of Ending", has been reduced to the shape of a weapon again!

After Morgan, the "magician of the age of gods", it took a year to build.

The holy city of Camelot has already replaced this holy gun!

If so...

Why don't you take out the "Holy Spear of Ending" and lend it to your wife first to use it as a weapon!

Jiang Shang's words...

It caught Arturia's attention again...

When this terrifying man took out the "Gun of End" from the system backpack...

Arturia, I can't hold back any longer! .

78. Morgan's Heart!I know a thing or two about marksmanship!

"My husband..."

"Thank you..."

Morgan watched affectionately, her nominal husband...

Why did her master do these things for her in front of "Artoria"...


it's actually really easy...

I just want to say hello to her...


As the "King of the Lost Belt", Morgan...

Thousands of years ago, part of Morgan's spiritual base that incorporated "Pan-Human History"...

Gained the knowledge of "another self", so I can experience her biting hatred!

that sad woman...

Knowing that doing so would be tantamount to being smashed to pieces.

But she still has no hesitation, and she does not hesitate to destroy her spiritual foundation, and entrusts all of this to "myself in the Lost Belt".

In panhuman history, women who have no place...

Should have been the true successor of "Britain"...

But lost to a girl named "Artoria"...

For her, there is nothing more ridiculous than this...

In this case...

So for her, what she can't get has no value at all!

She would rather destroy her beloved Britain with her own hands than give it to someone else!

This hatred...

this despair...

This unwillingness...

All along with the knowledge, it was passed on to the "Fairy of Paradise in the Paradise Belt"...


Born in the "Sea of ​​Stars"...

The child of prophecy whose real name is "Vivienne"...

Accepting this fate, he became the current "Morgan"...



She just wanted to teach Artoria a lesson...

For myself in the history of pan-humanity, let out a bad breath...

Morgan's mood...

Jiang Shang already knew...


From the "sword scabbard" to the "endless holy gun", Jiang Shang didn't miss a single one...

have to say...

At this moment, Morgan is very happy...

Morgan, who has suffered countless betrayals and experienced the sufferings of the world, has transformed from a "savior" to a "dragon".

In thousands of years of life, no one has ever cherished her so much and regarded her as the apple of his eye.

This kindness...

This touch...

Already during a year of getting along, this cold and arrogant king unconsciously fell into...

I am afraid...

That's why...

She would rather waste "Yaolan", such a strong combat power...

The reason why this dangerous girl was imprisoned mercilessly in the "imaginary space"...

Just because I understand that the pain of loss...


For her, this is the only harbor left, and outsiders are not allowed to contaminate it!

even though...

It's the former subordinate, and it's the same...


Back to fighting...

The Holy Lance of Ending that fell from the sky stood vertically in front of Morgan.

The magic gun in Morgan's hand turned into black light particles and dissipated into the night sky.


Without any hesitation, she held the "Sacred Spear of Ending Lungomeniad"!

Under the blessing of the Holy Lance, the powerful aura exuded by Morgan has once again increased!

And all this...

The King of Knights clearly saw them all.

If it's just a "sword scabbard", Artoria is still understandable.

After all, it was her own, lost treasure...

But what this King of Knights couldn't accept was that she even had the "Spear of End" in her previous life!

all at this time...

It was taken out by Jiang Shang, and given to her the most hated witch in front of her face!

Even if it was to humiliate her, it would be too much to achieve this level!

The aggrieved Arturia burst into tears of anger!


As a knight, she felt a little jealous...

He didn't understand what kind of drug "Morgan", the hateful witch, gave Jiang Shang!

Why does this man spoil her so much!

Blessing is also good!

The scabbard is also good!

The holy gun is also good!

That man dotes on her sister too much!

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