Even though there were thousands of words in Morgan's heart at this moment, they could only be turned into a sigh.

In front of outsiders, as a wife, she must take care of her husband's face.

Even if the husband has done something very excessive, it should be treated as if nothing happened.

in particular...

In front of her disgusted sister...

As "Sister Wang", it is necessary for her to show a loving and harmonious appearance...

Absolutely don't let this woman see her jokes!


"Feel sorry..."

"I'm not good at fighting..."

"The next time you fight, you should do as you wish..."

Jiang Shang appeared in front of Morgan through the Five Elements Escape Technique, and sincerely apologized.

"It's okay..."

"I underestimated my opponent, it's not your fault..."

Morgan shook her head indifferently, and she decisively returned the Holy Lance of Limitation to Jiang Shang.

I am afraid that in the future, for a long time...

Morgan doesn't want to see this "holy gun" anymore...


After returning the Holy Spear to Jiang Shang, Morgan waved his palm...

Those extended ice edges turned into particles and disappeared...

Immediately after...

Morgan ignored the girl in front of her, who was still holding the holy sword and kept on guard.

Looking in the direction of "Emiya Kiritsugu"...

just now...

From that position, she sensed a familiar aura!

That was her former companion, and also her first knight!

She was the first to accompany her, experienced countless ups and downs, but always a strong friend with a smile on her face!


When the battle is over...

Habe just slipped away quietly...

But the silk thread that binds the hands of "Emiya Kiritsugu" proves that she once existed.


The first elf knight who was "Savior Ash", she is not ready yet...

How should I feel when I face my former friends...

"That's your best friend..."

"Thousands of years have survived, and these days are not bad..."

"One day, you guys will have a leisurely tea party in the courtyard of the royal palace of Camelot. "

Jiang Shang raised his hand and patted Morgan's shoulder, comforting the sentimental Her Majesty in front of him.


"The day will come..."

Morgan's eyes trembled slightly, and he responded with anticipation...

For thousands of years, too many things have happened, and she has too many things to tell her best friend.


Now she has more important things...

Morgan's eyes gradually became firm, and there are some things only she can do...

The black light particles, in Morgan's hands, turned into magic guns again...

Under Jiang Shang's gaze, she walked slowly towards Emiya Kiritsugu's position...


"what are you going to do!"

Artoria, she immediately sensed that something was wrong!

This vicious witch, no matter how cruel things are, she can do it!

Maybe God only knows...

What kind of inhuman torture will Emiya Kiritsugu suffer if she falls into her hands!

The girl clenched the holy sword tightly, just about to stop Morgan!

But Bagster, who had been on the sidelines before!

At this time, he returned to the battlefield, using his tall body, stopped the knight king, and continued to move forward!

"Step aside!"

"I don't want to be your enemy!"

Artoria said eagerly.

The contract between her and Emiya Kiritsugu is related to whether she can get the holy grail that she dreams of!


But Bagster suddenly yelled!

"Be sober! The knight king of pan-human history!"

"Can't you see it yet!"

"That man has been deceiving you and using you as a weapon!"

"What qualifications does such a despicable and shameless man have to be your master!"

Bagster persuaded him angrily.

Emiya Kiritsugu's despicable behavior is not worthy of the noble knight king!

This is an insult to the knights!

It is all because of the "don't kill" order issued by the master to survive until now!

0····Ask for flowers·······

If not...

As early as in the previous battle, Bagster had already beheaded this man!

Morgan walked in the direction of "Emiya Kiritsugu", she looked down at the man on the ground indifferently.

Glancing at her "stupid sister", she said in a cold voice.

"Almost a year ago..."

"I am present as a "crazy servant"..."

"From the moment I came to this world, I already understood the purpose of this ceremony."

"The "Holy Grail Container" connected to the Great Spiritual Vein is fully filled by offering seven "Sacrifice". "

"Thus borrowing the vast magic power to realize the materialization of the souls of all human beings."

"That is what you modern humans call the "third magic"..."

...... 0

"Am i right?"

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Morgan's mouth, and her ice blue eyes looked at the Command Seal in the man's hand.


"Did you use up "one" so quickly? "

"Presumably the remaining two command spells, one of which is reserved for the order: let the servant "judgment"..."

"after all..."

"The seven "sacrifices" offered to the Holy Grail are exactly us, the servants of this world..."

Morgan didn't lower his voice, so even Artoria could hear clearly.

This simple King Arthur, after hearing the cruel truth, showed an angry expression.

"Tell me! Emiya Kiritsugu!"

"All of this is not true!"

Artoria questioned her fallen Master, she clenched the holy sword in her hand angrily.

She was cheated!

She did not hesitate to surrender her status and participated in this Holy Grail War as a "Servant"!

The purpose is to get the Holy Grail!

Thus rewriting the fate of "Britain" subjugated!


At this moment, Morgan, in front of her, uttered the dark and cruel truth coldly!

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