
two options...

The former is the "Clan of the Tooth", the most valiant clan of fairies in the Fairy Country!

All are fighters!

Terrible strength, not inferior to followers!

It is a powerful army that cannot be ignored!

The latter is the "Sword of the King's Choice", this sword is like King Arthur himself!Summon and command, all Knights of the Round Table!

have to say...

As expected of "Artoria"...

The two options she provided, no matter which one you choose, it seems that it is not a loss!


Jiang Shang stroked his chin and began to fall into deep thought...

And the other side...

After hearing the words of "Morgan", Arturia was furious for a moment!

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"I...didn't...admit defeat..."

The girl's scolding didn't even finish, she knelt weakly on the ground 0...

Because of the stripping of the "Command Seal", the contract between her and Emiya Kiritsugu has been forcibly broken.

at this time...

This King of Knights has lost his mana supply!


Consumption in previous battles...

For her who does not have the authority to "act alone", she has already lost the ability to fight.

At this time, she was as weak as a girl...

Powerless to resist, can only endure humiliation...


"Before making a choice..."

"I have a question, I want to ask clearly."

"Arturia, King of Britain."

"Why did you become king?"

"Is it to... get the approval of the 4.3 people in the world?"

"Or...do you want to be different?"

Jiang Shang looked down at the girl kneeling on the ground in front of him, and asked in a heavy tone.

Artoria's answer will determine her fate!

Arturia froze...

She raised her weak face with tears, but fixed her eyes on Jiang Shang resolutely, and answered seriously.


"I'm not interested in these vanities..."

"The reason why I became king is to protect the smiles of more people!"

"It is to build an ideal country that will not lose to "Avalon"! "

Even though she knelt on the ground weakly, the girl's words still contained shocking power!

Jiang Shang smiled gratifiedly...

After hearing the girl's answer, he already had a choice in his mind.

"In that case..."

"Then let me see if you really have the ability to realize this great wish...".

82. The Shock of the King of Knights!A gift for future civilizations!

"Your choice: subdue Artoria."

"Congratulations on getting: The Sword of the King's Choice!"

"The Sword of the King's Chosen: The legendary sword in the stone, which can be used as a holy relic to summon the Knights of the Round Table including Arthur!"


After the system prompts...

The two "Command Spells" floating in front of Morgan seemed to have been summoned!

Melt into Jiang Shang's left hand at a speed close to light!

The iron-like pain made Jiang Shang frowned slightly.

From now on...

Arturia, the pure knight king, has become Jiang Shang's follower!

The master-slave contract is concluded again!

The magic power from Jiang Shang poured into the girl's body unstoppably like a flood from a dam!

Under the supply of magic power, the originally weak girl seemed to be injected with a booster!

The girl's cheeks were flushed, she clenched the holy sword in her hand, and stood up from the ground again!

too strong!

Such exuberant magic power!

"Why...don't kill me..."

The girl named Arturia lowered her sad face and sighed desolately.

She already knew that the "Holy Grail War" was just a scam, and she didn't have the ability to fulfill her wishes...


If so...

Then what's the point of her continuing to stay in this world...


Regarding the girl's question, Jiang Shang shook his head lightly, with a confident smile on his face.

"Artoria, what is the wish you entrusted to the Holy Grail? "

Jiang Shang pretended to be puzzled and asked the girl in front of him.


"Is there any point in saying this now?"

The girl laughed at herself sadly.She avoided Jiang Shang's gaze, and looked at the unconscious Emiya Kiritsugu.

If it wasn't for Morgan, tell her the truth...


When she defeated: the remaining six followers...

As the "Seventh Sacrifice", under the compulsive command of the Command Seal, he will execute himself.

after all...

This ruthless, cold-blooded man can even abandon his wife and daughter...

It wouldn't be a surprise that he would do something like this...

From the beginning...

It's just how beautiful she imagined...

If it wasn't for Artoria, her willpower is strong enough, maybe she would have cried by now...


Jiang Shang walked up to the "Knight King"...

Under Arturia's expression of extreme reluctance, she held up her chin with her fingers...

Forcing the depressed girl to look at herself again.

"What the Holy Grail can't do..."

"It doesn't mean I can't do it..."

Jiang Shang showed a helpless expression, and made fun of the girl in front of him.

"What did you say?"

"Things that even the Holy Grail... can't do..."

"How could you... would do it..."

Artoria raised her head in astonishment, and questioned in shock.

At least...

Before tonight, she didn't know Jiang Shang's identity.

I don't know the strength of this man, I don't know his treasure!

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