Chapter 1037 Crisis

Ning Chuan didn't continue to investigate anymore, the strange feeling of Shenzang was too vague to be captured specifically.

It may be that his realm is not enough.

It is also possible that some trigger condition was not met.

No matter what, it doesn't make any practical sense to continue.

Ning Chuan half turned around, his eyes fell on Zhao Qinglian who was not far away, and he asked directly, "How did you get out of here?"

It was the first time for him to come to the chaotic blood domain. When he used the barren body to meet up with Zhao Qinglian and others, he just watched from a distance and did not enter to investigate.

However, because he knew that he had to escape through the chaotic blood field, he searched the relevant information to understand the danger of the chaotic blood field.

The survival rate of the pioneers who hunted for treasure in the past is less than half!

And this mainly happens in the peripheral area.

The depths are even more dangerous, not to mention the top princes, they can even threaten the life of the true god.

Several true gods have died here in history.

The blood rain continued for many years.

"I've never been to this area!"

Zhao Qinglian looked around, a solemn look appeared in her eyes, the depths of the chaotic blood area are not all dangerous, but coming to an unfamiliar area is definitely not a good thing.

She looked at the rest of the demons and asked if anyone had been there.

The results were less promising.

No one nodded.

"The wilderness is not uncommon in the blood domain, but the soil here is different from anything I have seen before."

"Never seen it!"

"There are several paths leading to the depths, and there are no similar scenes around!"

Hearing everyone's answers, Zhao Qinglian shook her head.

Then, she took out a round stone ball, the whole body was dark red, similar to the rising mist around it. After spreading her palms, the dark red stone ball rose into the air, and blood-like ripples appeared on the surface, causing the mist to vibrate, as if in the air. some sort of guidance.

"This is... a blood stone?"

Ning Chuan's eyes flashed, he sized up the crimson stone ball, vaguely recognized it, and said, "Can you use it to attract the power of the chaotic blood domain?"


Zhao Qinglian admitted frankly.

At the side, Mei Xiaoyao seemed to be thinking of something, and said with an emphasis: "Once the bloodstone is engraved with a spiritual imprint, it cannot be used by others if it is taken away!"

At the end, she was still not at ease, looked at Ning Chuan and added: "My master has received the power of the chaotic blood domain for this blood stone several times, and it's hard to say whether I can use it again."

Ning Chuan: "..."

He really just wanted to ask.

Mei Xiaoyao realized that her answer was a bit abrupt, so she smiled coyly, and said dryly, "I'm afraid you don't understand, so I can introduce you to you, thank you."

Ning Chuan shook his head helplessly, thought for a while, and said, "How to get a brand new bloodstone?"

Most of the information he found was public information on the Internet, without much value.

"I do not know."

Mei Xiaoyao answered truthfully, turned her face sideways, looked at Zhao Qinglian who had triggered the bloodstone, and said, "My master seems to have obtained it by accident."

"Blood stones are automatically generated by the power of the chaotic blood field. The mechanism of generation is irregular, but it is mainly concentrated in the deep area. I escaped into the depths of the chaotic blood field while avoiding the pursuit of a true god, and found it by chance. "

Zhao Qinglian briefly explained.

Blood Rain King showed a smile on his face, leaned over to explain further, and said: "Blood stones are easier to find in the depths, but relatively speaking, the overall number is very rare. It is estimated that blood stones that have not been exhausted to the outside world are more The number of immortals is still small, and can be counted on one hand."

Ning Chuan nodded, and then asked a lot of related questions.

Although the blood stone has many restrictions, its flaws are not hidden, and it is definitely a treasure.

The power of receiving and guiding has reached the level of a true god.

It can also be used to escape and go to the depths of the chaotic blood field.

If one can be obtained, it can be regarded as a very powerful hole card, and it may be used at any time.


All of a sudden, the blood stone that was lifted into the air stopped shaking and fell into Zhao Qinglian's hands. Everyone's eyes turned to Zhao Qinglian. Seeing Zhao Qinglian's expression, they immediately had a bad feeling.

Zhao Qinglian frowned tightly, showing a serious meaning, and said: "The blood stone can't guide you in a specific direction."

In this case, there are usually only two possibilities.

They came to the extreme depths of the chaotic blood domain, beyond the guidance range of the blood stone.


This area is a dangerous place that can interfere with the guidance of the blood stone.

Either way, it's not good news for everyone.

However, almost all the devils at the scene crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses, and they didn't panic.

Ning Chuan was even more calm, and pondered: "Choose a direction at random?"

This is the solution he saw online.

Zhao Qinglian nodded lightly, glanced at the rest of the devils, and said, "This is the only way to go."

"Let's go then."

Ning Chuan thought for a moment, then headed straight ahead.

His current combat power surpassed that of Zhao Qinglian by a fraction, very powerful.

At the same time, there is an extermination world!

Not to mention shoulder to shoulder with true gods, at least for a certain period of time, you can compete with many true gods in the universe!

He has mastered the Dao of Destruction, which can fully demonstrate the lethality of this artifact.

Many demons quickly followed.


The wilderness is vast and far-reaching, and the thick red mist is boundless, as if it can never be seen through.

After several days in a row, everyone still hasn't left the wilderness. If they didn't have keen senses and could detect subtle changes in the area, they would suspect that they were going in circles.

"How long will it take to go on like this!"

The Blood Rain King was a little irritable, looking at a piece of gravel under his feet, he wanted to kick it away, but finally endured it, gritted his teeth and stepped over.

Most of the dangers in the depths of the chaotic blood domain are weird and bizarre, and the trigger conditions are unknown.

Except for necessary actions, it is best not to touch anything else.

After all, just yesterday, during their normal flight, they suddenly encountered a silent hurricane, and they were completely unaware. All four demons died in an instant, and the others landed quickly, so they avoided the area swept by the hurricane. For safety's sake , and then keep moving forward.

"Slower is better than premature death!"

A demon who was close to the Blood Rain King shrugged. His personality was relatively stable and he was not in a hurry.

But as soon as the words fell, his face turned into a pig liver color, his expression was distorted and ferocious, and he didn't have time to scream. With a bang, his whole body exploded into a cloud of blood, which shocked everyone's expressions.

Although this dead demon was not a top prince, he also realized the first-rank law, and his strength was significantly higher than that of the Blood Rain King!

Ning Chuan was equally ashamed, and based on his perception, he didn't notice it at all.

However, in the past few days, he has seen many dangers in the depths of the chaotic blood field, and he has anticipated this, so he did not act rashly.


The devil of death is like the key to open this place. The wilderness is plunged into violent vibrations. A mountain rises from the ground and appears in the sight of everyone. Just like this wilderness, there is no life at all, only red soil and debris. Stone, like countless layers of dried blood stains piled up.

at the same time.

A deeper dense fog fell from the mountain, like thick dark red blood, rolling and rushing, sweeping in all directions.

In an instant, they were approaching Ning Chuan and the others!

Chapter 1038 To be honest, destroying the world is a bit redundant

Many devils can't perceive the danger of this dense fog, but out of biological instinct, they subconsciously want to dodge.

However, as soon as the demons in front moved away, their faces turned red, and just like the dead demon, they exploded into blood mist in an instant and died on the spot!


Many demon heads were terrified, and their hairs stood on end.

They were completely unaware of why those people died.

Ning Chuan's eyes were full of divine light, changing countless visions, and he suddenly stopped: "Don't use the original force and laws!"

Under the targeted investigation, he vaguely sensed that some invisible force had penetrated into the bodies of everyone including him, and the fluctuations of laws and force would detonate it like sparks!

As for lethality?

Those devils who were killed in an instant and couldn't even resist were the answer!

at the same time.

With the invisible power entering his body, Ning Chuan noticed that the strange feeling of some divine possessions in his body quickly became clear!


The next moment, in the violently changing eyes of everyone, a thick dark red fog spread over and engulfed them all.

To the surprise and pleasant surprise of many devils, this new dense fog seems to be just a change in color, and has no lethality.

They were in it, all unscathed.

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