The next day.

On June 6st, the Shanhai talent training camp officially came to an end.

The 100 practitioners all left in the early morning.

At noon, the sun was scorching.

Base gate.

A taxi stops.

Detective Li from the recruitment department pulled the suitcase and opened the door to get out of the car. Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, there was an unconcealable look of exhaustion on his face.

For several months in a row, he has been running around collecting information on students for the next training camp.

Physically tired, Detective Li was excited and walked into the base quickly.

He was looking forward to how many rules that little boy named Ning Chuan had learned in the training camp!

Chapter 99 The two-month period has come, and the Dragon King returns

Because all the students had left, the base was a little empty.

"Brother Zou, Sister Wang!"

Walking on the road, Tan Li ran into two colleagues, greeted them with a smile, and said casually, "I'm asking, have you two heard of the student Ningchuan?"

The words fall.

A man and a woman on the opposite side looked at each other and spoke at the same time.

"Big name!"

"It's like thunder!"

Detective Li couldn't help shaking his head.

How many times has Ning Chuan been punished to impress the employees so deeply.

Come to think of it, these two months must have been extremely hard.

But that's fine.

Young people just have to experience more lessons.

"What rules did he break?"

Detective Li thought for a while and asked curiously.

Sister Wang quickly shook her head and said, "What kind of regulations have been violated? Don't talk nonsense. Don't worry, just behave like one!"

Brother Zou immediately said: "However, speaking of regulations, Ning Shen has made a rule that the king's body must not be humiliated!"

Peace of mind?Royal body?

Hearing these words, Detective Li was startled.

It seemed a million times different from what he had imagined.

Brother Zou saw Detective Li's doubts, handed him a document, and said seriously: "This is Ningshen's evaluation form, you can see it after reading it."

Detective Li lowered his head and looked at the document in his hand.

next moment.

Eyes almost popped out.

In the evaluation form, the column of special physique is particularly eye-catching, marked in bright red font.

Xeon Physique, Eternal Night King Physique!


It records Ning Chuan's performance in the training camp.

A dense bunch.

Every one made Detective Li tremble with fear.

Under the same strength, compete with the three instructors in agility, weapons, and fighting. Without exception, all of them are strong winners!

Comprehension crowns the world!

Three days and four epiphanies!

One epiphany, ascending to six realms, reaching perfection!

Alone, suppressing the mountains and seas, with his own strength, he pierced through almost all the martial arts students!

Personal points, 35, ten times the previous highest record!

Driving a mech for the first time, he successfully performed martial arts!


During the reading, Detective Li was so frightened that his hands trembled, he accidentally squeezed the evaluation form tightly, and let the sea breeze sweep up to the sky.

Detective Li subconsciously reached out to grab it, but failed.

I can only watch the paper go away.

He saw the last column.

That was the evaluation of Ning Chuan by the four instructors.

Very concise.

Only four words:

Like a god in the world!


On the same day, Ning Chuan's evaluation form was reported to the Donglin government headquarters.

Not long after that, it was learned by the top forces of all parties.

It caused another commotion.

The Xeon physique that hasn't been released for many years is stronger than they imagined!

However, Ning Chuan didn't know about it.

He had already boarded the plane to Qingshan City.

Six pm.

Castle Peak Airport.

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short. At this point, the sun has not yet sunk into the horizon, and the orange-red light covers the sky and the earth, brilliant but not dazzling.

In the airport, the flow of people is dense and bustling.

On many large screens, the countdown to the college entrance examination is playing, decreasing by the second.

Pedestrians passing by will subconsciously glance at it.

In the peaceful age, it is no exaggeration to say that the college entrance examination is the most important event of the year for the Federation, not one of them.

The culture test is not very noticeable.

But the martial arts test is broadcast live worldwide!

Great attention!

The Federation has a population of 800 billion. According to statistics, more than 600 billion people watched the live broadcast or watched the video afterwards.

This kind of attention can be imagined.

As soon as he walked out of the security inspection channel, Ning Chuan saw not far away, Lu Mengyue smiled and waved to him.

That fair and pretty face was full of the joy of reunion after a long absence.

Ning Chuan came up to him, raised his brows, and joked, "Miss Lu, you came to pick me up?!"

"Your Excellency, I'm sorry!"

Lu Mengyue bent down and saluted, and said apologetically, "Yong Ye's royal body came to Qingshan, and it's really too shabby for me to greet him alone.

No matter how you say it, the red carpet will be laid on the floor. All the dignitaries in the city will be present. Hundreds of young and beautiful girls will greet you with smiles, holding flowers and greeting you in unison! "

Ning Chuan laughed dumbfounded, and said, "Has the news about me being Wang Ti reached Qingshan City?"

"Yes and no."

Lu Mengyue thought for a while and explained: "In Qingshan City, there are no more than 10 people who know that you are a king body, including me."

"Why didn't it spread?"

Ning Chuan felt strange.

The royal body is not an ordinary thing, and logically speaking, it will attract much attention.

"Because I dare not."

Lu Mengyue smiled pretty, and said: "You will become a knight in the future, with the blessing of the king body, your combat power will be comparable to that of a peak knight.

It's just too scary.

Before getting your approval, no one dares to take the risk of spreading the word!

If you want to hide your strength and bide your time, and expose the matter of Wang Ti in advance, you may be offended. "


Ning Chuan blinked, feeling a little regretful.

If everyone knows about Wang Ti, it will definitely be of great benefit to him in attracting traffic in the college entrance examination.

It's a pity that those insiders are too timid.

Lu Mengyue said: "Let's talk while walking, go out first."

Afterwards, the two left the airport.

"Put the backpack in the trunk, the interior space in the car is small, and it's uncomfortable to hold."

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