Not a seasoned special fighter.

Under the life, there are still a few people who dare to make a move.

Ning Chuan swung the silver-blooded saber as fast as lightning. After the sixth slash, the speed of the saber surpassed that of Flash Thunder Slash.

After that, every time the knife is swung down, a mask must appear.


The silver blood in Ning Chuan's hand is getting faster and faster.

The light of the knife filled the sky, accompanied by Ning Chuan's shuttle, like the Milky Way pouring down, covering the ten-meter-wide Heroic Spirit Bridge.


A candidate flew upside down, screaming miserably.

His left arm was almost cut off, leaving only some muscles connected to the shoulder.

The watch's shield activated.

However, Ning Chuan's rainstorm 36 slashes reached [-] slashes, and the speed was terrifying. Before the shield surrounded the examinee, he had already cut off most of his left arm.


Another candidate screamed in pain and lay in a pool of blood.

He was surrounded by a light shield.

However, the upper body was still bleeding profusely.

A wound more than half a meter long stretched obliquely from the shoulder to the abdomen, with deep bone visible.


Ning Chuan's eyes were cold, and he continued to swing the knife.

Every knife fell.

There were severed limbs mixed with blood in large swaths.

In an instant.

Ning Chuan landed the final No.30 six slashes.

There were several seriously injured candidates on the ground, howling miserably.

The rest of the candidates felt their scalps go numb and froze in their steps, not daring to move forward.

They dared to attack the bridge, the greatest confidence is the shield of the watch.

But now, the shield is no longer able to protect.

Chapter 117 College entrance examination, be fair!So, all kinds of things on everyone...

For a time, more than 8000 candidates froze in place, in a dilemma.

Go up the bridge.

They dare not.

The candidates who were wounded by Ning Chuan in the end were lying in a pool of blood with their limbs completely severed.

This shows that if Ning Chuan wants to kill him.

It is completely possible to cut off their heads before the shield is activated.

Martial arts test allows a certain casualty rate.

back away.

They are reluctant.

Although the college entrance examination is said to be more than once, many people will not accept a [-]% reduction in the score, regardless of the waste of a year.

The number of candidates in Donglin is about ten million every year.

One point less, ranking 1 lower is normal.

Not to mention [-]% less.

"Please get out of the way, I want to pass!"

Li Haoyun squeezed out of the crowd, came to the front of the bridge, and then turned to look at the group of candidates, with a look of pity flashing in the depths of his eyes.

Before, when waiting for the candidates to gather, he used the original force to transmit sound and asked Ning Chuan quietly.

Is it true that a candidate is not allowed to cross the bridge.

Got a negative answer.

Li Haoyun coughed, and seeing everyone's attention, he said, "Everyone, don't be so disappointed!

It's not impossible to cross the bridge!

After all, one of the main reasons for Wang Ti's closure of the bridge is also to get better college entrance examination results."

After a pause, Li Haoyun showed a smile, and said: "Besides, it's still early before the end of the martial arts exam. If everyone quits, the results will not be high!"

It has to be said that Li Haoyun, a martial artist who broadcasts live all the year round, has a very high level of speech skills.

Tell everyone first, you can negotiate.

He also secretly warned that everyone has no capital to counter the price!

"How much is the bridge toll?"

Candidates immediately ask questions.

Li Haoyun coughed lightly and said, "Well, it varies from person to person!"

"How much is that?"

"I am willing to hand over all the score cards!"

"I didn't find the score card, but I have a lot of supplies!"

Hearing that it is possible to cross the bridge, a large group of loud voices sounded, and many people rushed to express their opinions.

Li Haoyun pressed his hands, signaled the examinee to be quiet, opened his eyes and spoke nonsense, and said, "The college entrance examination is to be fair, one of the purposes of Wang Ti's closure of the bridge, and there is also consideration for this!"

He said solemnly: "So, everyone who wants to continue to participate, only people can go!

As for weapons, score cards, and various supplies, all must be kept! "

"Then where do I put my stuff?"

A girl in the front row was startled.

Li Haoyun squinted at her, and returned, "What do you think?"

The words fall.

The crowd boiled, as if a pot had exploded.

They are not stupid, they can hear the meaning of Li Haoyun's words.

What varies from person to person.

It is differentiated charges!

Regardless of rich or poor, hand in all.

No wonder it should be fair!

Nothing is left, can it be unfair!

It's darker than big data killing!

Not at all!


Li Haoyun scolded, looked around everyone, and said coldly: "Candidates who are unwilling to cross the bridge can leave!

This is not required.

However, please remember that after leaving, you must not return again, otherwise, you will bear the consequences! "

Li Haoyun spoke so calmly that the eyes of many candidates changed slightly.

They originally wanted to leave to hide their belongings first, and then turn back to cross the bridge.

Now it seems that obviously does not work.

Among the crowd, some candidates left one after another.

However, equivalent to the number of these candidates, they only accounted for a small part, not even a single one.

The cost of skipping the exam is too high for many people to bear.

Li Haoyun smiled and said: "Everyone who doesn't leave, it is very wise to pay for the things outside the body, and then make money to buy them.

As for the score card, the martial arts test is only half over, so you can look for it again. "

As he spoke, he raised his hands high and said loudly: "You stand in line with each other, facing me, and form a square formation of ten people.

Candidates in each row check each other and are not allowed to hide.

One person hides it privately, and none of them are allowed to cross the bridge! "

Hear this.

The crowd surged up, lined up and checked each other carefully, for fear of being affected by others.


In the live broadcast hall, Lin Shizhi saw this scene, even though she had rich experience in commentary, she didn't know what to say.

Ning Chuan relied on the rules of the college entrance examination to rob?

Not very accurate.

After all, it is an act allowed by the college entrance examination and complies with the law.

Among the previous candidates, there are many students who have gained a lot.

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