Isn't he domineering enough?

In the arena today, in front of millions of people, he threatened Wu Hanhai to renege on his debt, so he and Wu Guangzhi and his son were killed.

"Mr. Qin, I understand."

Ning Chuan turned around, glanced at Qin Ya who was looking at him, and strode away.

After leaving the Storm Villa, Ning Chuan boarded a floating car, quickly lifted off, and flew towards the school library.

I don't have class today, so I still have a lot of time left.

He was going to teach himself those theoretical knowledge.

He is quick-witted, and even without the guidance of a tutor, it is not difficult to learn.

inside the car.

Ning Chuan took out his mobile phone and notified Song Shiyu and Shi Feng that the issue of the credit company's backing had been resolved.

The three have a private chat group.

"Roger that!"

Song Shiyu was the first to reply, saying: "I will inform the staff and Fengyu Building to start promoting it immediately. It will take two or three days to spread to the student population. If there is no accident, it will open this Friday."


Ning Chuan agreed.

At this time, Shi Feng sent an inquiry, saying: "Which address should I choose? The ten shops are all renovated and can be used at any time."

Song Shiyu spoke and suggested: "To be on the safe side, choose a relatively remote place for the first store, and try the school's attitude."

"no need."

Qin Ya's words suddenly flashed across his heart, and Ning Chuan smiled faintly:

"Choose the business district, the address in the prime location."

Chapter 253 The 57 Martial Arts of the Sky, the Mystery of Zheng Gui's Disappearance


Suddenly, the phone vibrated.

On the way to the library, Ning Chuan received a text message.

From Tang Qianjun.

After sweeping his eyes, Ning Chuan felt hot, and immediately turned the floating vehicle to go to Wanwu Pavilion.

There are a batch of martial seals of the sky martial arts, which have been depreciated.

Wanwu Pavilion.

an office.

"Take it, that's all."

Seeing Ning Chuan push the door in, Tang Qianjun pointed to the desk in front of him without hesitation.

There, there is a pile of martial arts seals.

Ning Chuan glanced, raised his gaze, and looked at Tang Qianjun.

More than 40 pieces!

"For the sake of beating Wu Guangzhi's son so violently, I have reserved some more martial arts for you, a total of 57 subjects!"

Tang Qianjun chuckled.

Although Wu Guangzhi was very popular in the college, but for some reason, he just couldn't get used to it.

"I know you kid likes weapons and martial arts, and all 44 subjects are weapons and martial arts.

Among them, there are about the same number of elementary, intermediate, and high-level sects, all of which are more than ten. "

Tang Qianjun explained: "There are more than ten other martial arts of different types, involving body skills, boxing skills, auxiliary types, etc.

If you don't have enough energy, just a little comprehension will do.

It is used to comprehend by analogy and lay the foundation for you to create your own martial arts in the future. "

"Thank you, Dean Tang!"

Ning Chuan grinned.

"Didn't I tell you, you're welcome!"

Tang Qianjun smiled, turned over his palm, took out a printed booklet, and said: "There is information on the founder of martial arts on it, and they are all masters of the martial arts academy. After you pass it on, you can go to them to practice and say It may not be possible to enter the epiphany state."

With that said, he handed out the booklet.

Ning Chuan didn't say anything publicly.

However, Tang Qianjun and other instructors can roughly guess it from Ning Chuan's performance.

Ning Chuan has a certain chance to enter the state of epiphany by observing the profound truth or the law.


Ning Chuan took the book with a bright smile.

God generals have laws, and his martial arts, as long as he observes them, he will be enlightened to perfection.

Moreover, the progress can be improved in the follow-up.

If the martial art is full of dharma, it can also be comprehended!


Tang Qianjun suddenly thought of something, and reminded: "Among the founders of these martial arts, there are three great generals who are not at the school now, so you don't have to go to them, it saves you a trip in vain."

"The two instructors, Zhang Kai and Liu Shayun, led the team to the Luna Ruins a few days ago, and they probably won't be back until the winter vacation."

Thinking back, Tang Qianjun said, "The other mentor, named Zheng Gui, is currently missing and his whereabouts are unknown."

"Zheng Gui!"

Ning Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He is no stranger to this name.

The Nine Nether Lightning Saber he inherited was created by the other party, and he has learned about it specially, and wants to observe the other party's profound meaning.

"How did you disappear?"

Ning Chuan asked curiously.

The information he searched on the Fenghua Forum was just Zheng Wei's report of his disappearance, without any intermediate process.

Hearing this, Tang Qianjun's face changed, and he became serious, saying: "It's very weird!"

"Zheng Gui disappeared more than 30 years ago, and the location is in the school."

"To be more precise, it was in his room, and suddenly disappeared without any movement!"

Tang Qianjun said in a deep voice: "In terms of strength, Zheng Gui is stronger than Lao Zhou. Logically speaking, even if the king of heaven attacks and kills, he can't do it quietly!"

Hearing these words, Ning Chuan's eyes flashed, and he said, "An acquaintance committed the crime?"

"This possibility is not ruled out!"

Tang Qianjun nodded and said, "At that time, some people were so suspicious.

However, Heavenly King Weichen personally inspected it many times, but did not find the slightest trace.

Afterwards, the FBI formed the most elite task force to investigate Zheng Gui's disappearance, but also found nothing.

In the end, after so many years, nothing happened. "

"It's really weird."

Ning Chuan agreed.

A divine general disappeared without a sound.

It's hard for him to imagine.

who can do it.

"Stop talking about it."

Tang Qianjun waved his hand, changed the subject, and asked, "How far have you cultivated your Eight-Part Heavenly Gate, and how long will it take to reach perfection?"

Ning Chuan pondered for a while, and said: "Basically, it is only the last step.

Now in a bottleneck period.

If you are fast, you will be able to break through in the next few days.

Bad luck, maybe a month or two. "

Tang Qianjun couldn't help but twitched his face.

One or two months, isn't it fast? !

That is the perfect realm of high-level martial arts of the stars!

After coughing, Tang Qianjun forced a smile and said, "It's...not bad, keep working hard.

I told Lao Zhou that as long as you can reach the state of perfection, you can get rewards for repairing star martial arts in advance.

As for Wu Yin, it won't be too late to engrave it after you become a knight! "

"Dean Tang, you have worked hard."

Ning Chuan bowed slightly and thanked earnestly.

Even though Tang Qianjun knew that he could not be accepted as an apprentice, he still cared about him very much.


Tang Qianjun laughed and said: "Don't be polite, you are walking in the world, the school must seriously train you!"


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