"That's not the case. It's mainly Ning Chuan himself. His physical strength exceeds [-] tons, and his eight doors are fully opened. With a four-fold increase, his physical strength is close to [-] tons!"

Some instructors persuaded students not to be too fanatical.

But not much.

"I admit that Ning Chuan has his own advantages, but Ning Chuan has not yet reached the perfection level in these two heavy swordsmanship!"

"It is definitely the top martial art in the sky, with the potential to rival the martial arts of the stars!"

"I must try it!"

During the conversation, some students left the open-air square and rushed to the shop of the Eraser Foundation excitedly.

Among the special credits, there are these two martial arts.

It can be purchased directly.

The price is much cheaper than normal credits.


However, when these students arrived, they were full of curses.

The Erase Foundation has raised its price.

"Damn it! Ning Chuan, who has a dark heart, once the race is over, I raced here because I was afraid that he would increase the price, but it was too late!"

"Each increase is 50 billion yuan... and it is said to take care of the students, I want to hack him to death!"

"Then buy it or not?"

"Of course I have to buy it, and I have to buy it quickly. If it is a few days later, I think Ning Chuan will raise the price again when there are more people buying it!"

Chapter 268 Two Strategies to Get Ningchuan's Erasing Foundation

Ning Chuan only threw out two swords, which shocked Jia Tianzong to the point of vomiting blood, and the visual impact was too strong!

The result is.

The Thirteen Swords of Moving Mountains and the Sword of Chongyue have become the most popular martial arts in Xinghe University, none of them!

There were more than [-] students seeking special credits on that day!

And the martial seals of these two martial arts can only be passed down seventy or eighty times in total.

To be fair.

last resort.

Under the suggestion of the business consultant, the Wipe Foundation increased the prices of the two martial arts significantly, which was higher than the normal credits.

However, sales are still booming.

Ning Chuan was a little surprised by this.

I didn't expect the effect of this battle to be so good.

"Since this is the case, the next battle may make those students who are about to fight stronger!"

Ning Chuan stroked his chin.

"It's not good to let them have one hand. Except for Guan Yun, the difference between the two hands is huge!"

"Allow them to find helpers... this is fine!"

"Or more than a dozen students who quickly make an appointment to join forces?"

Ning Chuan's thoughts rose and he fell into deep thought.


late at night.

In the north of the campus, Wu Guangzhi's villa.

A conference room.

Only one light was turned on, and it was a little dim.

The heavy curtains were drawn down, covering tightly and airtightly.

Long conference table.

Wu Guangzhi sat at the main seat, and on the left and right sides, there were dozens of people sitting, all of them were powerful, at least there were many knights and generals.

If timid students are present, they will be too scared to speak.

These people include instructors from the Martial Arts Academy, members of the Ancient Martial Academy, and leaders of the law enforcement department...

It can be said that they are all high-level officials of Xinghe University.

On weekdays, their relationship is actually not harmonious, and many people even have irreconcilable conflicts.

Gather together at this moment.

Just because of one person.

Walk the world, Ning Chuan!

Or, because of a store, wipe out the foundation!

These high-level officials are the ones who Yang Wanli told Ning Chuan that they were using their credits for profit.

"The business of the Wiping Foundation is getting better and better. The daily quota has expanded from 300 to 500 people, and the supply is still in short supply!"

"This is just the beginning. Ningchuan should not be short of money now, and it's not time for large-scale supply!"

"Ning Chuan has completed more than ten martial arts schools. If there are more in number and types, the students in the academy may develop the habit of buying martial arts from him!"

A noisy voice sounded.

Many people spoke, very dissatisfied!

"Be quiet!"

Someone shouted loudly, looked at a location, and said, "Xie Lian, what did the Guwu Research Institute say?"

"There is no way."

Xie Lian shook his head, and said darkly: "The school board thinks that he has the hope of completing the method of spiritual power cultivation.

Specially issued an order to the organizing committee.

The rewards for Ning Chuan's recovery of martial arts should be distributed immediately, and no one should hinder them.

Even if there is any doubt, rewards must be given first! "

Hearing this, Wu Guangzhi on the main seat narrowed his eyes slightly, and a flash of light flashed across his face.

Nearby, angry voices were heard.

"The school board will intervene, this is the end!"

"I can't move him anymore!"

"Damn it, can we just watch and let him open the credit store!"

Many people looked ugly.

At this time, Wu Guangzhi pressed his hands and said with a smile: "Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient.

As one of the school board members, I can clearly tell you that the school board only pays attention to Ning Chuan's restoration of martial arts.

Don't interfere with other things.

There will be no preferential treatment for Ning Chuan either! "

"As for the credit store, don't worry, there is a way."

Wu Guangzhi looked indifferent, and said: "Moreover, there are still two!"

"Dean Wu, don't be a fool, just say it!"

Someone anxiously urged.

Wu Guangzhi stretched out a finger, and said directly: "First, cut off the source of Ning Chuan's credits!"

"His credits, currently, mainly come from the students of Yue Zhan!"

Wu Guangzhi said in a deep voice: "It just so happens that Guan Yun, the fifth student who is about to fight, is powerful and ranks among the top [-] on the list of heroes!"

Xie Lian thought for a while and questioned: "Although I dislike Ning Chuan, I have to admit that as a knight, I can't see through his strength. Guan Yun is not [-]% sure that he will face him!"

"I know!"

Wu Guangzhi nodded, then, looking around at the crowd, he said with a smile, "So, I want everyone to cooperate.

Everyone shed some blood and gave Guan Yun some equipment to raise his combat power to the level of a knight.

In that case, Ning Chuan will definitely lose, and he will not be able to get the follow-up credits! "

The words fall.

Everyone in the conference room agreed.

Although there will be some bloodshed, it is nothing compared to the benefits Ning Chuan plundered.

"The specific equipment, we will discuss it slowly later, there is still a week, don't worry."

Wu Guangzhi raised his second finger, smiled grimly, and said, "Second, make trouble for the Moling Foundation, and make Ningchuan's credit business impossible!"

"How to do it?"

Someone is puzzled.

A leader of the law enforcement department said: "Ning Chuan's relationship with the black market has been established.

There is also Feng Xueshen will take care of it.

Unless, the school decided to wipe out all black market businesses.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to target the Wiping Foundation alone! "

Wu Guangzhi smiled unabated, and said: "The official channels are not good, so let's do it from the people!"

"Let's find a few disciples and let them go and make trouble!"

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