Privileged treasure chests are different from ordinary treasure chests in that they have no grades marked, so they may appear from S to D.

"I'm probably not an African. I've opened so many treasure chests. Although it's not particularly European, it's at least average..."

Yun Tian's tone was rarely shaken.

He did open an item to increase the staying time, but the level of this item was the lowest among all the treasure chests that Yuntian had opened since he started the official mission.

So far, Yuntian has issued a total of two D-level props.

The previous one was the D+ grade space ring in Edelweiss' hand, which has a small ability to customize the style.

Although the level is a bit low, it is still the best in D-level. If the space is a little bigger, the evaluation will probably be upgraded.

And among space equipment, rings are often the most popular type.

As for another D-level item, that is the resident card that was issued at this time.

A real D-level prop, that is, because of the quality improvement, it has been raised to the D+ level, and it seems that, contrary to the previous space ring, this prop is likely to barely enter the D+ level.

In 1 day, there may not be much difference compared to the previous A- skill comprehension card, but the skill comprehension card has the effect of anchoring the world, and the core is to go to a world that is helpful to one's own growth.

As for the resident card, the effect is simply to increase the stay time in the current world.

"It doesn't matter, this time it's wrong, next time it's time for Europe."

After muttering to himself, Yun Tian reached for the second privilege treasure box with slightly trembling hands.

Fortunately, he really hasn't reached his limit yet.


You have opened the privilege chest

The special permission bonus is detected, and the quality of the props is improved.

You got 'Space Crystal' x1

'Space spar'

Grade: A/A+

Effect: It can be used on any props or equipment to add a certain degree of space attributes to it, and it can also be used as a medium for spells. It is an excellent space-type material.

Note: The use of space equipment can greatly increase the accommodation range.


Seeing the A+ evaluation, Yun Tian's heart dropped instantly.

Picking up the bright space spar, Yun Tian put it away after observing it for a while.

"While you're lucky, open the next treasure chest!"

After all, the purpose is to stay for a longer period of time, and Yuntian has to continue to open the treasure chest before opening the props to meet the needs.

This time, Yuntian decided to open two in one go!


You have opened the privilege chest

The special permission bonus is detected, and the quality of the props is improved.

You got 'resident card' x2

'resident card'

Grade: D+/D+

Effect: After use, increase the stay time in the current world by 1 day/3 days

"What the hell..." Looking at the two cards that appeared in his hand, Yun Tian almost couldn't hold back his swear words.

Looking at the remaining four A-level treasure chests and two privilege treasure chests, Yun Tian took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"Three resident cards, one week is enough, and I can't open them again... I'm not lucky today."

. . . . . .

After an extra week, Yun Tian calmed down and comprehended the concept of death in Bai Yu Lou.

Occasionally, I will discuss swordsmanship with Youmeng, give her advice, or discuss the mysteries of the two swords of life.

I will also go to Gensokyo and bring some food to see if Reimu is starving to death.

I didn't go to the Scarlet Devil's Mansion very much. Remilia slept for a longer time than expected, maybe it was related to the blood transformation she mentioned, and she didn't wake up for a whole week.

After going to see it once, Yuntian didn't go again, but told Sakuya that Remilia would notify herself when she woke up.

However, Yun Tian hadn't been notified by Sakuya until he left.

At the end of the week, Yuntian left the world of Gensokyo.

. . .

. . .

. . .


So much for Fantasy Township

I’m laying some groundwork for the time being, and I have some ideas to write again

But the specifics still depend on the response. If you think the writing is okay, and friends who are willing to read the follow-up Gensokyo, let’s talk about it in the post and comment area.

If someone is willing to read it, I will write it again. It is estimated that it will be a short story. Every time I return to the space of the Lord God, there will be such a paragraph, dozens of chapters like this time

Not many people want to read it, so I won’t write any more

. . .

There will be a few chapters of transition back to the main god space, and then the godslayer will start

Thank you for your continued support!

Inter-chapter Six Gods Space

1420 two preparations

With the flickering white light, Yuntian appeared in the familiar pure white small room.

However, this time he was a little surprised.

Yun Tian originally thought that the world he went to rely on props would not pass through this place to settle the mission when he came back, who knows that he will still be here once he returns.


Looking at the settlement panel that popped up in front of him, Yun Tian was silent for a while.

World: Oriental Fantasy Township

Mission Mode: Single Player

Main quest: none

Skip basic billing.

Begin to analyze the world of this experience. . .

Keyword detected. . .Recorded, quest world analysis progress increased.

After the keyword detection is completed, the next step of detection begins.

Analyze important figures in the mission world.

Detect core figures, detect important figures, and detect secondary important figures. . .

Person detection is complete.

Analyze the impact of agents on the mission world. . .


After the analysis is completed, the settlement begins.

World: Oriental Fantasy Township

Final resolution level: 8%

Settlement reward: 4000 redemption points.

Looking at this pitiful reward, Yun Tian rubbed his forehead, recovering from the silence.

"That is to say, although there are no tasks, the world itself still exists, so there will still be exploration progress."

Shaking his head, Yuntian didn't express any opinion on the minimal level of analysis.

After all, he didn't intend to explore the world this time, and he didn't go to many places at all.

Not to mention Gensokyo, even the underworld, he didn't go around much, he was completely nested in the Baiyu Tower as an otaku for a week.

The 8% progress should be largely the result of contacting Lingmeng, the man of destiny.

"There's nothing to regret, at least the perfection of Eternal Tribulation Slash is almost done in the future."

During this week, with Youyouzi's assistance, Yuntian didn't say how much he understood the concept of 'death', but he was definitely not in the state where he had no clue at all.

The Future Eternal Tribulation Slash is not perfect, but at least it has entered the room. The power of this type of mystery that can bloom in Yuntian's hands is completely different from that of the past, and it is no longer an unfinished defective product.

Without giving Yun Tian much time to think, soon, the content on the settlement panel in front of him changed, and a mechanical voice rang in his ears.

This settlement ends here.

"Welcome back to the space of the main god, Yuntian, the authority."

After a moment of trance, Yun Tian returned to the room in the main god's space.

When he opened his eyes, he happened to see Edelweiss who was facing him.

"Coming back so soon?"

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