"One is advanced, and the other is pure space expansion."

"No accidents should be like this, so the expansion of the range of this space spar may exceed ordinary upgrades, and the price is that there will be no additional effects."

Edelweiss raised the space ring in Yang's hand and said:

"So I can't use it. You have used this ring before, so you should understand."

Space props are very convenient, but depending on the type, some are not so easy to use.

If a piece of space does not have the function of dividing areas, then all the placement and arrangement must be operated by the user himself. The same is true when taking out and finding things, all of which need to be operated by the user himself.

Edelweiss' space ring is like this.

It's okay to say that there is not much space now, but if the pure range grows to A-level, then there will be too many things, and the word "trouble" can't be summed up when searching.

"My space ring uses this spar, and the result is likely to stay at A-. After all, it has a huge flaw, but your portable pocket is different."

Edelweiss glanced at the small pocket placed on the head of the bed, stretched out his hand and clicked on its introduction.

There is an unobtrusive but very important function on it.

'The interior space can be divided according to the user's wishes'

This function, which existed before the upgrade of the portable pocket, will largely solve the trouble caused by too large space props.

1422 old friend

In the end, Yuntian decided to use this space spar.

But he didn't use it up immediately, but put it away temporarily.

Because Yuntian and Edelweiss had another need that was more important than holding the black dragon's corpse, and that was two skills or props to conceal the aura of the gods.

It is uncertain how many exchange points will be needed, so Yuntian decided to keep the space spar temporarily, just in case.


"It's really not that simple."

After wandering around the trading area, Yun Tian, ​​who found nothing, sighed.

After getting acquainted with the pills, Yuntian felt more and more that it was not that there were no high-level skills and props circulating in the main god space, but the circulation of these things was not in the trading area.

The trading area obviously has an upper limit, agents above level A must have small circles that low-level agents do not know.

"I just don't know whether to enter this circle relying on strength or the recommendation system... It's probably the latter."

Yun Tian rubbed his forehead, looked at the email that was still silent, feeling extremely helpless.

Thanks to his master, Yun Tian who couldn't see his guide was really a little confused.

But it's no wonder others, it's his own problem.

In addition to sending emails to Senior Yas, Yun Tian also wanted to go find the pills.

Unfortunately, the pills weren't there either.

Moreover, this matter is related to Yuntian, Yaowan specially left him an email, saying that the method of purifying the black dragon's flesh and blood has some clues, and he needs to go out for a while.

This is great, since the two seniors are not here, there are very few representatives of Yuntian who have contact information.

Excluding those who are not too familiar with each other, Yun Tian finally stopped his sight on a name helplessly.

Yun Tian knew very few agents, but not none.

But I don't know if it's because people flock together, he has personality flaws, and the people he knows are not much better.

I once said that even Yuntian can't handle people, referring to a certain name on the contact information.

It was an agent who was at the same time as him, and among those group of agents, Yuntian was the only monster who could be sure to get the title of authorized person like himself.

"Is there any other way..."

Yun Tian hesitated for a full 10 minutes, and finally managed to let his hand touch the name.

【Are you there? 】

The message was sent, and in the next second, an address replied.

【Facility area, coordinates ***】

Looking at the reply email, Yun Tian was silent for a while, finally left the trading area with a sigh, and walked towards the coordinates.

. . . . . .

This is an open space with a large area, except for the figure in the center who is waiting for Yuntian to arrive, there is no one else here.

The moment Yun Tian stepped into the square, a deep voice sounded.

"Finally goodbye, in this boundless purgatory, long time no see, my old enemy!"

The moment the voice sounded, the empty and ordinary square disappeared, replaced by a boundless sea of ​​flames.

Just as the voice described, the scene of purgatory enveloped the two of them.

At the same time, Yun Tian clearly felt an invisible force trying to interfere with him.

Unlike before, now Yuntian finally understands what happened.

That is the power of fate. Intangible and intangible power is trying to interfere with Yuntian's fate. The effect is to bind him with the fate of the person in front of him, turning him into the "old enemy" mentioned in the words.

"I said, if you forcibly change the environment of the main god's space, won't your exchange points be deducted?" Yun Tian rubbed his forehead helplessly, and said in a complicated tone.

And the man in front of him visibly stiffened after hearing these words.

But the man's expression remained unchanged, and he said to Yun Tian with a deep expression:

"It's just an exchange point, it's just a vulgar thing. I haven't seen it for many years. Has my old enemy degenerated to care about these things outside of him?"

"Okay, I'm vulgar, anyway, it's not me who will be distressed at that time." Yun Tian shrugged, and didn't intend to pick up the other party's topic.

Yun Tian's reaction was obviously beyond the man's expectations, he was silent for a while, and then he spoke again:

"Yeah, well, today you and I haven't seen each other for a long time, so it's not like swords and swords will face each other."

With the fall of the man's voice, the scene of purgatory instantly dissipated, as if it had never appeared before, and the ground did not even leave any scorched marks.

This is the innate ability of the man in front of him. Yun Tian doesn't know what it is called, but he generally calls it 'Speaking with the law'.

That's right, just like the literal meaning of the natural ability with extremely terrifying effects.

But the crux of the problem is not here. The biggest problem with this guy is that he is a late-stage middle school second disease who can't control his mouth.

And because his ability is too high, it is almost completely out of control.

Seeing the changes in the environment just now and still trying to interfere with his power of destiny, Yun Tian knew that this guy's ability might still be uncontrollable.

This is also the reason why Yuntian is really unwilling to come to him.

"Okay, Reddy, I came to see you today because I have a question to ask."

"My friend! Just ask, I will know everything. Even if you want to ask me how this eye is blind, I can tell you."

After Reddy finished speaking, Yun Tian saw that one of his originally good eyes suddenly went blind, leaving a hole there that was quite permeable.

And just when Yuntian was about to complain, Reddy said again:

"But speaking of it, why did my friend ask me about my eyes? Could it be that you have also been cursed and your left eye has lost its light?!"

In an instant, the spirit in Yuntian's left eye disappeared, feeling the inexplicable dimness of sight, Yuntian covered his face with his hands, with an expression of 'I knew it would be like this'.

Reddy's ability is not omnipotent, and the biggest weakness is that it has a limited range.

As long as Yun Tian turns around and leaves now, the fate of the old enemy wrapped around him and the blind eyes will be restored to their original state.

But Yun Tian didn't say what he wanted to ask, and he didn't want to chat with him with one eye blind.

In desperation, Yun Tian had no choice but to follow Reddy's words and say:

"Unfortunately, my friend, my blind left eye has been cured. Shall I tell you the cure?"

"Oh! As expected of my friend! Such a powerful curse can find a cure!"

As soon as the words fell, Yun Tian felt his sight regained.

If you want to have a normal conversation with Reddy, you have to follow his words, otherwise you will be covered with injuries in a short while, and you may have to bear some terrible blood feud that you don't even know about.

The point is, this thing will become real!

In case he makes a mistake and questions your gender, that's okay. . .

Yun Tian's face stiffened for a moment, and he decided not to give the other party a chance to talk as much as possible, and asked directly:

"I need props or skills that can cover the level of god's aura. Do you have any ready-made items or trading channels?"

. . .

. . .

. . .


long-lost push book

Rare Dajian fan, if you like it, you can support it

Below is the title and introduction

Traveled to the world of "Great Sword", and brought a summoner skill?

So what skill is good to start with?

Hey, here is a girl who is seriously injured and dying, try to use a healing technique.

So, she lived.

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