Yun Tian looked at Woban and felt a familiar aura from him.

Yuntian, who had the blessing of Erebus and stayed in the underworld for another ten days, immediately recognized the essence of power used by Vauban.

"It's really convenient to resurrect powers like recovery."

As I said before, Yuntian is a standard animation party, and the world of Godslayer is no exception.

He knew Vauban and the effects of several of Vauban's powers.

But the resurrection power he is using now, as well as the power that brings him a sense of threat, have never appeared in anime.

"You won the first round, Orion if you don't."

Woban's eyes glowed with a dark green light, he looked at Yuntian, and his breathing seemed a little short.

Obviously, that kind of resurrection was not without cost to him. Not only was the burden very heavy, but his huge mana power was also significantly reduced.

However, this is far from enough to make him incapable of fighting.

"Now, let's start the second round!"

1433 Dragon and Steel!

Woban looked at Yuntian, and quickly calmed down his violent panting.

As the oldest godslayer in this era, Vauban has a lot of powers in his hands, and it is precisely because of this that he has extremely rich means to deal with the gods who do not obey.

But even so, Vauban is not without weaknesses.

The godslayer will gain power after killing the disobedient god, but what kind of power will be gained during this process is not under the control of the godslayer himself.

Firstly, it is related to the nature of the god, and secondly, it is closely related to the character, heart, and current state of the godslayer himself.

What kind of power can be obtained is very random.

Vauban's nature is very similar to that of wolves, and wolves have obvious rules to follow when hunting.

Pursuit, attrition, protracted, and group combat.

Therefore, most of the powers obtained by Vauban are related to the legion, large-scale, and attrition wars as the core subjects. The lack of the key to victory is his biggest flaw.

But this does not mean that the Marquis of Vauban has no cards.

On the contrary, the oldest godslayer has more cards in his hands than anyone imagined.

Today's séance ceremony was specially conducted by him to fight with the gods, so of course he couldn't be unprepared.

Yun Tian's sword was so powerful just now, even after experiencing it personally, Woban couldn't understand its essence at the first time.

However, judging from the results, Vauban temporarily came up with the inference of 'super speed' plus 'one-hit kill'.

To be honest, this kind of ability has a very bad compatibility with his power, almost most of the available methods are impossible to stop Yuntian's weird sword without preparation.

"I can't stop it, and I can't avoid it. If that's the case, then let your sword itself not be able to kill me!"

Vauban laughed, not at all depressed by the defeat in the first round, nor did he see the pain of dying once.

From the face of this ancient godslayer, all Yun Tian saw was the enjoyment of being bored and being dismissed and the anticipation for the next battle.

"Let's go on, Orion who won't follow!"


Accompanied by Woban's incredible action of digging out his heart with his hands, the old man's body changed again the next moment. . .

No, not the body!

The Marquis of Vauban in Yuntian's eyes suddenly fell to the ground, and a black cloud-like object broke away from the old man's body.

Yun Tian recognized what it was.


Before the words fell, the terrifying pressure swept over, and a roar resounded through the sky!


The black shadow spreading its huge wings to cover the sky and the sun is Yun Tian's familiar 'old opponent'.

A black giant dragon exuding a strong aura of Hades looked at Yuntian with those dark green eyes.

This is one of the trump cards of the Marquis of Vauban, a power that has not been used for at least 80 years - the black dragon of the underworld!

Under the power of the underworld, the soul black dragon that has been separated from the body is endowed with the unique immortality of the dragon snake. Even if the black dragon is turned into ashes, it will be revived again.

Only the weakness of the dragon snake, the power related to the sun and the power of the natural enemy 'steel' can really hurt him.

But judging from the experience of fighting before, especially Woban, who was killed by Yuntian with a sword once, was very sure that the opponent was not 'steel', and the sword strike did not contain the restraint power to kill the dragon and snake.

Just like what the tea-haired girl saw with her spirit vision before the war, the 'Orion of Disobedience' in front of her was undoubtedly of the lineage of the Earth God.

The strong natural breath on his body also proved this point.

As long as the dragon and snake cannot be restrained, the power of Woban, the black dragon of the underworld, will explode with infinite power!


"It turned out to be... a dragon."

Yun Tian looked at the huge black shadow that covered the sky and covered the sun, feeling the terrifying pressure and sense of presence emanating from the black dragon, his expression was a little bit. . .eccentric?

"Forget it, as the first battle after the arrival, this level is quite enjoyable."

Yun Tian waved his hand to cancel the summoning of the Star Perishing Sword, and the Black Furnace Demon Sword was also retracted into its sheath, and he took it from behind and hung it back on his waist.

His words and actions caused a bad feeling in Woban's heart. Following the godslayer's instinct, the old man had the idea of ​​canceling the power of the black dragon.

It's a pity that Yun Tian moved a little faster than him.

Before Woban put his idea into action, Yun Tian flipped his hand, and an emerald green crystal longbow appeared in his hand.

And the moment the bow appeared, a strong death warning exploded in Woban's mind.

Dragon Sealing Bow Jade Hunter


'Hunting', extra damage to all 'beast' creatures

'Dragon Hunt', extra damage to Dragonborn and Dragonborn creatures

At the same time, because Woban changed from a human to a black dragon, a certain skill on Yuntian God's Grace was also activated.

'The Enemy of the Dragon'

Obtained the approval of a giant dragon of a mythical race, killed the dragon species with his own hands, and was contaminated with a part of the breath of dragon slaying.

* Friends of the Dragon Clan, it is easier to get the recognition and friendship of the Dragon Clan

* The enemy of the dragon species is more likely to arouse the fighting spirit and fire of the dragon species

* Dragon Slayer, when fighting dragons and dragons, gets a small increase in damage

* It has moderate suppression power against non-pure blood and mythical dragons and dragons

"That bow! You, you bastard...!"

Listening to Woban's roar, Yun Tian raised his longbow and pointed it at the sky. In his vision, the task reminder of the Lord God's space was emitting a faint light.

Yun Tian was revealed to be 'Orion' by the tea-haired girl with his spiritual vision, and then used Orion's identity to fight a godslayer, the Marquis of Vauban.

His main task progress has increased to a certain extent, but the rate is not very large, only about 3%.

But when he took out the bow and pointed it at the black dragon that Woban transformed into, the progress bar increased significantly, reaching 6%.

This action increased his progress comparable to all the previous ones.

"That's right, after all, it's Orion's identity, and taking out the bow and arrow can be regarded as a solid name."

It is not Yuntian's intention to use other types of weapons, but if it is to complete the task, there is nothing wrong with it.

Yun Tian felt the power fed back to him by the emerald green bow in his hand, and recalled the scenes he had seen in his heart.

The 'Arrow of Faith' can combine one's own beliefs with strength, and use impressions or conceptualizations as arrows to shoot a powerful blow.

With memory as the foundation, the power of severing as the skeleton, plus Yuntian's own experience of slaying dragons.

Shape and restore all of this into the arrow in his heart.

"I'm still looking forward to fighting you again, don't just die like this!"

Yun Tian drew the longbow, and a silver arrow engraved with sacred characters materialized on the bowstring.

That's right!

God Killing Weapon Orion's Arrow!

1434 Disaster

The silver god-killing arrow was covered with bright golden light.

When the arrow was shot from Yuntian's hand, the stars in the sky seemed to be dimmed, only the crescent moon hung high above the sky.

Going straight to the sky, the blow that seemed to shoot down the bright moon penetrated the huge body of the Woban black dragon.

The characteristics of the Dragon Sealing Bow, the effect of the skill, and the dragon-slaying power attached to the arrow, the combination of the three brought a targeted power no less than that of the natural enemies of dragons and snakes in this world.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, there is no difference between Yun Tian and the Hero of Steel at this moment.

Because, the black dragon was shot down!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!"

The Marquis of Vauban, transformed into a black dragon, roared, and he launched an unwilling counterattack against the bright arrow.

The berserk dragon resisted desperately, its angry roar resounded throughout the world, and the monstrous mantra poured out desperately.

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