Standing on a hillside, Edelweiss looked at Liliana and the others with emotion in his tone.

"Probably will be bronze ?

Yun Tian patted Edelweiss on the shoulder, signaling that she doesn't need to worry too much about the safety of these people.

"The witches who can be recruited by Woban to perform the séance ceremony are very talented, and they all have some identity background, even if they have no background, after returning this time, as long as those magic associations and shrines are not stupid, they will not let them live on their own Self-destruction."

More than 30 people successfully completed the séance ceremony, and even two gods were summoned in one ceremony.

Most importantly, none of the priestesses who were originally sacrificed survived.

This kind of deed that can only be described as a miracle shows the amazing talents of these witches. With a little training, they will become the mainstay of the new generation of major forces in a few years.

Such outstanding talents will definitely become the sweet pastry in the eyes of various forces.

"And, they are now my exclusive miko, this is not just talk."

Yun Tian, ​​who had entered the demon state, looked at the fate of the girls who belonged to his own destiny, and said to Edelweiss beside him:

"When their spiritual backlash is completely over, when they calm down to practice and pray, they will find that they can borrow part of my strength."

Yun Tian was recognized as a god in this world. Although he didn't gain any authority, he did have an identity.

The task released by the Lord God Space has been recognized by the world, and Yuntian feels that he wants him to gain a certain authority in this world.

It has also been said that a god who holds authority is qualified to represent the world. If Yuntian has gained authority in this world, then he is fully qualified to represent this world and connect with the main god space.

This should be what the main god space wants.

As for remuneration. . .

"That's it."

Yun Tian reached out and clicked on the personal panel, pulled out the newly added skills on it, and displayed them in front of himself and Edelweiss.

divinity (temporary)

Effect: A special characteristic that can change the power and essence, the specific function should be developed by the agent himself.

Note: It is only available in this world. After the task is over, the agent can solidify the temporary skills he has by consuming exchange points.

The temporary skills given by the main god space usually have a major premise, that is, it is difficult or even impossible for the agent to obtain, but it is necessary to complete the task in this world.

So far, Yuntian has only obtained two kinds of power, star power and magic power, and even the grace of God has not been counted as a temporary skill.

But unlike the Xingmai generations in the learning war world and the slashers in the fallen world, the magic power in the godslayer world is an ability that can be learned by oneself.

If Yuntian came to this world with a normal identity, unless his implant background was related to the magic world, it would be impossible for him to acquire the temporary skills of magic power.

And now

Mana (temporary)

Effect: Obtain the magic power and basic manipulation skills that at least meet the status of "God" in this world.

Note: It is only available in this world. After the task is over, the agent can solidify the temporary skills he has by consuming exchange points.

"Two temporary skills, the rewards for special tasks are quite generous."

Feeling a brand new energy flowing in his body, Yun Tian made a preliminary judgment in his heart.

In terms of pure energy level, Yuntian's mana level is A-.

Considering the 'minimum' written on the skill description, I'm afraid that under normal circumstances, the God of Disobedience should have a level A level, and the relative Godslayer should not be too far behind.

This is Yuntian's preliminary inference about the world at present. There is little information, and the victory in the battle with Vauban is also based on the restraint of mutuality, so there is no way to guarantee it is completely correct.

But at least it played a general role in Yuntian's understanding of the world.

"Spell power, I don't have anything here." Edelweiss opened the panel and looked at it, and there was no unexpected change.

"Anyway, this kind of power can be learned, and it shouldn't take long for your talent to improve enough for actual combat."

While talking, Yun Tian felt the power of the spell a little bit.

"It seems to be somewhat similar to magic power, and the first impression seems to be that there is not much difference."

One more energy is one more means, but to be honest, for the current Yuntian, the acquisition of spell power does not increase his overall strength very much.

His current strength can no longer be improved simply by increasing his energy reserves. Unless there are several energy acquisitions above A level or even A+ level, for Yuntian, it is just a wealth of means.

"The most important thing is this 'divinity'." Yun Tian looked at this temporary skill with a slightly subtle expression.

To be honest, when Yun Tian saw this skill for the first time, he couldn't say he was in a good mood.

Divinity is not entirely a good thing, Yuntian knows too many so-called abilities or weapons that target or restrain divinity.

It's not so much a new ability as it is a new weakness.

Just look at the result of the disastrous defeat of the Marquis of Vauban because of the restraint of the dragon and the snake. If it is replaced by the restraint of the divinity, then Yuntian is probably not much better than Vauban.

But when he really tried to use the divinity, Yun Tian's view on this skill immediately changed.


The bright starlight gathered in his hands, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar star power, Yuntian fell silent.

Edelweiss was also attracted by Yun Tian's movements, and when he saw the star power, he suddenly asked in surprise:

"The quality of your star power has improved?"

"No, the quality of my star power has not improved, but the energy itself has changed." Yun Tian shook his head.

Then, under Edelweiss' gaze, he stretched out his other hand, which gathered the usual star power.

"I don't know much about the skill of divinity, but this is the effect of simply combining it with one's own energy."

Yun Tian looked at the star power on his left hand, and then at the special star power on his right hand which was obviously of higher quality.

"Perhaps, it can be called 'star power'?"

"Is this how the so-called divine power comes from?" Edelweiss looked curiously at the starlight in Yuntian's hand.

To her question, Yun Tian shook his head.

"I don't know either. There is too little information, and I am not very proficient in using this new skill. I can only convert the little bit of star power you see, which is meaningless in actual combat."

While speaking, Yun Tian let go of his thoughts, and the star power on his right hand suddenly changed back to ordinary star power.

"I think this kind of power is probably different from the 'divine power' we know, or in other words, the 'divine nature' skills given by the main god space are not the same as ordinary divinity."

1438 four years

Yun Tian and Edelweiss have seen it, or it can be said that they have experienced divine power.

Especially Yuntian, in the wrong world, facing Andaris and activating the God-killing Arrow made him personally feel the so-called divine power.

According to Yuntian's understanding, divine power is actually not special, nor is it so mysterious, it is a kind of energy just like star power and magic power.

It's just that divine power has excellent and rich characteristics.

Just like the star power in Xuezhan World is excellent on the defensive side, the magic power in the defeated world can form the characteristics of inherent spiritual equipment.

Divine power has many excellent characteristics such as high basic quality, strong versatility, and creativity. It is the existence of these various characteristics that makes divine power more advanced, but it is still a kind of energy in essence.

But the star power transformed by Yuntian combined with the newly obtained divinity is different. Whether it is star power or star power, they are still star power in essence.

The divine power of the stars is just an evolution and extension of the power of the stars, not an energy that exists alone.

At this moment, Yuntian suddenly remembered the difference between 'gods and gods' that Yaowan had explained to him.

"Maybe, the evolution of my power is similar to a god, not a god?"

Yun Tian frowned and pondered for a while, but he couldn't come up with an answer in the end.

"Don't think too much about it, maybe it will become clear after you have a better understanding of this skill."

Edelweiss walked to Yuntian's side, stretched out his hand to press his temple and gently rubbed it.

"You're right." Yun Tian sighed and gave up thinking.

"The new skill of divinity can obviously develop a lot of abilities, and I need a lot of time to study it."

In addition to combining their own energy, the fact that Liliana and others can borrow his power is also inseparable from divinity.

It is likely to be the product of the connection between divinity and the power of destiny.

Moreover, although it was very faint, Yun Tian had faintly noticed a trace of faith trying to establish contact with him.

Probing the consciousness along the power of faith, as expected, the direction is where the more than 30 witches are located.

But when Yuntian realized who it was, he was slightly taken aback.

There are two weak powers of faith transmitted, and the two girls are connected at the end of the thread of faith that is so small that it is almost imperceptible.

Silver hair and brown hair are Liliana and Mariya Yuri.

After feeling it carefully, the prayers of the two soon echoed in his heart.

"Great God, I implore you to be kind to Sister Edelweiss."

"God of mercy, Yuri believes that you will not make things difficult for Sister Edelweiss as a hero."

After hearing the content of the two people's prayers, Yun Tian had a strange expression on his face. He turned his head to look at Edelweiss, and looked up and down his lover seriously.

Seen by Yun Tian's inexplicable gaze, Edelweiss' body stiffened, and he asked cautiously with some hesitation:

"F, what happened?"

"No, I just suddenly felt that you are so charming, Xiao Ai."

Hearing what Yun Tian seemed to say with emotion, Edelweiss blinked his eyes and made a question mark in confusion.

"What did you say suddenly?"

"No, it's nothing... There seems to be something moving over there."

Yun Tian smiled at Edelweiss, and casually changed the subject.

The direction he was pointing at was where Liliana and Yuri were. Edelweiss looked along and found the 'movement' that Yuntian said.

Several cars drove over from a distance and stopped near Liliana and the others.

Seeing the way the silver-haired girl was talking to the people who got off the car, Yun Tian and Edelweiss knew that they should be her acquaintances, if nothing else, it would be bronze

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