After drinking glasses of red wine, Erica, whose face was slightly rosy, gradually relaxed during the conversation with Edelweiss.

Some topics that I didn't dare to talk about before, now I dare to talk about them under the guidance of Edelweiss and the influence of alcohol.

"On the one hand, it's because of Master Yuntian's identity, and on the other hand, it's Elder Sister Edelweiss...don't you hate him?"

Erica looked at Edelweiss and asked what she couldn't understand the most.

However, Edelweiss just smiled lightly, and asked:


"Eh? Because, because, you were not forced by him..." Erica obviously didn't expect Edelweiss to reply like this.

"Then let me ask in a different direction, Erica, what kind of existence is the 'God of Disobedience' in your heart?"

"God?" Erica took another sip of red wine, recalling the knowledge she had seen in her mind, and after a moment of silence, she opened her mouth and said:

"Detached from mythology, it has existed in the elements of the world since ancient times, such as heaven and earth, sun, moon, stars, earth, water, fire, wind, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth."

"Because they appeared on the ground, they showed their power and caused huge disasters to human beings. Their existence alone is a huge threat."

Without commenting on Erica's words, Edelweiss just pointed at the opposite side of the two, motioning for Erica to look over.

When the girl cast her eyes in the direction Edelweiss was pointing at, she was stunned by the sight that caught her eyes.

That was the scene where Yun Tian was dealing with a large steak, several plates had been piled up beside him before he knew it, and they were being taken away by the waiter.

"Is that the 'disaster' you're talking about? That's right, if you stay for a few more days, he might run out of food in this place."

Edelweiss' joking voice came into the girl's ears, and the teasing words flowed into her heart, causing Erica to have a very unreal complicated mood.

At this time, Yun Tian seemed to have noticed the gazes of the two people on the opposite side, raised his head to look at Erica, blinked innocently, and cast a 'questioning' look.

As if asking her, 'What do you want me to do? '

The moment their eyes met, Erika quickly looked away as if she had been electrocuted.

The first impression of terror and majesty that Yuntian left in her heart was still deep, but at this moment Erica suddenly found that the man in front of her did not correspond to the "God of Calamity" in her impression.

The spirit was relaxed, and after calming down, recalling the experience of the day, Erica felt more and more confused.

She followed Yuntian for a whole day, watching Yuntian and Edelweiss go shopping in a normal way, go sightseeing like ordinary people, and enjoy delicious food like ordinary people.

"Is this the natural disaster you're talking about?" Edelweiss asked with a smile as he poured red wine into the glass that was empty in Erica's hand.

"..." Erica was silent.

Edelweiss was not in a hurry to speak, but just waited quietly.

After drinking the red wine glass by glass, Erica finally asked in a complicated tone:

"Is my understanding of 'God' wrong?"

"Have you seen other gods?" Edelweiss did not answer Erica.

"No, when I came to Sardinia this time, Lord Yuntian was the first god I saw."

"Have you seen only one god, and are you confident enough to define the whole group called 'God'?"

Edelweiss' voice reached the girl's heart.

"There are gods who bring disasters on the earth, so why can it be concluded that there are no gods who blend into humans without being discovered, or hide in seclusion, or help humans?"

Edelweiss has learned about the so-called "plot" from Yuntian. She knows that there are gods who hide in the extreme east and don't care about world affairs. She also knows that the birth of the godslayer is at least related to the goddess named Pandora.

This undoubtedly proves the complexity of the group of "gods", which cannot be summed up by a simple word "disaster".

"Whether it's you or me, our understanding of 'God' is still very one-sided, but compared to so-called knowledge, I believe in my own eyes and my own experience."

Erica listened to Edelweiss' words and asked with some hesitation:

"Do you want to have a conversation with God? Is this kind of thing possible?"

Erica's questioning finally made Edelweiss pause, and after a sigh, Edelweiss spoke again:

"Now you probably can't do it."

Seeing Erica who was about to say something more, Edelweiss asked first:

"Will you pay extra attention to whether you have broken clods or leaves when you walk, and be careful not to leave footprints when you walk on the beach?"

Reality is often cruel.

Just like most human beings don't care about the feelings of flowers, birds, fish and insects, gods walking on the earth also don't care about human's opinions.

Erica understood what Edelweiss meant.

"If you want to have a dialogue, equality is the main premise...Then how did you manage to let Lord Yuntian communicate with you on an equal footing, Sister Edelweiss?"

"Maybe it's because I'm stronger?"

When Edelweiss said these words, he accidentally recalled the time when he and Yun Tian first met.

To be honest, she wasn't wrong.

If it wasn't for her strength, perhaps Edelweiss and Yuntian would not be able to reach the current stage.

"Powerful..." Erica couldn't believe it.

She did witness the scene of Edelweiss beheading a divine beast, but the gap between a divine beast and a god, now Erica has personally experienced it.

If the power that Edelweiss said was the god of contrast, Yuntian, then Erica really couldn't believe it.

"You don't believe me at all, don't look at me like this, I'm very strong." Edward looked helplessly at the distrust in Erica's eyes.

Compared with Yun Tian, ​​who is a belligerent guy like him, Edelweiss is always a gentle and kind big sister image in the eyes of others.

But don't forget, she was also a pinnacle powerhouse who made the whole world fear.

The suppression of the power of destiny in this world of Godslayer is not as serious as the previous worlds. If it is really serious, the strength that Edelweiss can show will probably be far beyond imagination.

. . .

. . .

. . .


9.19 is the anniversary of the hedgehog cat, I will keep adding more for a while starting today

By the way, if a friend who has won a lottery has props in his hands, he has the audacity to ask for a reward

Thank you for your continued support

1450 relax

A dinner ended in Yuntian's constant eating, while Edelweiss and Erica chatted.

After dinner, the sky also started to darken, so Yuntian decided to rest today and continue to set off tomorrow.

The three checked into a hotel that Erica had arranged together while arranging dinner.

Of course, Yuntian and Edelweiss live in the same room, while Erica lives in her own room.

. . . . . .

"Thank you." Yun Tian took out some food from his portable pocket and handed it to Edelweiss, and said at the same time.

After receiving the things, Edelweiss sat at the table in the room, looked at Yun Tian who was sitting on the bed, and said:

"That child is more nervous about your identity than you imagined. It seems that the gods of this world are more troublesome than the wrong world."

"It's not troublesome, I personally think Loki is a little more troublesome."

Yun Tian spread his hands and expressed different opinions.

"The disobedient gods in this world hardly show any kindness to humans. I have heard that it has something to do with 'madness' or 'curse', but I don't know the specifics."

Although Yuntian is an animation party, he is not completely ignorant of information other than animation, and has some knowledge of hearsay.

"The God of Disobedience in the present world will be affected by madness and become more aggressive and self-confident. It seems that his strength will also increase because of his self-affirmation. That's all I know."

"Then are you alright?" Edelweiss paused while eating when he heard what Yun Tian said, and looked over worriedly.

Yun Tian's background in this world is also a god, in case he is affected by madness. . .Eh?

Thinking about it, Edelweiss was suddenly stunned, and his worried expression gradually became a little weird.

His gaze shifted sideways, and finally stopped on the Jingxin scabbard placed by Yuntian's side.

Looking at Edelweiss' expression, Yun Tian knew what she was thinking, so he opened the panel of the Meditation sword scabbard to enlarge one of the effects.

'Fever', the user is more likely to arouse the fighting spirit, and it is easier to adjust his state to the peak during the battle.

It's you!Mad Qi scabbard!

It seemed that both the master and the mistress cast strange gazes on him, and the Jingxin scabbard vibrated slightly, conveying a confused emotion.


"It's okay, just kidding." Yun Tian touched the Wanying Jingjing on the Jingxin scabbard, comforted her, and then said to Edelweiss:

"I don't feel anything at all. Maybe it's because I'm blocked by the main god's space, or maybe it's because I'm still a human being? Anyway, I don't feel like I've become belligerent."

"...It doesn't matter if you change or not." Edweiss couldn't help complaining, but she was also slightly relieved.

"That's right." Yun Tian smiled, not denying that he was warlike.

However, he didn't intend to dwell on this topic for too long, so he casually talked about other things.

"Is Erica okay? I think you've been drinking a lot."

Edelweiss now has an inhuman physique boosted by God's Grace, and it is no longer possible for ordinary drinks to make her feel intoxicated.

But Erica is different. Although she is a great knight with good strength and her body has been trained, she is still in the human category after all.

"Don't worry, her drinking capacity is unexpectedly not bad, probably because she has exercised in various social occasions as a famous lady, even if she is a little drunk, she will be sober after sleeping."

"She has accumulated a lot of pressure today. After drinking some wine, she will be fine tomorrow after a good night's sleep."

Edelweiss doesn't usually drink much, but today he drank it to relieve Erica's stress and emotions.

Otherwise, Edelweiss was a little worried that something might happen to Erica when she saw her being tense.

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