"You said this 'Prometheus Cheats', no, it has nothing to do with the gods on Sardinia."

Luculazia glanced at the stone slab placed in front of Edweiss, a look of nostalgia flashed across his face.

"I discovered this when I was traveling in other countries. Later, in order to suppress a land god with a weak personality, I left it in the extreme east as a seal node."

"Its ability is 'stealing', and its effect is to steal the power of the gods for its own use. At present, the power of the former land god has been sealed in it. This is probably the reason why you feel the breath of the god of disobedience."

After hearing what Luculazia said, Erica looked at the stone slab with a changed expression and murmured:

"That is to say, sure enough..."

"That's right, a rare authentic product. This Prometheus cheat book has the power to truly rival the gods. Even if it targets a god with a powerful godhead, it can steal part of its power."

Sensing the change in Erica's expression, both Lukurazia and Edelweiss' eyes changed, and they both focused their sights on the blond girl at the same time.

"Speaking of which, the Pearl of Milan is known as the Red Copper  Kind of Curtain Φ Mou Ji Shi Shi Ji Shi Shi Ji Shi Ye Ze〗 阄  Cut Chun Yi  Flattery Pretty Spring Pan 魃 肀 Chi Lai Pen Tan Yingjun?/p>

Lukurazia pondered for a while, and then asked Erica.

Faced with this question, Erica looked away in embarrassment, and replied in a slightly lower voice:

"Originally, I came to investigate the situation of the descending gods on Sardinia, and I also had the idea that 'maybe there may be a chance to seal the disobedient gods who have not fully descended'."

At this point, Erica stopped.

Obviously, the subsequent development was as difficult to tell as black history for her.

Telling the other party in front of the gods that she prepared a hole card to deal with him, thinking about it now, Erica feels ashamed.

"So that's it, Sealing God?"

A look of understanding flashed across Luculazia's face, she looked at the stone slabs on the table, and then turned her gaze to Edelweiss.

Looking at the questioning gaze cast by the other party, Edelweiss understood what she meant.

After thinking for a while, Edelweiss picked up the slate and handed it over to Erica, asking at the same time:

"You want this?"

Seeing Edelweiss' movements and feeling her and Lukurazia's eyes on her, Erica felt her breath stagnate.

"I, I was just thinking that with this magic book, the current crisis in Sardinia might turn around..."

Erica's voice became softer as she spoke, because she knew that she couldn't hide her little thoughts from the two seniors in front of her.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, Lukurazia's voice came again.

"In my current state, I can't use this magic book. Talking to you like this is already my limit."

After speaking, Luculazia looked at Edelweiss and asked:

"So what about you?"

"It's a pity." Edweiss shook his head.

"Although I know some spells, my attainments are really limited, and I don't know much about the spells and rituals related to sealing the gods. Even if you give me the magic book, it may not be effective."

After the two of you finished speaking one sentence at a time, their eyes returned to Erica.

He didn't speak again, but it was undoubtedly waiting for the girl's choice.

Erica looked at the magic book in front of her, and she could clearly feel her heart beating faster.

As long as she stretches out her hand a little, she can gain the power to compete with the gods, and she can gain the ability to control the situation in the next battle.

All the goals of her coming to Sardinia this time will be fulfilled with her reaching out.

Fatal temptation!

The power to rival the gods!

with God. . .Do you want to compete? . .

Suddenly, Erica seemed to remember something, and her face turned pale.

She stretched out her hand, covered her chest, and took a deep breath to try to calm down her chaotic heart and thoughts.

After a while, the girl's slightly bitter voice reached the ears of Edelweiss and Lukurazia.

"To make such a dangerous temptation to a lovely junior, the two of you really have bad personalities."

Facing the girl's undisguised complaints, Edelweiss smiled, while Lucurazia said in surprise:

"This really surprised me. I thought that a genius like you would take over the magic book without hesitation and prepare to confront God."

Erika was silent for a moment after hearing Lukurazia's surprised words, and then her face turned bitter.

"If it was two days ago, I'm afraid it would really be like what you said."

The girl she was two days ago didn't have a correct understanding of what a god is, so even if she got this magic book, she would never have any possibility of defeating a god.

It was not at all mentally prepared to accept the fearless challenge at the cost of death, but the impulsiveness and recklessness brought about by ignorance.

Such a victory can only rely on the superposition of miracles to have a slight possibility that is almost negligible.

Entrust everything to luck, or firmly believe that 'if it is me, I can do it'.

It sounds like a beautiful thing.

But actually, that's not sensible.

1458 Don't Make Me Wait Too Long

"If I really took over this magic book, what would you do?"

Erica looked at the slate taken back by Edelweiss, and asked with a sigh.

"Yes, I will probably be ready to escape, and then wait for the good news that you have become the seventh godslayer?"

Lukurazia's tone was full of ridicule, which made Erica curl her lips angrily.

But immediately after, Edelweiss' words made her and even Lukurazia stunned.

"I'll collect the body for you."

Edelweiss still had a gentle smile on her face, but both Erica and Luculazia knew that she was not joking at all.

"Sister Edelweiss, you...are you so disrespectful of me?"

Erika's tone was full of complex emotions that she didn't know whether it was loss or unwillingness. At the same time, Lukurazia also hesitated a little and said:

"The birth of the king itself is a miracle among miracles. If Erica really had that kind of luck or destiny, she would have no chance at all."

"No, she has no chance." Edelweiss shook his head.

Without giving them a chance to continue speaking, she said again:

"It's not that I'm not optimistic about Erica. If you face other disobedient gods, as you said, there may be a slight possibility."

"But if you're facing Yuntian, you don't have any chance."

Maybe the Prometheus cheats can steal power from Yuntian, or maybe the God of Disobedience who is now sealed in it can hurt him.

But that can't change the strength of Erica, the user herself.

With a sword of wing-to-wing, the only thing waiting for Erica is the fate of being beheaded.

More importantly, this Sword of Matching Wings may not have come from Yun Tian.

As Edelweiss' voice fell, the atmosphere in the room was a little dull for a while.

Edelweiss is extremely powerful. It is rumored that she saved all the witches who participated in the ceremony four years ago on the battlefield between Yuntian and Vauban.

There is more than one person who can prove this matter, and Luculazia has naturally heard of it.

Erica has even witnessed the whole process of Edelweiss beheading the beast, and has a very clear understanding of her powerful strength.

The judgment of such a strong man undoubtedly carried considerable weight, which made Erica and Luculazia even more worried about the fate of Sardinia.

Looking at the appearance of the two, Edelweiss didn't know how to persuade them to rest assured.

You can't say something like 'a god is in my charge, I will be careful not to seriously damage Sardinia', it will be taken as a joke.

So, Edelweiss changed the subject, imitating Yun Tian's usual way to break the delicate atmosphere.

"By the way, Luculazia, haven't you seen the war between two gods? You should know the identity of the gods, right?"

"I did see two gods with my own eyes, but only one of them can be identified, that is..."

. . . . . .

"King of the gods who rule the sky."

Yun Tian looked at the strong man in front of him, and stepped into the temple.

The strong man's body was extremely huge, and he was as big as a giant when he was sitting. Yun Tian looked like an ordinary person standing under the Tongtian Building in front of him.

"I'm really sorry to meet you in such a miserable state, god of foreign lands, you should know it after seeing it, the old man has suffered serious injuries, and I'm afraid I can't respond to your fiery fighting spirit for the time being."

The thunderous voice of the strong man resounded in the temple.

Just like what he said, Yun Tian could see his injury very intuitively.

On that thick and strong chest, a golden blade pierced deeply. It was a broken sword exuding golden light and divine power.

Without the hilt, the part left on the strong man's body is probably less than two-thirds of the original.

"The old man is using the flow of the spiritual veins of the temple here to heal his injuries. When the old man fully recovers, it is not a bad idea to respond to your fighting spirit and fight with you, but before that, the old man must first fight with the king of the ancient gods who took the ancient gods without authorization. The awakened madmen settle their grievances."

The strong man looked at Yuntian, he knew the purpose of Yuntian's visit, and the violent fighting spirit that swept across his body did not need any words to explain.

The strong man was not angry, on the contrary, with a smile in his voice, he said to Yuntian in a humorous and bold tone:

"Or, are you the kind of idiot who wants to seize the authority of the ancient king while the old man is injured?"

"If that's the case, old Merka... No, this island should be called Mekar, the ancient king of gods accepts your challenge!"

"Let the old man tell you that even if the ancient king is injured, he can't be challenged casually, hahahahahaha!"

Merka, Mekar, Baal, these are the names of the king of the gods in front of him.

In the distant ancient times, this god-king who symbolized the sky had supreme authority.

The king's laughter shook the temple.

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