But judging from its slow eating performance, it is obvious that it doesn't like it very much.

Erica looked at the black cat, then at the dried fish in her hand, and finally handed the dried fish to Yuntian with a delicate expression.

Yun Tian, ​​who took the dried fish, shook the black cat, and then saw that it immediately put down the chocolate, and quickly bit the dried fish.

In an instant, the atmosphere became awkward.

After pinching Heimiao's ears, Yun Tian stiffly changed the topic.

"Speaking of which, Erica, you obviously don't like to eat that piece of chocolate, but you ate it anyway. I thought that a famous young lady like you would be picky about food."

"You are a standard prejudice, Mr. Yuntian." Erica felt helpless in her heart when Yuntian changed the topic, but she answered him honestly.

"I'm also a 'knight' anyway. Of course I choose high-quality food, but once I eat it, I won't spit it out as long as it's not difficult to swallow."

"That kind of behavior is neither in line with etiquette, but also a waste of food. People who have been educated since childhood will never do it."

Erica is no longer as afraid of Yuntian as she was at first.

Not just a change in mentality, but a more fundamental change.

She who completely entrusted her beliefs to Yuntian, under the influence of the power of fate, is actually Yuntian's subordinate.

The current Erica is completely Yuntian's own person, but Yuntian will find out in an instant if there is a slight deviation, and it will also most intuitively affect the generation of the power of faith.

Moreover, before she has the ability to transcend her own destiny, she has no possibility of resisting Yuntian, the ruler of destiny.

Coupled with the time spent together, Erica also had a preliminary understanding of Yuntian's character.

So she no longer dared to say or ask anything like before, and gradually began to communicate with Yun Tian, ​​the god of disobedience, with a normal heart.

At least dare to put forward some suggestions.

"Does Lord Yuntian plan to reveal his identity to the public? Information like the lover of the seventh godslayer is a god."

Erica asked Yun Tian while drinking apple juice.

"Now the news of the birth of the seventh godslayer has spread. After all, the large-scale evacuation of people in Sardinia cannot hide those magic associations."

"But the only one who specifically knows the identity of Edelweiss's sister is Red Copper. To spit out the scorpion, the cross is only a guess.”

"Didn't you report it? You weren't my miko when you found out about it."

Yun Tian took a piece of mullet roe spaghetti and put it in front of him, and at the same time asked Erica casually.

"Even if I report it, no one will believe it. The love between humans and gods, when this kind of thing is reported, they will only think that I am crazy because of the pressure."

Erica brought herself some seafood, with some helplessness in her tone.

Not to mention red copper  value sodium   play  soil  seed   Mo  㚹 ㄗ about the color banter guide arrow  cough shop water dipping weed abuse abuse guanidine silly a certain mash called pa cough shop Jing Is the tomb in the barrel?/p>

"At that time, caring about your movements and the evacuation of Sardinia was the top priority. 'There is no need to distract attention with unimportant things' was my judgment at the time."

"Now that Sister Edelweiss has become a godslayer, your relationship with her is even more complicated. The combination of a godslayer and a god is enough to cause a worldwide shock."

Gathering his subordinates in the name of Edelweiss this time, the identity of the seventh godslayer will spread sooner or later, and then Yun Tian, ​​the man who appears beside the king, will definitely attract attention.

If he doesn't want to cause too much disturbance or trouble, then he needs to deliberately cover up and avoid, and push the king, Edward, to the fore.

But according to Erica's observation, the relationship between Yuntian and Edelweiss is obviously led by Yuntian, and Yuntian is usually the one who makes decisions between the two.

This creates contradictions.

"That kind of thing is fine no matter what, just let it be, or do you think it is necessary to deliberately promote the existence of a god beside the new godslayer?"

Yun Tian actually didn't care much about other people's opinions, this topic didn't arouse his interest at first.

"I think it's best to publicize it, and of course it depends on your wishes."

But Erica nodded, she mentioned this matter just to ask Yuntian's opinion.

Seeing the girl affirmed the 'necessity', Yun Tian looked at her and said, "Tell me."

"You also know that gods or gods who don't obey are equated with disasters themselves in people's eyes."

"As long as you often appear beside Elder Sister Edelweiss and let it take its course without any concealment, it is almost inevitable that your identity will be discovered."

"At that time, there will be panic in your location, and large-scale evacuations like those in Sardinia will occur frequently, and some powerful knights and magicians will even offend you."

Having said that, Erica paused, as if she was choosing words.

But she recalled Yuntian's ability to see through lies several times, so she gave up all kinds of thoughts and explained in accordance with her heart:

"It's a waste of people and money. This is my opinion as a knight from the perspective of caring for the people."

"Bringing you unnecessary trouble is also a point. You don't seem to like mobilizing people and causing an uproar every time you go."

"Just from the perspective of you traveling with sister Edelweiss, causing a sensation everywhere is not very suitable for the needs."

"Publicize your relationship with Sister Edelweiss and emphasize your uniqueness. Even if it is difficult for people to believe, at least it can make the associations in various places have a psychological preparation for your existence."

"As for the third point..."

Erica glanced at Yun Tian's expression, and then said a little cautiously:

"If this particularity exists, I can also have an excuse to stay by your side more reasonably, so I don't need to return the red copper.

Erica is only timid about the red copper  because of the cowardice of the star palm model, because of the latent time, so that it can be pried out, and then turned back to the Muyin sword, the color pry, the chimney, the red pole, the red pole, Chen Shi, Mu Rongjun?/p>

By Yuntian's side, Erica can give up the red copper card, which is worth a lot of money.

Three reasons.

One takes care of the people, one starts from the perspective of Yuntian, and the other is Erica's own hope.

The girl did not hide her reasons for making this suggestion.

Yun Tian pondered for a while after listening, and then did not give an answer immediately, but said like this:

"I see, just right, this matter can be used to test the association ability recommended by Luculazia."

1491 Magic Society 'Palomos'

Had a fun day on the boat.

Because Yuntian was not in a hurry, the cruise ship dedicated to them did not sail very fast.

It wasn't until the next morning, after having breakfast, that Yuntian brought Edweiss and Erica to the deck, looking at the clear sky, the harbor at the end of the line of sight was faintly visible.

The turquoise sea and white waves glisten in the sun, giving people a refreshing feeling.

"That's the port of Palermo in Sicily."

Erica stood beside Yuntian and Edelweiss, and introduced the destination of the trip to them.

Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and is an autonomous prefecture like Sardinia, while Palermo is a port city equivalent to the gateway to Sicily.

Located in the north of Sicily, this ancient city used to be the capital of the Kingdom of Sicily and is now the capital of the Autonomous Prefecture of Sicily.

"The magic association recommended by Luculazia is in Palermo, and 'Palomos' is the largest magic association in Sicily including the surrounding areas."

It is worth mentioning that although Erica tried her best to explain to Yun Tian, ​​the expression on the girl's face betrayed her.

That kind of sluggish and dull expression revealed that Erica was not fully awake at this time. Both Yuntian and Edelweiss saw her expression in their eyes, but they didn't try to expose it.

From Sardinia to the present, after getting along with each other during this period, not only did Erica understand the personalities of Yuntian and Edelweiss, they also knew some of Erica's habits.

Just like the current state, you can see it almost every morning.

This talented young lady has an extremely serious habit of staying in bed, which is the only bad habit that Yun Tian and Edelweiss found in her.

Both Yuntian and Edelweiss woke up very early in the morning, which is a habit developed through years of exercise.

Of course, Edelweiss would not be able to get out of bed due to some indescribable problems, but Yuntian got up early in the morning to exercise unshakably.

Erica used to be an attendant, but now she is the priestess and the following knight. No matter what kind of status she is, she should theoretically be by Yuntian's side when she wakes up.

However, the sky rose too early.

Exaggerated physical fitness, especially durability attributes and experience as an adventurer made him accustomed to recovering physical strength and spirit with the shortest sleep time.

Once upon a time, even Kakki Kurogane, who worked so hard to the extreme, was only on par with Yuntian, and Stella, who worked extraordinarily hard, couldn't keep up with their pace at first.

As the son of Tianjiao, Erica of the Pearl of Milan was able to win the title of Great Knight at the age of a young girl. It can be said that she has worked very hard.

But it is almost impossible for her to keep up with Yuntian's pace of life.

The physique of a normal person determines that Erica must have enough sleep to ensure her physical and mental state the next day. She can't "plow" at night like Yuntian and can only sleep for less than four hours to be in good spirits.

Even sometimes not too sleepy, Yun Tian may get up and exercise in two hours.

For Erica, who has a serious bed-ridden habit, this is no longer a difficulty, but torture, a hell-like training.

To be honest, Yuntian didn't ask Erica to get up early, and he also knew that the two people's need for sleep was not at the same level.

But for Erica, Yuntian, the master, has woken up, and it's okay for her to be a little later, and one hour or even two hours is not unacceptable, after all, Yuntian's situation is really special.

But if the master waits for her for more than four hours, then she is too unqualified as a knight.

Therefore, the eldest lady who was still bedridden at nine o'clock in the past, forced herself to get up before seven o'clock during the time she was with Yun Tian.

The price is that during the early morning hours, the shrewd and gorgeous Miss Erica will appear a little dazed, which is very interesting to Yun Tian.

"When we arrive at the port, people from Palomos should come to greet us... eh? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Erica was talking, and slowly woke up from the hazy state, and the first thing she noticed was the wonderful sight of Yun Tian and Edelweiss looking at her.

Subconsciously touched her cheek, combed her long blond hair, and then checked the long skirt she was wearing. The girl who found nothing wrong was a little at a loss.

That's right, Erica herself didn't know that her dazed expression after waking up was very interesting, and Yun Tian and Edelweiss would smile every time she regained consciousness.

"It's nothing, the port will arrive soon, let's get ready to disembark."

Yun Tian casually tapped Erica's forehead, using the healing technique to completely awaken her spirit.

Then he grabbed the black cat that was trying to climb up his head and carried it into his arms, turned around and walked into the cabin.

. . . . . .

In less than an hour, the cruise ship arrived in the port of Palermo.

As for the greeting that Erica said, Yun Tian had already seen it from a long distance away.

After all, the huge port was full of people without being called a sea of ​​people, but the place where they disembarked was empty, and everyone avoided it.

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