"The former Knights Templar was not just an armed group. It was also one of the earliest organizations in the world to operate the financial industry, and it was the origin of banks on the European continent."

"The demise of the Knights was because King Philip IV of France wanted to seize the huge wealth they created."

Today's Erica no longer needs to be cautious when getting along with Yuntian and Edelweiss, and she will walk side by side with Yuntian when there are no outsiders.

However, the diction is still honorific, and it will change back to a respectful service appearance when outsiders are around.

Although Yuntian expressed that he didn't care about this kind of formality, Erica insisted on it all the time, and finally Yuntian let her go.

Facing Edelweiss, Erica called her sister one by one, without any sense of separation or distance.

"Red copper  swollen swollen  carboxy account サ yttrium 甸 guest shoot ┮ cape capsule recovery В skull concubine Xi Miao sac color dispatch servant judge snail worm  guide vector  invade С pa table send crisp 獯 quilt   plum ⒄ Can't judge Yan Lilao!?/p>

. . . . . .

At the same moment, just at the red copper mentioned by Erica, I kept watching 萐サ营醉ke?/p>

A large ultra-thin LCD TV was hung on the wall, and the images of Yuntian and the three were reflected on it.

However, this TV is not a connected monitor, but a picture reflected through the feedback of detective magic.

Its principle is similar to that of the witch observing the distant crystal ball in the fairy tale.

Times are developing, technology is advancing, magicians are not old fashioned things, and modern magic applications are no longer novelty.

For example, Zamparini, who is now under Yuntian's command, the old man's favorite weapon is a firearm. Combined with magic, it can explode in a short period of time with a power comparable to heavy firepower, which is very terrifying.

This room is a red copper  finger brake hole ㄓ rose thumb   remote  wield a writing mace to stir up the flow of time? /p>

The huge room is equipped with entertainment facilities such as a pool table, a dart board, and even a bar for mixing drinks.

As usual, when the cadres gather here, the atmosphere will be relatively relaxed.

But today, the atmosphere in the room was uncharacteristically serious.

"It's a reality like a nightmare."

The great knight who sighed - Clarence, he was a black man with a bald head.

At the age of 31, whether it is strength, experience or insight, he is a red copper.

Now that Paul is promoted to head coach, Clarence is essentially the leading knight.

However, he was born in the Netherlands and he is not Italian, so he is not eligible to inherit the title of chief knight 'Red Devil'.

Otherwise, there is no need for Erica to fight for it, because as long as Clarence is qualified, then the current red copper and other species of scorpion and sorghum will not have to fight for it?/p>

"It's really optimistic to describe the status quo as a nightmare. Our lord alone is enough to cause headaches, and now there is an obviously very warlike disobedient god, plus a new demon king with an unknown personality, tsk Tsk tsk, this is really..."

The tone of the grand knight who seemed to be rude and complained very bluntly was named Gennaro Ganz.

He is only in his early twenties and has good attainments in swords and magic. He was born in southern Italy, which is the direct reason for Erica to apply for Sardinia.

Not surprisingly, if Erica has made no achievements, the person who inherits Paul's title of "Red Devil" will be this rough boy who is only 20 years old but has a face in his 30s.

"Is it inevitable that Milan will become a battlefield?" Clarence's face was a little melancholy.

"Of course, both Sir Salvatore and the disobedient Orion are in high spirits. You are going to seek death... Oh, I mean, are you going to stop them?"

Gennaro's way of speaking is very disproportionate to the title of 'Knight', which is why Erica doesn't like him very much.

Of course, Gennaro also scoffed at Erica's so-called elegance, and the two were just each other.

However, Gennaro's excellence is unquestionable. At least for now, he can see the only way to stop this battle, and he has already arranged for someone to do it.

"So, Clarence, the search hasn't turned up yet?"

"Unfortunately, the butler of Sir Salvatore, Andre Rivera, is still missing."

Clarence shook his head and gave arguably the worst answer of the moment.

"The last time he was seen happened to be a few days ago.

"The truth is obvious." Gennaro pouted.

"If that guy is here, Sir Salvatore will definitely not be allowed to run away at will, and if something happens, Sir Salvatore will definitely be the first to rescue him."

"So what if you know, are you going to find Sir Salvatore?" Clarence couldn't help but sighed.

"Ribera won't sit still. It won't take long for him to get out of trouble and rush to Milan. Our task is to avoid meeting El Salvador Lei and the rebel Orion as much as possible before then."

"All in all, contact the princess first and ask her to bring that lord god to Red Copper.

Ring ring ring --!

As Clarence was speaking, suddenly his cell phone rang.

The black knight who was interrupted picked up the phone, and after a few seconds, he put down the phone, covered his face with his hands and sighed deeply:

"Your Salvatore... has left the hotel."

written request for leave

I have had a severe cold for more than a week, and I feel very uncomfortable. Recently, I have been trying hard to code words

It’s time to write about the battle, I need to adjust my state, otherwise I feel like I’m going to collapse

Please take a day off, I'm very sorry

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . .

1498 Swordsman VS Swordsman!

On the other side, under the leadership of Erica, Yun Tian also moved towards the Red Copper Barrier to find a quiet shell?/p>

However, as he was walking, Yun Tian suddenly stopped, and at the same time, Edelweiss also looked in another direction with him if he felt it.

Seeing the actions of the two, Erica realized something, and turned her head to look at the past.

At the end of the line of sight of the three, a young man with blond hair was slowly walking towards this side.

"It seems that the other party is even more impatient than me." The moment he saw the young man, Yun Tian began to smile.

He passed Erica who had led the way before, and walked towards the blond youth.

The young man has a handsome face and is a full-fledged handsome man. Although his figure is slender, he has strong muscles that have been trained for a long time.

Dressing is extremely casual, the combination of simple shirts, slacks, and light sneakers gives people the feeling of ordinary sunny youths that can be seen everywhere.

The only thing that is out of the ordinary may be that he is carrying a long barrel-shaped box that does not know what to put on his back.

The young man had a hearty smile like the sun on his face, just like Yun Tian looked at him, he also looked at Yun Tian.

The dressing styles, hair colors, and smiles on the faces of the two are completely different. If you judge by sight, you will definitely not find any similarities between him and him.

But whether it was Erica or Edelweiss, the moment they saw the two of them standing opposite each other, they all had a feeling in their hearts.

'Like it! '

'However, there is a fundamental difference! '

It was a wonderful feeling that rose from the bottom of my heart and could not be described accurately.

"Salvatore Tony, the godslayer, has the title of 'King of Swords' for now."

"Yun Tian, ​​or you can also call me 'Orion of Disobedience'."

Greet each other like ordinary friends meeting each other, without the collision of momentum, without the impact of coercion.

Yun Tian and Dong Ni looked at each other with different smiles on their faces. Anyone else would probably think that they would reach out and hold each other in the next second.

However, the hand was stretched out, but it was not the imagined handshake. . .


The silver sword light and the white sword flashed in the field of vision, and the ear-piercing friction sound of swords colliding echoed in the empty street!

That was the 'handshake' between Yuntian and Tony, the tacit greeting between swordsmen!

There is no fluctuation of energy, nor the destructive power of power and skills. The white lightsaber and the silver sword collide in the air.

"That is, your partner?"

The Black Furnace Demon Sword in Yuntian's hand turned into a white light, bypassing the great sword in Tony's hand, and went straight to his heart.

"Partner?" Tony looked at Yun Tian with a puzzled expression.

But the movements in his hands were not slow at all, he obviously didn't look at Yun Tian's sword strike, but the silver sword stopped him immediately.

That kind of action seemed to be instinctively aware of the purpose of Yuntian's sword strike, and he was already waiting at the end the moment he drew the sword.

"Why, isn't that your partner?"

Facing Tony's interception, Yun Tian still maintained the trajectory of his sword attack as if he hadn't noticed it, and stabbed the big silver sword in a daze.

"Ah, are you the type, the kind who sees the sword as part of his body, um... a swordsman?"

Seeing the stabbing of the unchanged white lightsaber, Tony's expression moved slightly, while responding to Yun Tian's words, he suddenly flipped his hands.

Ignoring the white sword that was close at hand, the big sword slashed to the right!


The sword in the direction of the heart turned into a phantom and dissipated, and on the right, the Black Furnace Demon Sword and the silver sword met again!

A trace of surprise flashed across Yun Tian's face.

It could have been the astonishing reaction Tony had shown, or the words that came out of his mouth.

"So that's it, are you the type of swordsman over there?" Yun Tian looked at Tony with a somewhat emotional expression.

The two chatted casually, if it weren't for the sword blades that were in a stalemate in their hands, there would really be a feeling of friends introducing each other for the first time.

The unique and weird scenery made Edelweiss and Erica, who were watching them not far away, a little speechless.

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