As the ancient goddess of earth, Athena, like Pandora, experienced the war between the god of steel and the goddess of the earth.

Her current godhead of Athena, the goddess of war, is the product of being divided and degraded, and of course she will not recognize it.

And the "snake" that Athena pursued here, that is, the Gorgon Stone that was handed over to Erica, is the key to her restoration of her complete body and her former position as the supreme goddess.

In Athena's view, the traitor Yuntian, the Earth God who joined the Steel camp, shouldn't stand by and watch this matter.

She was already ready to face the battle, but who knew that Yun Tian waved her away indifferently?

"Even though you have already joined the Steel camp, you still retain such a strong natural aura on your body. You are such a strange guy. Do you have any unspeakable secrets?"

Yun Tian saw that Athena not only didn't leave, but instead leaned over to ask her questions, he glanced at her speechlessly, and gave the order to evict her without any politeness at all.

"I have no obligation to answer your questions. What I have done has nothing to do with you. If there is nothing else to do, I will leave quickly. I have no interest in you in this incomplete state."

"So that's it. Are you looking forward to a battle with the concubine who retrieved the ancient body?"

"Now that you understand, you can go."

"Forget it..."

Athena saw Yun Tian's impatience, nodded, turned around and walked away without saying anything.

And in the next moment


With a muffled sound, Yun Tian raised his arm and smashed the stone sickle that suddenly attacked him.

Looking at the gravel that fell on the ground, Yun Tian narrowed his eyes, his breath became a little dangerous and he said:

"Are you courting death?"

Looking forward to a battle with Athena who is in full condition, but it doesn't mean that Yuntian can tolerate her provocation against him.

That's right, that stone sickle was summoned by Athena to attack Yuntian!

For a while, the atmosphere became tense.

However, Athena, who sensed Yun Tian's dangerous gaze, turned around and said with a puzzled look:

"Sure enough, I don't feel wrong."

"What?" Yun Tian didn't understand what she meant.

But the next moment, Athena's words stunned both him and Edelweiss.

"How can you have the concubine's blessing on you?"

Yun Tian was dumbfounded.

He looked at Athena, who was staring at him closely, and then at Edelweiss, who was also confused, and subconsciously opened the personal panel of the main god's space to scan around.

Then, one thing is certain.

The blessing named Athena does not exist in him.

Stretching out his hand and rubbing his forehead, Yuntian asked Athena for confirmation:

"You mean, I have your blessing on me?"


Athena nodded, then turned her gaze to Edelweiss, and said as if uncertain:

"She seems to have it too?"

1518 Letter of War and Agreement

Yun Tian and Edelweiss looked at each other, and fell silent at the same time.

If it is related to God or a blessing, there are only two things in common between Yuntian and Edelweiss.

One is the source of God's grace, the family god pattern portrayed by Loki, which is essentially a higher-level development of the blessings of the gods of the earth.

But no matter what point of view it is speculated from, it is impossible for Loki to have a relationship with Athena. Even in the world of godslayers where the myth is based on fusion, Loki and Athena have no relationship at all.

If so, there is only one possibility left.


Yun Tian whispered the name of the Goddess of Justice, and Athena tilted her head after hearing Yun Tian's voice, and responded with some doubts.

"What's the matter?"

Athena seemed to be surprised by Yuntian's sudden change of name to herself, and after carefully looking at him, she asked again:

"You haven't answered the question yet, why do you have the concubine's blessing on you? The concubine does not have the memory of giving you the blessing, let alone this kind of blessing of the highest standard."

The various divine auras on Yuntian's body were indeed covered by the natural aura, otherwise the mixed and diverse aura would definitely arouse Athena's vigilance, and she would definitely not follow the remnants of the natural aura to find her like now.

But that is still a cover-up in the final analysis, and it does not mean that it does not exist.

Perception can be shielded, but the fetters and connections originating from blessings always exist.

What attracted Athena to come to Yuntian was not only the natural atmosphere of the earth god camp, but also a sense of kindness and familiarity rising from the bottom of her heart.

It was this connection and the sense of trust that she felt in the dark that Athena made the decision to find an ally.

After all, in her opinion, it is undoubtedly the earth gods or earth goddesses who belonged to her in the past that would make her feel this way.

It's just that she never expected that when they met, they found that the person who brought her a sense of intimacy turned out to be a strange traitor to the earth god.

The shattered natural aura on the opponent's body and the steel weapon worn around his waist undeniably explained the identity of his enemy.

The first time she saw Yuntian, Athena thought she had fallen into a trap, and she was almost mentally prepared to return to the mythology.

Who knows that after a brief exchange, things are completely different from what she imagined.

Yuntian and Edelweiss were at a loss because of her words, and Athena couldn't understand the current situation.

There are too many contradictions in Yuntian, so she uses the power of the earth to construct a sickle and attack Yuntian.

The moment Quan Quan came into contact with her body, Athena finally affirmed the hazy feeling she had been feeling before.

It's not a trap to lure her here, but Yuntian does have a blessing from the same source as her.

But this. . .how is this possible?

"Is the concubine's memory also missing due to the incomplete godhead?"

Athena stared at Yuntian, and while talking to herself, she also seemed to hope that he could give an answer.

It's a pity that Yuntian couldn't give her the answer she wanted.

To be honest, Yun Tian was also confused, he couldn't figure out the relationship between Astoria and Athena at all.

In his view, Astoria, like Loki, is a god who has no intersection with Athena at all.

The brain is spinning rapidly.

For a moment, Yuntian even thought about the background of Orion he didn't follow, and whether the source of that skill 'Natural Affinity' might be related to Athena.

His face remained calm, but he quickly scanned the background information and detailed information on skills.

And the result, of course, was nothing.

This made him unable to answer Athena at all.

weaving lies?

It is not impossible.

But who is sure to deceive a god with 'wisdom' in his power?At least Yuntian is not completely sure.

So instead of cheating, Yuntian chose another method that he was better at.

remain silent.

The silent silence lasted for quite a while, Athena looked directly at Yuntian, and Yuntian did not look away from her.

after a long time

"Is that your answer?"

Athena took a deep look at Yun Tian, ​​with a hint of inexplicable meaning in her tone.

"Can't you tell me, or you don't want to tell my concubine?"

"No." Yun Tian shook his head.

"I just...don't know what to say."

Looking into Yuntian's eyes and listening to his words, Athena nodded knowingly, then turned and left step by step.

"In this case, the concubine will do as you wish. When the 'snake' is found and returned to the ancient body, the concubine will come to you again."

"At that time, let's continue this topic..."

After leaving the last words, the figure of the silver-haired girl disappeared from sight.

Yun Tian rubbed his forehead, looked at Edelweiss beside him and asked:

"What do you think the blessing she said would be?"

"I don't know, I don't know as much about mythology as you do, but... Astoria is most likely."

Edelweiss took a sip of coffee, then raised his head not far away, and said:

"Instead of asking me, ask a professional."

At this time, Ariana, who had finished solving the police's affairs, rushed over, walked to the table and bowed and said:

"I'm very sorry, Lord Yuntian and Lord Edelweiss, for keeping you two waiting for so long."

"It's okay, but Aliana, do you know when the matter with Erica will end?" Yun Tian waved his hand, indicating that Aliana didn't need to apologize.

"Mrs. Erica didn't tell me this, but she told me that you can contact her anytime if you need it. Do you want me to call?"

Aliana took out her mobile phone, found Erica's number and was ready to call, while asking Yun Tian for instructions.

"Well, call and ask when she will come over. I have something to ask her."

. . . . . .

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