At this moment, a pure white figure walked into the hall and asked curiously:

"A god came just now...??"

Edelweiss stopped in the middle of her words, looked at the two people next to each other on the sofa, and heard Yuli's uncontrollable voice, she paused before walking over.

Putting the freshly baked biscuits on the table, Edelweiss looked at Yuntian and Yuri, and said in a tone of 'I knew it':

"You acted a little too quickly."

Before Yun Tian had time to react, the girl beside him jumped up first, and explained anxiously:

"Love love love love Edelweiss sister, sister! No, no, no, no, me, me, me..."

Yuri's flustered state is difficult to describe clearly, and she herself is very confused because of the previous incident.

In desperation, he couldn't organize a complete sentence for a long time.

Yun Tian, ​​on the other hand, picked up a biscuit and put it in his mouth, as if he didn't take the misunderstanding to heart at all.

In fact, it is true.

Edelweiss' observation ability is not weaker than Yuntian's, and may even be stronger.

Sensing the presence of a god, combined with Yuntian's action of using hydrotherapy and Yuri's identity as a priestess, Edelweiss must have seen through everything the moment he stepped into the hall.

She would say that, just like Yun Tian used to tease her, trying to tease her back.

In the end, Yuri was frightened instead.

Just being possessed by Athena, the girl whose brain is not very good immediately became anxious and babbled and explained for a long time. Not only did she fail to explain the matter clearly, but she also had a meaning that was getting darker and darker.

Fortunately, the sudden ringing of the doorbell rescued Yuri from embarrassment.


"I, I'm going to open the door!"

The girl trotted towards the gate as if she was relieved, and after a while, she led a young man in a suit in.

. . . . . .

"Amakasu Touma, a member of the Official History Compilation Committee, is deeply honored to have the opportunity to meet the god and king."

Amakasu Touma saluted Yuntian and Edelweiss, and at the same time handed the information he brought to Yuri.

But unlike the respectful expression on his face, Amakasu Touma was in a panic.

Based on his professional habits, he immediately observed the status and environment of everyone present.

Yun Tian was sitting on the sofa, and Edelweiss was sitting next to him. Seeing the intimacy between the two, it was obvious that the absurd rumors about the relationship between the disobedient god and the godslayer were true.

But judging from the folds on the sofa, someone should have sat on the other side of Yuntian, besides him, there might be someone who could sit next to Yuntian. . .

Thinking of this, Amakasu Touma quietly observed her state with the help of Yuri's actions when she handed over the information to Yuntian.

You can see the obvious fatigue, and the blush on his face has not subsided, and he looks at Yuntian evasively.

Good guy, combined with the information currently available, Amakasu Touma couldn't stay any longer.

No matter how he looked at it, he felt that he came at the wrong time, and he was afraid that he would disturb the interest of this disobedient god.

With the style of the God of Disobedience, it is possible to wave his hand to make him disappear in the next second, and implicate a city as punishment.

'However, I heard that Orion, the disobedient descended, likes women as described in the myth, and it seems that this is also true. '

Thinking of this, Amakasu Touma didn't hesitate, and directly asked to leave.

"I have delivered the information you requested, so I won't disturb your rest."

After finishing speaking, the young man left the villa cautiously.

It wasn't until he walked out the door that he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if he had walked through the gate of hell.

Quickly left here for a long distance, and then took out the phone to report.

"The relationship between the new king and the god should be true. In addition, regarding women, the god is also consistent with the description in the myth."

"That's right, no accident, the miko Mariya Yuri is already one of his people, from which we can basically judge that from the Milan Red Copper flag, I will subconsciously knock on the rose and that's still oh throw Xinghuan ūVぁ! ?/p>

"If you want to get in touch with this god in the future, maybe you can start from this point and choose what you like, red copper and bronze.

1543 Home visit

The Official History Compilation Committee is an organization that governs the magic world in the Far East. Unlike the Seven Sisters of Italy, the Official History Compilation Committee is an organization under the State Council.

This kind of nature has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that they can freely mobilize all departments and organizations in the extreme east to cooperate with each other. Priestesses like Mariya Yuri are theoretically obliged to cooperate with the committee.

The disadvantage is naturally that it is linked to 'politics', so there is no need to go into too much detail about the impact it will cause.

In any case, with the support of the state, it is still very easy to investigate a person's information.

Yuntian didn't care about Amakasu Touma who left, and took the information from Yuri, which recorded all the detailed information of a person from the Far East named 'Kusanagi Godou'.

With a name, it is limited to the scope of Tokyo, and it is the same school as Yuri. Some time ago, I went to Italy for a trip. There is a younger sister in the family.

With such precise conditions, no one can make a mistake, and there is no second Kusanagi Godou who fully meets the above conditions.

Therefore, the information Yuntian got was only one person.

However, after a short glance, Yun Tian's gaze became a little subtle.

The information was quite normal at the beginning, such as name, age, home address, contact information and so on.

The only thing that stands out is his baseball experience.

The candidate for the representatives of the Far Eastern countries in the World Junior Baseball Tournament reflects from the side Kusanagi Godou's innate athletic talent and superhuman reflexes and observation skills.

If he hadn't injured his shoulder in practice and was forced to retire, he might have become a national representative player now.

The picture style of the information so far is still normal.

But at the back, especially in the column of interpersonal relationships, the names of women are unexpectedly rich.

Edelweiss, who was sitting next to Yuntian, saw his lover's expression was a little curious, so he leaned over and looked at the information paper in his hand.

Perhaps in order to take care of Yuri who was also curious but did not dare to come and see, Edelweiss read the above content softly.

"After investigation, there is no confirmed girlfriend, but there is more than one opposite sex who has a tendency. The brief description is listed below."

"Emily Konno, my deskmate in the third grade of junior high school, often intentionally forgets to bring her textbooks and sits at the same table with Kusanagi Godou to borrow books for reading. Her attitude is extraordinarily friendly, far surpassing the relationship between classmates or friends."

"Kyoko Uchida, a good friend of Emily Konno, with an introverted personality and a silent personality, took the initiative to contact Kusanagi Godou through friends and asked to become friends with her."

"Tokunaga Asuka, a childhood sweetheart who lives in the same block as Kusanagi Godou, often makes bentos for him."

"Maya Endo, Ayaka Narasaki, Kaori Nakazawa..."

As she continued to read, Edelweiss couldn't read any more. Her eyes slid down and she found that there were many other names listed on it, and there were at least more than twenty of them at random.

His eyes slid all the way to the bottom of this column, and Edelweiss' tone became a little complicated.

"It was suspected that there was a marriage agreement when I was a child. His younger sister Shizuka Kusanagi is suspected to have a tendency to love her brother. Due to limited time, I can't confirm it further."

After reading the last sentence, the three present fell silent at the same time.

After a while, Yuri whispered something.

"I didn't expect that there is such a thing in our school...uh." Halfway through the words, Yuri paused.

She had little experience with this matter and knowledge, so she really didn't know what words to use to describe Kusanagi Godou.

On the other side, Edelweiss silently counted in his heart, and then looked at the information.

Suddenly reached out and patted Yun Tian's shoulder, made a relieved expression and said emotionally:

"You are still far behind. Others are ordinary people."

Hearing Edelweiss' words, this time, even knowing that she was teasing him, Yun Tian couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

I have to say, the effect is outstanding.

Regardless of other things, just being questioned about one's own charm, regardless of gender, is a very lethal thing.

But looking at the long list of names on the information, Yun Tian had to admit that Kusanagi Godou might have a unique talent in this regard.

This is not even counting the fangirls they gained while playing baseball. Baseball is a very popular sport here in the Far East.

The talented baseball boy template who was forced to retire, and countless female strategy branch routes.

Even if Kusanagi Godou does not become a godslayer, he is still an absolutely standard male protagonist in youth daily dramas, and he is even the best among them.

At that time, through which branch line can I get in touch with the magic world, not to mention learning the magic spell, which can heal his injured shoulder in the end.

Then return to the baseball arena and work hard.

Good guy, the bloody finale is here.

Yun Tian shook his head, and drove the messy thoughts out of his mind.

I glanced at the time and found that it was still early for dinner, so I said:

"I'm planning to go to Kusanagi Godou's house, Yuri, I need you to contact me."

"Eh? Me?" Yuri didn't expect that Yuntian would contact her, and Yuri was stunned for a moment. After all, she didn't know this person named Kusanagi Godou at all.


"His younger sister, Shizuka Kusanagi, is in the same club as you. Let's get in touch through this. You can tell them directly, 'A friend Kusanagi Godou met in Idauri came to visit'."

After Yun Tian finished speaking, he turned to look at Edelweiss beside him and asked:

"are you going?"

"I'll forget it." Edelweiss had no interest in Kusanagi Godou, the original protagonist.

"Anyway, you'll be back soon. I'll stay and prepare dinner."

Seeing Edelweiss say that, Yun Tian didn't force her.

On the other hand, Yuri heard about the dinner and seemed to want to say something, but after hesitating for a while, she still didn't speak.

Taking out the mobile phone from his pocket, he called the younger generation of his club with difficulty.

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