It doesn't matter if you waste your energy on negotiating with other countries.

However, flattering the dragon, caring about the dragon's reaction, is it more important than the kingdom and the people?

No, not right.

In an instant, Crusch understood where the disgust came from.

She noticed why she was angry.

No one is really sorry for the royal family, no one is really worried about the kingdom.

Their uneasiness, their all-time hard work, just comes from the fear of being abandoned by the dragon after the royal family is broken.

They are just afraid of being forced to leave the cradle built by Shenlong.

With the king dead and the only surviving prince in a coma, the development of the kingdom and the future of the people are secondary.

For them, these are just tragedies that happen along the way.

What really matters is [What would the dragon do? 】

The moment he realized this, Crusch suddenly noticed something.

Unknowingly, Lugnica is no longer a kingdom of dragons.

Instead, it should be called the Kingdom of Shenlong.

What disgusted her the most was that if nothing happened to Ferrier, if Crusch himself and Ferrier weren't that close.

Then maybe, now she will have the same thoughts as these people.

It's that sweet, venomous poison called 'satisfaction with the status quo' that has begun to eat away at the soul.

1815 Revelation of the Dragon Calendar Stone

In the emergency meeting where the superior nobles gathered, many people gave their opinions and suggestions on the death of the king.

The meeting continued, and more and more nobles began to participate.

Of course, there are also a small number of them like Yuntian watching and Crusch's indignation.

But anyway, the meeting started normally.

However, the appearance of a voice made the meeting hall, which had started to become lively, fall into silence again.

"Everyone, I have something to say."

There are not many people who can cool down the audience just by opening their mouths. After all, all the people present are high-level nobles, and no one's status is too bad.

All of them can give face, except for the chairman of the conference, Mycrotov, there are only a very small number of people like Yuntian, Crusch, and Reinhardt.

However, it was a baron who spoke at this moment.

Not to mention the noble status, there is no reason for nobles at the baron level to appear at this meeting of superior nobles.

However, Baron Leippe Baliere was an exception.

Although his title was not high, he was favored by the late king and was reused. He not only obtained the territory as a baron, but was also entrusted with a very special position.

And this special position is also the reason why everyone is quiet.

After seeing the eyes coming together, he stood up from the chair, knelt down on one knee to offer the courtesy, and said at the same time:

"There is a new record on the Dragon Calendar Stone, and the dragon has revealed the future of the kingdom."

His words shocked all the nobles present.

The Dragon Calendar Stone is one of the three treasures bestowed by the dragon to the Kingdom of Lugnica. It is a prophesy tablet that will describe the future of the Kingdom of Manifestation.

At first glance, Longli Stone looks like a square slab, but its material, let alone its working mechanism and other important factors are still unknown.

The only thing that can be determined is that when the kingdom is in crisis, there will be changes on it, which will record or indicate the future and even solve the predicament.

For hundreds of years, countless crises have been prevented or successfully resolved through the warning of Longli Stone.

"You mean, there is finally a new revelation on the Dragon Calendar Stone?!"

"Exactly, as a symbol of His Majesty's trust, I hereby convey the content to all my lords."

Lepp was able to participate in the meeting of the superior nobles as a baron, and let everyone listen to him quietly, precisely because of this duty of relaying the content of the dragon calendar stone.

Like the dragon's blood, the dragon calendar stone was also treated cautiously, and only the royal family and very few people with special duties like Laip could enter the room where it was placed.

but. . .

"Wait a minute."

The one who interrupted Laip was none other than the bald old man who once questioned Yuntian in the throne room, one of the representatives of the Wise Men, Bordeaux Zhuogefu.

"You said it was the record of Longli Stone, but whether you can trust it is still uncertain."

Bordeaux had a stern expression, just like he doubted Yuntian that day, and his eyes staring at Laip became more and more sharp.

Bordeaux stood up and looked down at the kneeling Laip, while Laip raised his head slightly, frowning and responded:

"Trust? You can't take it for granted, Mr. Bordeaux."

Laip showed no fear on his face, and said without the slightest hesitation:

"Shouldn't the lords of the Sage Council, who are important ministers of the kingdom, be more aware of the accuracy of the records on the Dragon Calendar Stone?

"In the past, there were indeed members of the royal family who would testify, but today the blood of the royal family has been cut off, and there is no need to stick to some rules in emergency situations. You can confirm whether what the minister said is true or not."

Laip would not tell such a low-level lie. Without the restraint of the royal family, anyone can read the Longli Stone. Whether it is true or not, the Council of Sages will definitely confirm it after the meeting.

However, what Bordeaux questioned was not this.

"Longli Stone has indeed saved the kingdom from fire and water several times, but this time is another story!"

Bordeaux suddenly raised his voice, and his attitude immediately caught the attention of Yuntian and Crusch.

"If Longli Stone can really respond to the situation that affects the fate of the kingdom, then why do the royal family members remain unchanged when they are in crisis?

"If the Dragon Calendar Stone really indicates the future of the kingdom, wouldn't it be a more direct way to guide the way to rescue His Majesty in advance!

"Still, Laip! Do you think His Majesty's death is not worthy of the crisis of the survival of the kingdom!"

The roar of Bordeaux shook the minds of too many people.

Especially Crusch, she looked at this rude and paranoid sage, and for the first time felt from the bottom of her heart that he deserved the title of 'sage'.

At the moment when Bordeaux's voice fell, a small number of people who had remained silent in the previous meeting nodded in agreement this time.

Seeing the changes in his eyes, Yun Tian couldn't help feeling in his heart that the Kingdom of Lugnica hadn't been completely corrupted.

At least some people dare to question the correctness of Shenlong.

Not to mention right and wrong, this independent thinking attitude is very important.

"About this point... Alas, Weichen, no, the guilty minister has another matter that must be made clear to all the adults."

Facing Bordeaux's glare, Laip sighed.

Then he changed his posture, from etiquette of kneeling on one knee to kneeling on both sides to apologize.

The sudden change made Bordeaux stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise:

"Why are you doing this?"

"The minister is guilty. Due to his own arbitrariness, this matter has not been said before. I know that the matter is of great importance. I hope all the adults will listen."

Laip did not raise his head, but bent over and said in a heavy tone:

"The description on the Dragon Calendar Stone did not just appear, but the content that appeared before His Majesty passed away."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience fell silent.

Bordeaux looked dumb, and everyone else looked at Laip in surprise, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Why did you keep silent until now? My lords want to ask this question. First of all, please believe that I have never betrayed His Majesty."

"No betrayal?! You guys forgot your duty. Not only did you fail to complete the task given by His Majesty, but you dared to say it brazenly! You have concealed the guidance of the Dragon Calendar Stone to the kingdom until now..."

"Lord Bordeaux, what if the guidance itself is implying the demise of His Majesty and his blood relatives?"


The furious Bordeaux suddenly caught his breath.

Only then did Laip raise his head, looked around at everyone present, paused for a while at Yuntian and McCrotov who had always remained calm, and then stopped at Bordeaux.

"I confirmed that the changes in the Dragon Calendar Stone occurred more than half a month to a month ago, when His Majesty was still alive.

"This minister should immediately report to His Majesty, or convey it to all the adults... However, when he walked to His Majesty's bedside, seeing His Majesty who was seriously ill and bedridden, this minister really couldn't say anything.

"The content described above is like this, [When the blood of the royal family is cut off and no one can continue the covenant, five people are found in the kingdom with their badges as candidates, and they will sign the covenant again as the new Dragon Priestess].

"Such a cruel content, I cannot bear to convey it to that benevolent Majesty."

With the end of Laip's explanation, the meeting hall once again fell into deathly silence.

1816 coat of arms

"As early as a month ago, Longli Stone asked us to find someone other than the royal family...the new king."

It wasn't just a high-ranking noble who murmured with complicated emotions.

"It's so..."

Cruel prophecy, everyone present thought so.

Anticipating the severance of the royal family in advance, Long Lishi actually gave a solution.

And it was this so-called solution that completely killed the hopes of the royal family.

"Baron Baliere."

Just when everyone was immersed in the shocking facts, a voice broke the silence.

Yun Tian knocked on the round table, looked at Laip who was kneeling on the ground and asked:

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