As time went by, the atmosphere solidified bit by bit.

Emilia was the first to stop. The girl's expression changed from doubt to surprise, then from surprise to shock, and finally turned into self-doubt.

Obviously, she was wondering if she hadn't woken up yet, or if she had been under some illusion type of magic.

Roswaal stopped after that.

Although it was not the first time seeing him, he still felt unbelievable, and the visual impact it brought was no less than the battle he witnessed in the Great Forest of Eliol.

The last one to stop was Ram.

As the elder sister of the twin maids, Ram actually wanted to continue sharing some of the younger sister's pressure.

But the body with the broken ghost horns couldn't support her to do too high-intensity homework. When it took more than an hour, Ram, who was carrying the dishes back and forth, collapsed on the table panting.

As a result, the restaurant turned into a strange scene.

Emilia, Roswaal, and Ram silently looked at Yuntian, who still had no plans to stop, and Rem, who was forced to continue working.

Rem obviously learned the lesson from last time. Hearing that Yuntian was coming, the girl prepared a lot of semi-finished food in advance.

With a little processing, it can fill an entire large dining car.

For this, Yuntian was even pleased.

Rem's ability reminded him of Ikki in the world of the Fallen Knight and Youmu in Gensokyo. When they were by his side, he didn't have to worry about eating.

For a while, Yun Tian's appetite became even better when he was in a good mood.

This directly led to an exponential increase in Rem's workload.

At first, it was better to have Ram to help, but after Ram's body was laid down, from packing the dinner plates to loading the car to cooking and transporting back, it was all in charge of Ram alone.

The girl seemed to be raising the bar, with a straight face, faster and faster speed, more and more concise movements, desperately trying to keep up with Yun Tian's eating speed.

When the meal lasted more than two and a half hours, the time had gone from 05:30 to eight o'clock.

Yun Tian looked at Rem, whose feet were starting to slip as she was pushing the dining cart, and put down the knife and fork after thinking about it.

After all, the girl is not Ikki who has undergone extreme oppressive training since she was a child, nor is she a Youmu who has a racial advantage in physical strength. It is already very good for her to "compete" with Yuntian for more than two hours.

Yun Tian felt that with the physical fitness of the Rem Ghost Clan, he could actually last for an hour or two after a little squeeze.

However, considering tomorrow, Yuntian chose 'sustainable development'.

And the moment he put down the knife and fork, the other four people in the restaurant heaved a sigh of relief, and the tense atmosphere eased.

Rem looked at Yuntian with hazy eyes, and her tense spirit instantly relaxed, making her unable to stand firmly on her feet, and fell directly backwards.

Before falling to the ground, he was caught and held in his arms by Ram who had been prepared.

"Sister, sister...?"

"It's over, it's over, Rem."

"Is it over..."

"Yeah, I'll leave it to my sister later, Rem, you've worked hard, take a good rest."

"Rem sleeps for a while...for a while..."

After finishing speaking, with Ram's painful expression on his face, Rem tilted her head and lay in her sister's arms without moving.

It seems that the sisters who are separated from life and death are talking to each other, and the atmosphere created is particularly touching.

Of course, the premise is to change the place first, which is a bit tricky in the restaurant.

. . . . . .

Just like that, under everyone's strange eyes, Yun Tian returned to the room after dinner.

He took his things, took a shower in the large public bath, and then returned to the room to rest in a bathrobe.

Sitting on the chair, Yun Tian didn't take out the book to read immediately, but began to add food to himself.

Excessive food intake is actually not a big or small problem.

But Yuntian has a solution in his hands.

He took out a piece of black dragon jerky from his portable pocket and put it in his mouth. A finger-long piece of jerky was enough for him to replenish all the energy he needed for a meal.

To be honest, now that he has black dragon jerky, there is no need for Yuntian to eat as much as before. One piece of jerky in the morning, noon and evening, saving time and effort to meet his needs.

However, Yuntian rarely does this.

He's a pretty boring guy, and that's especially true until he meets Edelweiss.

If there is nothing special, the things Yun Tian will do all day are exercise except for exercise. Now that he has reached the world level, it is just an added item of reading magic books.

Wake up - exercise - read a book - exercise - sleep.

If no one cares about him, he can really continue this boring life day after day.

It was precisely because Edelweiss really couldn't bear to see him like this that he helped him develop some other "entertainment" habits.

Such as some kind of indescribable stimulating movement.

Of course, it's impossible to do it in Mazas Mansion.

Therefore, the only entertainment left for Yuntian is to eat.

Eating, especially delicious food, that kind of process is a very happy thing.

With the help of Edelweiss, Yuntian has gradually learned how to enjoy the meal these days,

This is the reason why he seldom directly fills his stomach with black dragon jerky.

After all, for Yun Tian, ​​eating is one of the few relaxation and entertainment items in his life, even though there are billions of useless chefs.

In essence, it doesn't matter if you eat more or less, it all depends on Yuntian's enjoyment process.

The black dragon jerky after the meal is the foundation to replenish the energy needed by the body, and it can also bring a little growth to Yuntian's body.

In this regard, Yuntian is somewhat similar to the elves in this world.

Just like Parker, he doesn't need to eat at all, and all the energy needed to maintain his body depends on absorbing mana.

But he also eats, just for pure enjoyment.

As long as Parker is willing, he can eat more than Yuntian, because the moment the food enters his stomach, it will be broken down into the most basic elements.

But Yuntian still needs a little time to digest.

. . . . . .

While biting the jerky, he sat in front of the window and looked up at the night sky.

Boom, boom——!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Yun Tian was not surprised, he had already sensed who the person was, so before the person outside the door spoke, he said:

"Come in, I'm not asleep yet."

"Excuse me, Lord Yuntian."

Pushing the door open was the pink-haired ghost elder sister Ram.

Holding the tray with teacups and teapots, she paused when she walked into the door and saw Yuntian, and couldn't help but say:

"Aren't you full yet?"

Although Lahm couldn't identify the type of jerky in Yuntian's hand, she still understood the meaning it represented.

"It's still far from enough to make me full. If it's you, it shouldn't be difficult to understand."

1951 The Temptation of Food

If it were someone else, Yuntian's exaggerated appetite might be unbelievable.

But Ram, who has personally fought against him, and whose physical fitness is also exaggerated to a supermodel, can empathize to a certain extent.

The ghost clan has the unique magical organ of ghost horns, so it can support their naturally powerful bodies.

As a human being, Yun Tian does not have this kind of talent.

But Ram's ghost horn was broken, so she lost this ability, and it was also the direct reason why she couldn't do all kinds of work well.

Ram can also absorb energy by eating, but just like Yuntian, the efficiency of this intake is too low, and it is impossible to maintain the energy balance required by the body.

Because of the broken horns that are constantly dissipating energy, even if Ram eats special ingredients like Yuntian, he can't restore his heyday, but he won't be weakened to what he is now.

Such a special physical condition allowed Lahm to understand Yuntian's food intake problem.


"Are you really human?"

While boldly speaking from her heart, the girl slammed the door shut with her foot, then walked to Yun Tian with a tray and poured tea for him.

At the same time, he added: "Do you need Ram to help you get some more snacks?"

"No need, these are enough for today...Although I intended to say that, you weren't going to take it from the beginning, right?"

Yun Tian glanced at the girl beside him.

After pouring out the tea, Ram also poured himself a cup without any politeness, and sat down next to Yuntian holding the cup.

Seeing the magic book she put on the table, Yun Tian also knew the purpose of Ram's visit.

That book was lent to her by Yun Tian last time. After this period of time, she must have finished reading it.

Without mentioning this matter immediately, Yun Tian thought for a while, and took out two more black dragon jerky from his portable pocket.

One was as long as the jerky in his hand, and the other was only the size of a knuckle.

"Try it?" Yun Tian handed the dried black dragon meat to Ram.

If it had been some time ago, Yuntian probably wouldn't have done such a extravagant act, because the treatment of the fourth prince Flier resulted in the consumption of half of the energy of the pure Rubik's Cube, and he even stopped feeding Alaba the black dragon meat for a few days.

But now, such behavior is no longer a luxury.

Thanks also to the friendly sponsorship of the Holy Phrakian Empire, when Yuntian left the empire, Yuntian took away the pieces of the Crystal Palace that he dismantled.

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