Yun Tian also felt a little headache about this, he sighed and rubbed his temples.

The last time I encountered a similar thing was when Aisi was young in the Wrong World.

However, compared to Aisie at that time, Emilia, who didn't cry or make trouble, was much more worry-free, but it's not a problem to stay up all the time.

She is different from Yun Tian, ​​her physical fitness is not that exaggerated, no matter how excited her spirit is, her body has reached the time when she must rest.

After pondering for a while, Yun Tian thought of something.

He reached out to search in the portable pocket, then took out a music player and handed it to Emilia.

"This is?"

Seeing Yun Tian handing over a palm-sized square box, Emilia blinked suspiciously.

Re0 This world has magic stone crafts, but social development is still roughly in the middle ages, and it is naturally impossible for any electrical appliances to appear.

In her eyes, the music player in Yuntian's hand is a strange matchbox made of iron with a thread wrapped around it.

"According to this world, you can understand it as a kind of exquisite magic stone craft product, of course, there are still some differences in reality."

If it was used to fool people, Yun Tian could have described it as a magic weapon like the hero in the original novel.

But Yuntian is not trying to deceive people now, and if it is a magic weapon, Emilia will probably not accept it because the value is too high.

"The function is very simple, it is to save the sound."


"That's right, listen to it. It's a song sung by an acquaintance of mine. It should help you fall asleep."

While explaining, Yun Tian taught Emilia how to put on the earphones.

She had never used similar items before, and the girl slightly shook her head uncomfortably after putting something in her ears.

But as Yuntian pressed the play button, the beautiful and melodious voice rang in her ears instantly conquered her.

It was a language that Emilia had never heard, and she didn't understand a single word of the lyrics, but she could understand the melody, feel the emotions conveyed by the song, and understand the beauty of the voice's owner.

Elegant and ethereal, as if gathering all the beautiful and moving songs in the world, they were passed into Emilia's ears, penetrated into her heart, and shocked the girl's soul.

That's right, the song in this music player is sung by the 'World's Number One Diva' Sylvia Lunaheim.

When leaving Xuezhan City World, Yuntian copied a lot of Silvia's songs.

I often take it out and listen to it, and even Edelweiss will listen to it with him.

Silvia's singing voice has incredible power, as if it can cleanse the heart, and penetrate the gentleness into the human soul.

Even if you can't understand the lyrics, the emotions and beliefs in the songs can still be clearly and accurately conveyed to the depths of the listener's heart.

Wrapped in the gentle singing, Emilia only felt that the accumulated exhaustion was completely released in one breath.

After a while, she, who was already exhausted, fell asleep lying on the table.

Looking at the girl's defenseless sleeping face, Yun Tian sighed helplessly.

He reached out and hugged Emilia in the posture of a princess, put her on the bed and covered her with the quilt.

Then, Yun Tian returned to the desk and continued to pick up the book.

He didn't know which room Emilia was in, but anyway, not sleeping for a day was nothing to Yun Tian now.

. . . . . .

In this way, Yuntian read the book until the next morning.

He glanced at Emilia who was sleeping very sweetly, changed his clothes and opened the door to leave, preparing to go to the yard for the usual morning exercise.

Not long after Yun Tian arrived in the garden, someone found him.

"Master Yuntian." Rem pushed a small cart with toiletries and water basins on it.

Obviously, the girl went to the room to look for him first, and came all the way here if she couldn't find him.

"Rem, I'm sorry to trouble you, but put the water basin there first."

Yun Tian didn't turn his head back, holding the Black Furnace Demon Sword and wielding it boringly.

In fact, he had already finished washing before he came out. After all, it was a guest room prepared for the highest-ranking nobles. It not only had a huge space but also had all kinds of facilities.

Naturally, the bathroom will not be missing.

Yuntian didn't have the habit of being served by others. Before going out, he usually finished washing by himself, but he forgot that when he came last time, Rem would call him every morning when he woke up, and bring him toiletries by the way.

However, it won't be a waste for the girl to chase after her. After the morning exercise, she can wipe her face and body with a towel.

Yun Tian's current morning exercise is actually meaningless, it's just a habit for him to still do it.

At the current state, ordinary exercise can't achieve any improvement effect at all, and it can't even make Yuntian warm up and sweat.

Therefore, the cloudy sky does not last long.

After he breathed a sigh of relief and stopped, he turned around and found that Rem was still standing not far away.

"I said on my last visit that you don't have to call me every morning."

Taking the soaked towel from Rem, Yun Tian said to her while wiping his face.

"This is Rem's job, Master Yuntian, if you don't need it, just ignore Rem."

The girl also stubbornly rejected Yun Tian's proposal again.

However, when she was speaking, Yun Tian caught a trace of unnaturalness and stiffness.

"what happened?"

Feeling a little strange about Rem's attitude, Yun Tian put the towel back on the cart and asked casually.

However, the girl's words stunned him a bit.

"No, Rem is just a maid, so she is not qualified to dictate your private life, Mr. Yuntian."

Hearing the girl's words, Yun Tian looked at her and slowly put out a question mark.

"what are you saying??"

Facing Yun Tian's surprised question, Lei Mu was only silent for a moment, then bowed slightly and said:

"Please also exercise restraint and pay attention to your body. At least you should rest well on the day after the long journey ends. Your physique may be excellent, but it's better to think about it for Lady Emilia."

Yuntian:? !

1956 guilt

"You really misunderstood!"

"Rem is just a maid, and won't talk too much about your private life."

"I already have a lover!"

"... Please rest assured, Rem will keep the secret."

"So, it was just that Emilia couldn't sleep yesterday, so she came to chat with me for a while."

"Then we chatted and chatted on the bed. Well, Rem understands. For the sake of the reputation of Lord Emilia, Rem didn't even tell her sister about this."

Rem first went to Yuntian's room to look for him in the morning.

But Yun Tian wasn't there, but Emilia was lying on the bed sleeping soundly, and the girl's exhaustion could be seen between her brows.

There is really no way not to be misunderstood.

From Rem's point of view, the situation in the room speaks for itself. Afterwards!

Or you can add another sentence, take advantage of it!

"It's all Rem's fault, if Rem wasn't too emotional yesterday, Lady Emilia wouldn't have been easily taken advantage of by you.

"Although I know it's too late, Rem will go to apologize to Lady Emilia later."

The expression on the girl's face was somewhat melancholy, mixed with entanglement and regret, and she looked at Yun Tian with a look of contempt.

"I always feel that what you say is subtle and full of malice." Yun Tian didn't bother to complain, he found that this kind of thing was getting darker and darker.

Anyway, the truth will come out after Emilia wakes up, so there's no need to get entangled.


"It's you, are you okay?"

From Rem's tone, Yun Tian could read the restlessness deep in the girl's heart.

It is rare for her to bicker with Yuntian like her elder sister Lamu, probably because it is to cover up her true emotions.

"Rem is fine." Hearing Yun Tian's inquiry, Rem's expression paused.

She bit her lip and looked at Yun Tian, ​​showing some hesitation.

"last night..."

"Don't worry, Emilia didn't blame you, and it's not all because of your attitude that she can't sleep."

Seeing through the girl's mind, Yun Tian reached out and touched her head, and added:

"Afterwards, apologize to her seriously. Others don't know, but you should be very clear that Emilia has nothing to do with the Witch Cult."

"En." Rem didn't say anything more, but nodded silently.

Rem has a unique talent. After the ghost village was destroyed, perhaps driven by a strong desire for revenge that twisted her personality, the girl gained an ability.

She can discern the 'smell' of the Witch Cultists.

The stronger the people and the deeper their belief in witches, the more Rem could smell the stench from them.

This ability is not unique. For example, the great elf Beatrice of the Forbidden Library has the same ability to distinguish Witch Cultists. Rem just awakened this talent the day after tomorrow.

It was precisely because of this ability that after being shocked by Emilia's appearance, Rem understood that she had nothing to do with the Witch Cult.

Emilia does not have the aura of a Witch Cultist. On the contrary, her temperament is very pure and clean, reflecting the innocence and kindness deep in her heart.

Realizing this, Rem regretted her reaction yesterday.

But it happened, and it was useless to say anything.

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