Yun Tian thought for a while and had an idea in his mind. With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he reconfirmed to Ram:

"You really don't eat?"

"No, no need." Seeing the familiar expression, Ram had a bad feeling in his heart.

He still refused, but his tone unconsciously became weaker. Every time Yun Tian showed such an expression, something bad would happen.

"That's good." Hearing Lahm's answer, Yun Tian nodded and then casually lifted the cover of the dinner plate in front of him.

Inside is today's staple food, fried black dragon steak!

The moment the palm-sized meat steak is exposed to the air, it triggers a strong aroma bomb!

The sizzling sound echoed in my ears, and the tempting and powerful aroma of meat spread throughout the restaurant.

Shaking the will and impacting the soul, the word "delicious" is repeatedly emphasized in everyone's mind countless times just by the sound and fragrance!

Ram's gaze was undoubtedly attracted, the girl looked at the steak on the plate in front of Yun Tian, ​​and swallowed unconsciously.

She recognized what the ingredients were. The unknown jerky that Yuntian fed her that night is still fresh in the girl's memory.

The delicacy and energy that didn't look like food at all aroused Ram's physical reaction, and his weakened body was eager for supplements.

Especially after tasting it once, I have a clearer impression in my mind, and the resistance is too fragile for the naked eye.

In the eyes of others, Edelweiss' cuisine is unimaginably delicious, with an indescribably great allure.

But that's all.

After all, it is still food. If you are not really the kind of person who takes this bite above all else, you usually won't lose your mind because of it.

But for some special people, it has enough fatal attraction.

For example, Ram who has broken his ghost horn now.

The girl's body has been in a weak state for a long time, so the desire for energy is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Black dragon meat has extremely strong energy, and under the cooking of Edelweiss, it is stimulated to the extreme and becomes easy to absorb and digest.

This easy-to-replenish energy source is a treasure for Ram's depleted body, and the biological survival instinct will begin to oppress her sanity.

Just like a hungry and crazy person sees food, there is no other way to think in his mind other than eating.


The stomach's protest brought the absent-minded Ram back to reality, and the girl was shocked to find that she had already taken two steps towards Yuntian without knowing it, and she couldn't take her eyes off the steak at all.

"Did someone say not to eat it? Then it doesn't seem to matter if I eat an extra serving."

Yun Tian slowly cut off a small piece of dragon meat with a knife and fork and put it into his mouth, with an expression of enjoyment and satisfaction on his face.


At the same time, he seemed to hear the sound of more than one person swallowing.

But when he turned his head to tease Lahm again, he found that the girl had already taken her seat.

Seeing Yun Tian looking over, Lahm looked away slightly unnaturally, but he sat on the chair honestly without any intention of leaving.

1969 Edelweiss' emotion

The time to enjoy delicious food is always so short.

Even Yun Tian couldn't help but wonder why human beings have to eat enough.

Edelweiss went all out for this meal. In addition to the black dragon meat used as the main course, all kinds of ingredients are also special varieties.

Of course, everyone arranges the weight differently.

Otto and Felut have the least amount, because they cannot absorb too much of this kind of nutrition, and if the excess energy contained in the meal exceeds the standard, it will not be good for their bodies.

But even if it's only a small amount, the two of them are quite full from this meal, and it will help them improve their strength for at least a month in the future.

The second is Emilia. Her physique is better than that of Otto and Felut, but she still stays in the range of ordinary people after all.

And the ones who can eat a normal portion are Yuntian, Edelweiss and Ram.

Appetizers, soups, side dishes, main dishes, side dishes, desserts, drinks, Edelweiss entertained Emilia and Ram today with his better western cuisine.

In this way, she hopes to tell two girls with a tragic past that there is still a lot of happiness in the world to experience.

And she did.

After eating all the dishes, everyone including Yun Tian didn't respond for a long time, quietly reminiscing about this perfect dinner.

. . . . . .

After that, Ram took the initiative to take over the work of cleaning up.

The girl entered the state very quickly, and was immediately taken to the position of the maid at home.

With a high-energy meal in the evening, Ram changed his usual fishing style at Mezas's house, and he was particularly agile in doing various things.

But Yun Tian always felt that it was not only because of this, but also because Ram was not around, and Ram no longer needed to take care of his sister's feelings, so he deliberately made himself a burden.

After dinner, Otto and Yuntian chatted alone, then left and returned to the chamber of commerce, and Felut also followed.

During this time, because Anastasia's Hexin Chamber of Commerce settled in Lugnica and began to develop rapidly, the work of Otto and Felut skyrocketed.

But Felut will probably come back to rest around 9 o'clock, and Otto will stay in the chamber of commerce all night without accident.

Emilia went back to her room and started to communicate with the micro elves at night.

After Lahm finished packing the dinner tableware, Edelweiss took him to familiarize himself with the environment at home and began to gradually take over other housework.

After finishing the conversation with Otto, Yuntian went to the yard to feed Alaba and Baizhi, then took a shower, returned to the room, read a book and waited for Edelweiss to come back.

. . . . . .

Time passed by, the sun disappeared completely, and dusk turned into night.

Yun Tian, ​​who heard footsteps coming from the door, put down the manuscript of 'Sacrament of the Immortal King' in his hand, and turned his head to look at the door.

I saw Edelweiss running her hands through her hair, and the slight moisture on her body showed that she had just taken a shower.

"come on."

Yun Tian stepped aside and motioned for Edelweiss to come and sit down here.

After she sat down, Yun Tian took out a comb from the portable pocket, and skillfully began to comb Edelweiss' long, white and flawless hair.

"Those two, what are you going to do?" Edelweiss curiously flipped open the sacrament of the undead king on the table, and asked Yun Tian behind him.

"Emilia and Ram?"


"For Emilia, it's not difficult to untie her knot as long as you go to the sanctuary. This doesn't conflict with our mission, and it's just a matter of course."

"But with her current state of mind, it's impossible for her to pass the trial like her original destiny trajectory."

Edwards sighed softly.

Yun Tian told her about the original plot of Re0's world, but Edelweiss prefers to describe it with "fate track" instead of "original".

"Or, are you going to make her fall in love with you? Wouldn't it be easy to coax this pure white child with your charm, maybe you can see her on the bed tomorrow... It hurts!"

Edelweiss's teasing words were forcibly interrupted by Yun Tian, ​​who angrily rubbed Edelweiss' hair, messing up the moonlight-soft hair.

Then he spoke while Edelweiss was struggling:

"You were also coaxed into my hands by me. It's so ugly, and you call someone else's child. Emilia's age is at least several rounds older than the two of us together. She calls our two children about the same."

Yun Tian's words made Edelweiss stiff for a moment.

Emilia's age is said to be more than a hundred years old. According to some clues in the original book, it is even guessed that she is more than three hundred years old.

No matter what it is, Yuntian and Edelweiss are not comparable in terms of age.

"To be honest, from her behavior to her character, it's not obvious that she has such a long age." Edelweiss was a little emotional.

"It can't be helped. Emilia was frozen in childhood. Although her body has grown, her spirit and heart are still the same as before.

"Combined with amnesia, she will have at most seven years of life after breaking the seal. She can mature as she is now because of the cruel environment."

When I read the original book, I was just a little emotional. After getting in touch with Emilia personally, Yun Tian couldn't help feeling the ups and downs of a girl's life.

After a few sighs, Yun Tian resumed Edelweiss' previous question.

"In terms of talking about love, at least I don't have this idea now. Emilia probably doesn't even know the difference between men and women."

"Do you feel guilty?"

"That's why you want me to develop something with her?"

Yun Tian raised his eyebrows, and responded to Edelweiss' teasing.

But Edelweiss didn't respond, she just leaned back and rested her head on Yun Tian's body.

After a moment of silence, he sighed: "I don't want to sympathize with others, but Emilia really makes me feel a little pitiful. There is no place for her in this world."

As long as the jealousy of the witch is not resolved, Emilia will be treated differently even if she becomes the king of Lugnica.

Even she will be involved in the center of Roswaal's dragon slaying plan, and if she is not good, she will become a sinner of the Kingdom of Lugnica.

Once the dragon slaying plan is successful and Roswaal's dream is realized, what will happen to Emilia afterwards is obviously out of his consideration.

"Looking at her still kind and clear eyes makes me feel that she is really entitled to happiness, instead of being shrouded in malice and exploitation all the time."

There is a resonance between kind people and kind people.

Looking at Emilia, Edelweiss kind of saw himself before he joined the rebel army.

Emilia's spirit has become very fragile due to amnesia. When she one day has to pick up a sword and face malice like Edelweiss once did, it may be difficult for the girl to complete the crucial transformation in her life.

If this continues, she will never be able to usher in happiness.

1970 Yuntian's Idea and Edelweiss' Proposal

In fact, Edelweiss was right.

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