In this case, it may be extremely difficult to rendezvous, and in a sense it can be regarded as helpless.

"It's just that I can't wait for the time to send the letter. Lady Emilia should really reflect on her lack of patience. There is nothing wrong with Ram in this matter... Well, after I go back, I will explain it to Lord Yuntian like this gone."

Sighing and embarking on the journey to find the lost children, Ram also began to think about how to explain to Yuntian when he went back.

Obviously, she no longer had much hope for finding Emilia.

after all

"Since the past, the only thing Ram can't have is luck."

1977 Meet Wilhelm again

After the meeting ended, Yuntian did not stay in Wangcheng for long.

Although both McCrotov and Bordeaux wanted to talk to him in private, they were declined by Yuntian.

The reason is also very aboveboard, just to avoid suspicion.

As I said before, in order to maintain the minimum level of fairness on the surface, the king selection ceremony will not officially start until the five dragon priestesses are found.

Before that, most of the nobles would not make a public statement even if they chose someone to support, because that would put them in Yuntian's current situation.

Before the official start of the king selection ceremony, every dragon maiden has the need to avoid suspicion, and reduce their participation in the kingdom's internal affairs as much as possible.

At the same time, the same goes for the nobles who openly supported them. Although the degree is not so serious, there are restrictions that prohibit participation in some meetings.

After all, almost all the large and small meetings before Wang Xuanxuan officially started were inseparable from this matter. Participating in one more meeting is equivalent to one more opportunity to lead the development of internal affairs related to oneself.

If the other Dragon Priestesses hadn't been found for a long time, attending a few more meetings would be enough for Crusch to complete the collection of power and win without a fight.

So now Crusch hardly shows up in the royal city, Anastasia is also busy with the development of her own chamber of commerce, and Priscilla even stays in her territory without even the king coming.

But this is a good thing for Yuntian, he himself doesn't care about government affairs or anything like that.

Now that there are fewer jobs, the pressure on Otto's side can be much less, and he can focus more on the development of the chamber of commerce.

The Kingdom Sword Chamber of Commerce and the establishment of faith steles in various places are important issues related to the world's income for Yuntian, and they are much more important than the kingdom's internal affairs.

At least within a year, the matter of the chamber of commerce and the stele must be fully on the right track.

Because in less than a year, it will almost be the time when the original story begins, when Felt will appear on the stage as the Dragon Witch.

"We still have to find an opportunity to talk to Reinhardt about this matter. With this year's relationship, with Felut's personality, she will become Emilia's natural ally.

"And her status as an orphan of the royal family is also the only chance to drag Reinhardt into the king selection ceremony. Felut is not interested in the throne. If she handles it well, she will change her direction and include the Juggernaut in her own camp."

At that time, when the king selection ceremony will end will only be a matter of a word from Yuntian.

While thinking about the future, Yun Tian walked outside the royal city.

In the end, he didn't expect to entrust Emilia or Roswaal to advance the matter of Wang Xuanxuan. It was related to his own interests, and Yuntian didn't want to fail because of some mistakes.

The first step is to lock the victory, and then you can play whatever other people do on the board.

Yun Tian has a deep understanding of how big the gap is between a chess player and an actor on the stage.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, Lord Yuntian."

At this moment, a voice interrupted Yun Tian's thoughts.

Following the prestige, he found an old man in formal attire standing not far away, and he was bowing slightly to Yun Tian to salute.

His words and deeds are meticulous, and his expression is calm and steady. It is the sword of the previous kingdom that Yuntian once had a relationship with.

"Wilhelm?" Yun Tian raised his eyebrows, showing a little surprise at the old man's appearance.

"Exactly, thank you for remembering the name of the mortal body, I took the liberty to stop you today because my master invited me."

"Master, are you working for Crusch now?"

Yun Tian looked at Wilhelm, and when he heard the other party talking to him in honorific terms, he felt a little bit moved in his heart.

"You're right, I'm the guard of Duke Karsten's house."

Compared to the side he saw in the dungeon, the current Wilhelm seemed to be a different person mentally.

Of course, the key is not the appearance, but the transformation of the spirit.

Wilhelm still couldn't get rid of his hatred, but he already had something to vent his anger on.

At this moment, Wilhelm was like a volcano about to erupt or the calm before the storm. There was no flaw on the surface, but the actual heart was constantly churning.

Just for the moment when the time comes!

At that time, the sword of the previous kingdom, whose sword heart has been broken and its strength has declined, will shine its last light in this life, and then usher in a real fall.

"Looking at you, does Crusch agree to you?"

Yun Tian's words made Wilhelm's expression slightly stiff.

Even if he didn't say those two words, the topic still reminded him of the name of the enemy - Moby Dick!

"Thanks to the attention of the master, this rotten body finally got the opportunity it dreamed of." Wilhelm's eyes were burning with the jet-black flame that Yun Tian had seen before.

He sighed, didn't say much, just nodded and said to Wilhelm:

"Let's go, I just happen to be fine today."

Yuntian consciously reduced his contacts with the Duke's Mansion after Crusch recruited him.

His relationship with Crusch used to be quite good, at least he could be called a friend. Now that Yuntian has publicly stated his position, he no longer needs to worry about being misunderstood about the camp.

The long-lost visit, I am afraid that the reason why Crusch came to him is also directly related to this matter. I probably want to ask myself why I chose to support Emilia instead of assisting her to ascend the throne.

. . . . . .

Yuntian asked Alaba to go home first, and followed Wilhelm on the dragon carriage to Duke Karlsten's mansion.

On the way, Yun Tian didn't keep silent, he just won a meeting which made him feel good, so he chose to have a simple chat with Wilhelm.

"Are you confident that you can win?"

While talking, the topic turned to this matter again.

Yuntian's inquiry also made Wilhelm, who was driving, pause a little.

The old man was silent for a long time, and finally he sighed and said in a lonely voice:

"To be honest, I'm actually not sure."

This time, instead of using honorifics, he said in a very complicated tone:

"The former kingdom organized a mighty large army to crusade, many of whom were elites drawn from various troops, and it was led by my wife... the former sword master Theresia."

Speaking of Thearesia's name, Wilhelm's tone and expression both paused and changed obviously.

"But even so, the result is still annihilation!" Wilhelm gritted his teeth, chanting the word 'annihilation' word by word.

"No matter how powerful the Duke of Karsten's family is, it is impossible to surpass Lugnica, who once devoted all his strength to gather troops."

Yun Tian picked up the conversation, looked at the sword hanging on Wilhelm's waist and said:

"So, the key lies in the leader."

It is a well-known achievement that the white whale destroyed a sword master and all the elites of the kingdom.

If it weren't for the annihilation of the entire army at the beginning, the current Lugnica's military strength would not have declined to this point.

1978 Long-lost Invitation

It is impossible for the current Lugnica to gather the size of the former crusade team if they want to crusade against the white whale again.

Not to mention that when the kingdom was in turmoil, only Crusch was willing to send troops to help Wilhelm, and the strength he could muster was limited.

So the key lies in high-end power.

The previous generation of Juggernaut died in battle, so if you want to attack the white whale again, you must at least lead a team that surpasses the previous generation of Juggernaut.

Wilhelm in his heyday certainly had this qualification.

It was because he defeated the Juggernaut that he got the title of Sword of the Kingdom, and it was precisely because he defeated the opponent that a Juggernaut could put away his blade and become a wife with peace of mind.

But now, 'Sword Demon' Wilhelm's strength is nonexistent, not to mention the Juggernaut, even the B+ powerhouses like Roswaal and Marcus are questionable whether he can defeat them.

He was no longer the strongest in the kingdom that once swung Yinhua Luanwu and touched the Heavenly Sword. The current Wilhelm was just an old swordsman who was not even sure about revenge.

The ruthlessness of time is vividly reflected in him, but it is more because of the depression of his will caused by the broken heart of his sword.

"I'm like this, it's just a joke to say that I can be stronger than Thearesia back then."

Wilhelm has defeated the Juggernaut, so he knows the power of the Juggernaut best.

Since the white whale was able to make the Juggernaut fall, it at least showed that it possessed a power comparable to that of Wilhelm in its heyday.

That kind of strength is definitely not something that the current Wilhelm can defeat.

"But even so, I'm going!"

Only in this matter, Wilhelm couldn't retreat in the slightest.

"Even if I die, I will take that monster to the underworld to meet Theresia. This is the only chance I have in this life!"

Yuntian didn't make irresponsible remarks on Wilhelm's death. He had seen more than one person who was swallowed by hatred, and Yuntian knew that it was useless to say anything to them.

He just spread his hands and changed the topic to another side.

"That's why I thought that you should come to me before going to Crusch. Although it's a bit boastful, it's really not a difficult task for me to hunt down the white whale."

Yun Tian's words made Wilhelm stunned.

Then he also laughed, and said with a bit of joy and a bit of self-deprecation:

"Perhaps it's because I'm somewhat ashamed to face the title of Sword of the Kingdom, and I also have the illusion of wanting to end all this with my own hands. In my original plan, I was also the last one to ask you for help."

"Originally?" Yun Tian caught the metaphor in Wilhelm's words.

"Well, I didn't find Miss Crusch first, but she invited me."

Wilhelm nodded, recalling what happened at that time with an expression of reminiscence.

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