"I originally planned for you to refuse, and I will take a car to find you when Wilhelm returns."

Crusch glanced at Yun Tian, ​​and said to him very angrily:

"It's really hard to see you now. You can figure out how many times the invitation I sent has been blocked. If you don't need to avoid suspicion, I will personally go to the gate of Wangcheng to block you today."

Crusch wasn't angry at all, but he was more or less dissatisfied, more doubtful and incomprehensible.

But right now is not the place to talk, so Crusch glanced at Yun Tian again, and then told Wilhelm:

"Drive, go back first."

. . . . . .

The Duke's Mansion is unusually wide. From the gate to the entrance of the building, the gardens you pass through feel like a plain.

Therefore, Wilhelm drove Crusch and Yuntian to the entrance of the building, and the three got out of the car and walked inside.

Crusch left for a while, saying that he was going to change clothes.

Standing at the door just now, she was wearing formal clothes ready to go out, and now she must change into other clothes when she returns home, otherwise it would be improper.

As for formal or casual clothes, it depends on what capacity she intends to talk to Yun Tian with today.

Wilhelm led Yuntian forward in the Duke's mansion, but he didn't go to the conference room or the reception room, let alone Crusch's office room and study.

This is not the first time for Yun Tian to come here, although he is not familiar with it, he is not unfamiliar either.

During the period before the treatment for Flier, Yuntian would often visit the Duke's Mansion, and the places where he stayed the most were the above four locations

But now, after passing through the lobby on the second floor, Wilhelm continued to lead Yuntian upstairs.

It wasn't until he reached a balcony on the third floor that Wilhelm bowed slightly and said, "Please wait."

Afterwards, Yun Tian was left behind, turned around and left.

There are white tables and chairs in the corner of the balcony, which show obvious traces of use.

Obviously it was not specially prepared for Yuntian, but it is often used here on weekdays.

Yun Tian pulled out a chair and sat down, feeling the breeze blowing, and looking sideways, he could have a panoramic view of the pleasant garden.

"It's a good location."

"That's right, so when I have time on weekdays, I will come here to sit here occasionally."

The voice responding to Yuntian's emotion sounded from the entrance of the balcony.

Turning his head to look, he saw Crusch walking over with a plate.

Her long green hair was hanging down and gently swaying in the wind. Crusch didn't wear a formal suit, but a rare black one-piece dress with a pink shawl on her shoulders.

If someone is not familiar with her, I am afraid that they will hesitate to judge who the other party is for a while. The style of Crusch in casual clothes is very different from his usual style, and he has the feeling of a weak woman.

"It seems that you don't plan to talk about business today." Yun Tian smiled.

"At this point, even if you still feel unwilling, you should give up." Crusch sighed, and sat down opposite Yuntian.

1980 Unforgettable Crusch

"Today, I just want to chat with you as a friend. Some questions cannot be answered, and it is difficult for me to calm down."

Crusch put the tray on the table, on it was a bottle of wine, a bucket of ice cubes, and two wine glasses.

"Would you mind having a drink with me?"

"I rarely drink alcohol." Yun Tian spread his hands.

"Just drink less, and I don't intend to get drunk."

Without giving Yuntian a chance to refuse further, Crusch opened the wine bottle on his own initiative.

"Usually I drink it by myself, but mostly at night. The night breeze blows here and it's cool and pleasant. It's very suitable for having a drink while watching the night sky, but occasionally it's good to sit during the day.

"Phyllis sometimes drinks with me, but he's often not free because of work."

The job Crusch was talking about did not refer to Felice's job in the Knights of the Guards, but his job as the Blue Magician.

As the leading therapist in Lugnica and even in the world, Phyllis has a lot of invited therapy work every day.

Intractable diseases all over the country will think of him immediately, and there is always an endless stream of people seeking medical treatment and even education.

Don't look at Phyllis's often out-of-key appearance, he takes the therapist's work very seriously and responsibly.

This is also due to the teachings of the previous generation of "Qing", making Phyllis a real healer who can save lives and heal the wounded.

Phyllis would not refuse most of the treatment work as long as she was not really unable to get away, and the schedule was so packed that there was no rest time, which was considered normal.

Yuntian also knows this.

Speaking of which, Reinhardt and Julius actually have their own busy affairs.

"Is it just me who is more free?"

"It's rare for you to have some self-knowledge. If it weren't for the proof of your record, you would have to be labeled idle."

Crusch mocked Yuntian unceremoniously, but what she said was true.

There are really few high-ranking nobles who have nothing to do like Yuntian, and Lugnica's atmosphere is quite good in this respect.

While Crusch was talking, the movements of his hands didn't stop.

There was a crisp sound when the ice cubes fell into the glass, and then the amber liquor slowly covered it.

The aroma of the wine is overflowing, and the appearance and aroma alone know that this bottle of wine is extraordinary.


Pushing a cup to Yuntian, Crusch lightly raised the cup to signal him.

Seeing this, Yun Tian also picked up the wine glass.


Lightly touched Crusch.

The crisp sound of the cups overlapped with the shaking of the ice cubes, which was unexpectedly pleasant.

The mellow wine enters the mouth, and the taste that is completely different from the usual tea blooms in the mouth, and people can't help but praise the good wine in their hearts.

However, wanting to amaze Yun Tian, ​​who had drunk the divine wine and the ghost king wine, was still a little short.

Pursing his lips, perhaps it was the last time Gensokyo was drunk by Ibuki Cuika, drinking the wine in the glass, Yun Tian accidentally missed the taste of the divine wine and ghost king wine.

"With that regretful expression, are all the treasures in my collection hard to satisfy you?"

Crusch narrowed his eyes, not hiding his doubts.

"Not really, it's already a very good wine."

"The wind of lying is blowing."

For the sake of protection, even if it was comfort, it was impossible for Crusch to tell a lie.

But Crusch didn't intend to get too entangled in this matter, she swung the glass, letting the amber liquid swirl in the glass with the ice cubes.

After a while, she opened her mouth and asked:

"Am I inferior to her?"

What she asked was naturally Emilia, and the content undoubtedly referred to Yuntian's choice.

Obviously, Yuntian's decision to support Emilia is still somewhat difficult for Crusch to accept.

She believes that she is not inferior to others, and she has a good cooperative relationship with Yuntian, which is enough to be called a friend.

But even so, Yuntian still did not choose her, but chose Emilia as his assistant.

"I can't figure it out, is there a big difference between us?"

"No, such a comparison is not appropriate." Yun Tian shook his head.

But it was obvious that such an answer would not be accepted by Crusch.

"We are both Dragon Witches, and we will be competitors on the same stage in the future. The comparison between us is the core of the king selection ceremony."

"Do you care that much?" Yun Tian was a little helpless, he never thought that Crusch would be so attached to the throne, and would care so much about his choice.

However, Yun Tian just didn't fully realize the importance of identity.

Not everyone regards strength as extremely important as he does, and others are secondary or even insignificant.

Identity, merit, and glory are sometimes more important than strength to other people.

Yuntian's identity is the key, especially after the imperial diplomacy.

The new generation of Kingdom Sword continues the glory of the previous generation, and even goes a step further. Now that the Shenlong Covenant is interrupted, Yuntian is a substitute for the covenant in a certain sense.

The Shenlong Covenant has a supreme status in Lugnica, even if it is only a substitute, it also has a unique status.

Yun Tian didn't realize that, in fact, his support could have influenced the direction of the king selection ceremony to a great extent.

But for Crusch, the crux of the matter didn't stop there.

Her goal now is to get Lugnica out of her over-reliance on Shenlong, and Crusch himself knows how ridiculous this is.

But it was precisely at this time that Yuntian proved that Shenlong was not irreplaceable with practical actions.

In the previous meeting, after Yuntian's guidance, some people began to realize this point. Crusch took a longer-term perspective than them, and realized what Yuntian did all the time earlier.

That is a sign that is really enough to subvert Shenlong's belief!

Therefore, Yuntian's support has a vital effect on both Crusch herself and her ideas.

The king selection ceremony, the maiden of the dragon, and the throne of the king, what Crusch valued was not these vain things.

All she really wants is for Lugnica to be as prosperous and powerful as it should be.

The existence of Yuntian is precisely the key, the core, almost the perfect interpretation of her ideas!

But in the end, Yuntian did not choose to support himself, but chose to support another dragon maiden.

How could Crusch be willing to do this?

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