Seeing the three people in a very distressed state, Yun Tian nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, I forgive you now."

1985 Met Ram by chance

After the pranks and slapstick were over, the four sat down to drink and chat.

Speaking of which, the relationship between them was very good, but after Crusch was recognized as the Dragon Priestess and Yurius became Anastasia's exclusive knight, the four of them rarely got together.

Now that Yuntian has announced its support for Emilia, the chances of several people sitting at the same table will be less in the future.

There are more and more things to be busy, and the camps will completely become opposites.

Similar to the incident at the city gate yesterday, I am afraid that this will not be the only case in the future, and they may not have the opportunity to apologize like today.

The four of them knew this well, and this was also the true meaning of today's small gathering.

After today, each is their master, and they will give priority to the interests of their own camp until the end of the king selection ceremony.

This brief gathering was their last chance to talk drunk as pure friends.

However, none of the four people present was drunk, and the party only lasted for a short time.

It ended with their respective smiles.

. . . . . .

After leaving the tavern, Yun Tian walked on the bustling street and gently pressed his forehead with his hand.

It is impossible for him to get drunk with ordinary drinks, but he has been drinking since meeting Crusch today. Yuntian is not very used to drinking, and what he drinks is the best of the best.

Regardless of whether it was Crusch or Reinhardt, what they brought out were top-quality products that could never be seen on the market.

After drinking from the morning until almost noon now, Yun Tian also felt a little uncomfortable.

But it will only last for a while, maybe 2 minutes will not be needed, and this kind of discomfort that is not even a lack of energy will disappear.

Yun Tian took out his pocket watch to check the time, and found that there was still some time before lunch, so he randomly found a juice shop with outdoor seats, ordered a glass of watermelon juice and sat down to rest.

Looking at the bustling crowd on the street, Yun Tian sat on the side of the street, feeling inexplicably at a loss.

Just when he was slightly lost in thought, a voice with an unexpected tone came over.

"Master Yuntian?"

After regaining his composure, Yun Tian looked in the direction of the voice, and found the pink-haired maid walking towards her with a slightly surprised expression.

"Rahm? Why are you here by yourself?" Yun Tian asked as he looked at the girl who came to him and bowed.

"Rahm took Master Emilia to the street today to buy some necessities."

"I know that, but what about Emilia?"


Ram's straightforward answer made Yuntian pause for a moment. He wondered if he heard it wrong, so he confirmed:

"Is Emilia lost?"

"That's right, in less than a minute after Ram sent the letter back to the Mazas mansion, Lady Emilia disappeared without a trace."

Speaking of this, Ram couldn't help but sighed.

Then she looked at Yun Tian, ​​and was about to speak as if she remembered something, but suddenly stopped.

Yuntian wanted to ask curiously, but Lahm walked up behind him first, stretched out two small hands and placed them gently near Yuntian's temples, rubbing them slowly and rhythmically.

" you still know how to massage?"

Yun Tian let out a long sigh of relief, and leaned back on the back of the chair to relax a little.

"Self-taught, who calls Lahm a genius." The girl boasted without the slightest humility.

However, Yun Tian knew that what she said was not a lie.

It is relatively unfamiliar, and I am afraid that it will not be useful after learning it, but her movements are very gentle, which is unexpectedly very comfortable.

In fact, it is from these details that one can best see a person's deepest thoughts. Regardless of Ram's usual personality, this subconscious reaction shows the tenderness and kindness in her heart.

"So, when did you and Emilia get separated?"

"Lord Emilia got lost unilaterally, but Ram didn't get lost."

After emphasizing the issue of responsibility, Ram replied:

"It's been a few hours. It was Ram's mistake that he didn't think in advance that the rendezvous point should be determined. Finding someone in the current situation is like finding a needle in a haystack."

Ram also thought of some ways during this period, but they all ended in failure.

The key problem is that it was created by Yuntian. The star fairy technique with vague features on Emilia's body is outstanding, which makes it more difficult for Ram to find it.

Otherwise, Emilia's appearance will inevitably cause riots, and it will be very easy to find her.

"How many got separated as soon as you went out?!"

"Ram didn't get separated!"

The pink-haired maid remained firm in her position, but she didn't deny the idea of ​​'going out' at all.

In fact, Emilia did get lost not long after going out with Ram, and the next time Ram was alone looking for her while making purchases.

Because he still needs to find someone, after buying things, Ram always leaves the address for the store to deliver the goods to the door.

"Forget it." Yun Tian sighed.

He stood up from the chair, and Lahm stopped the massage at the right time and stepped aside, asking:

"Do you want to notify the guards to look for it?"

In this era when communication is not popular, finding someone is really troublesome.

Others may be able to wait for them to go home on their own, but Emilia is new and unfamiliar, and it is not certain whether she can remember the way home.

Informing the guards to look for it is the fastest way in this case.

It was only because of Emilia's sensitive identity and Yuntian's star fairy art that covered it up, so Ram didn't do this, but let him make a decision after meeting Yuntian.

"Don't be so troublesome. She has the Star Immortal Technique I set up on her body, and it's nearby, so it's not hard to find."


"What kind of eyes do you have?" Yun Tian twitched his lips and looked at Ram who silently took two steps back.

"No, Ram is just a maid, so she is not qualified to dictate your hobbies, Mr. Yuntian."

"What a hobby! It's just a simple positioning, just to prevent her from getting lost like she is now."

"You don't need to explain to Ram, Ram understands."

Seeing the expression of "I understand, I understand" on the girl's face, Yun Tian rubbed his forehead speechlessly.

But he didn't intend to just suffer from being dumb like this, so he was silent for a while, and counterattacked:

"You have the nerve to say that I have a hobby, and I don't know who came to listen to the corner last night?"

"What...?!" Instantly, Ram's face turned red.

Seeing her expression, Yun Tian raised his eyebrows.

"You don't think I don't even know the people outside the door, and I stood there for so long."

"That, that's because Lady Emilia misunderstood, and Ram was going to stop it..."

"Anyway, I'll lock the door when I'm doing business, right? Someone doesn't seem to have thought of the possibility that Emilia can't get in at all. Why?"

Listening to Yun Tian's words, Ram's gaze began to shift unconsciously.

After all, she was just a girl who had never experienced these things, and she was a little flustered by the situation at that time, and she didn't have time to think about it.

Seeing that Lamu was successfully 'sinked' by him, Yuntian stopped teasing her.

The two walked in the direction of Emilia one after the other.

1986 street riots

Because of Yun Tian's words, Lahm recalled all kinds of disturbing thoughts that made it difficult to fall asleep last night.

think about it now

"Lord Edwards didn't get up in the morning, is it so tiring to do this kind of thing?"Seeing Master Yuntian's appearance, he seemed to be fine. . . '

The age of youth is the time to think wildly and be curious about these things.

Some thoughts arise and cannot be suppressed for a while.

Along the way, Ram followed Yun Tian silently, with a blush that hadn't completely faded on his cheeks.

From time to time, he couldn't help but look towards Yuntian. For his monster-like physical ability, Ram, who had personally fought against him, had a deep understanding of it.

Through the clothes, Ram seemed to be able to see that perfect body, with terrifying power enough to wrestle with or even suppress her ghost body.

While looking at it, the line of sight shifted down a little unconsciously, and then immediately looked away like a thief.

. . . . . .

On the other side, Yun Tian didn't care about the small thoughts of the girl behind him.

All his attention was on sensing the Star Immortal Art in the distance, and it seemed that there was some commotion coming from that direction, which made him a little concerned and at the same time disturbed part of his thoughts.

at this time

"Help, help! Guards! Are there any guards! Killing!"

A few panic-stricken people ran from the opposite direction of Yuntian and Ram. They shouted as they ran, almost all of which were related to 'help', 'robbery' and 'killing'.

"Knights belonging to the Knights of the Guards, don't worry, tell me what happened?"

Yun Tian resolutely stepped forward to stop them, and asked as he declared his knight status.

I don't know if it's because of panic, or maybe it's because they haven't seen Yuntian before. These people didn't recognize who Yuntian was. They only heard him say that he was a knight, and they said like seeing a savior:

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