The result is still the same, but before a large amount of energy is wasted meaninglessly, Ram can maintain a state of a certain degree of high rate.

At first glance, it seems to be a good thing, but the price is that the body is always in a state of high load.

Over time, the body will only usher in collapse.

1990 Ram's Reluctant

Ram half leaned against Yuntian's arms, his hands firmly grasping his clothes, his body trembling uncontrollably.

The girl who had taken a bath and was about to fall asleep was only wearing thinner pajamas, and she was completely drenched in sweat at this time.

Her reaction, trembling body, tightly biting lips, and tightly closed eyes all showed the pain experienced at this moment.

Yun Tian's hand lightly touched her forehead, and a faint blue light bloomed, flowing on Ram's body bit by bit.

In fact, generally speaking, the treatment for Ram will not cause such intense pain, and it will pass after a little patience.

There is only one exception, and that is that Ram has overdrawn his strength and caused certain damage to his body.

For example, when Yuntian first went to the Mezas mansion, Ram was in this state after he made a move.

But even so, the reaction at that time was still not as strong as it is now.

This also shows how serious Ram's physical load is at this time.

'There is still some miscalculation of the supplement of black dragon meat. Yun Tian hugged Ram and tried his best to comfort the girl, while treating her with the spa book while thinking.

Replenishment of energy was also Yun Tian's attempt to ease the situation of the girl from the side, but the results can be said to be mixed.

It is true that Ram's normal life is maintained, and his strength is enough to explode more, but the physical burden it brings is hard to ignore.

Yuntian came here tonight to prevent this kind of situation from happening, after all, perhaps even Lahm himself couldn't notice this kind of hidden injury load.

'It seems that black dragon meat cannot be used to supplement her, and other types of special ingredients must also be used in moderation. This method will not work. '

As the treatment time prolongs little by little, Ram's trembling is gradually calming down.

This method is not considered a failure, at least Yuntian's hydrotherapy can effectively solve the physical damage caused by high load.

As long as he has a treatment every night, Ram can maintain a good state in normal times, and he doesn't have to be just a troublesome burden like in the Mazas mansion.

But the crux of the matter is

"Woo..." At the end of the treatment, Ram still couldn't help making a sound.

Fortunately, the treatment was over, otherwise she might not be able to hold on any longer.

The water flow took away the sweat from the girl's body, and the cold feeling relieved her tense spirit.

Lahm leaned against Yuntian's arms and panted heavily, his eyes were still closed, obviously he hadn't recovered from the treatment.

"Afterwards, you need to eat less energy-supplementing dishes, otherwise you will have to undergo a treatment every day to ensure that your body will not be damaged."

Yun Tian lowered his voice as much as possible, and explained her situation to Ram.

"Anyway, you just need to follow Emilia, and you don't need to take on extra housework. You are only responsible for simple tasks like you were in the Mezas mansion."

"Do not..."

Just when Yun Tian thought that the girl would acquiesce, a weak voice of denial sounded in his arms.

"That's... that's fine."

"Are you sure?"

Yun Tian lowered his head to look at Ram, and found that the girl opened her eyes at some point, and the pale red pupils were looking directly at Yun Tian, ​​with some complicated thoughts vaguely hidden in them.

"It's better in this state." Perhaps because of his weakness, Ram confided a little.

There was some emotion in her tone that she couldn't hide.

The shocking loss of power between waving hands, this feeling can easily drive a person crazy, it is a suffering that can be called torture.

But Ram persisted, and she got used to it.

Or, she thought she was used to this 'loss'.

But now, the regained power has ignited the unwillingness hidden deep in her heart.

He was easily defeated by Yun Tian, ​​who was usually too weak to do heavy work, and those four gangsters today.

Want to lose again?

No, she doesn't want to.

Even if it is clear that it is only a short week, Ram hopes to maintain this state, to maintain this state of having a 'self'.

After all, since Rem wasn't here, she didn't need to worry about her sister's situation, and she could be a little bit back to the omnipotent self she used to be.

As for the price, it was just a little physical pain and discomfort.

Compared with the sense of loss of falling from the clouds to the abyss, it is much better than the feeling of weakness felt all the time.

She wants to retain this power, even if it's only a little bit less than it was in its heyday, even if it's only for a week.

The reluctance that appeared in the girl's eyes could not be hidden when she was weak.

Although Ram quickly looked away, he was still caught by Yun Tian.

"Since you think so, then I won't force you." Yun Tian shook his head, it was rare for him not to tease the other party.

After all, in the eyes of Yun Tian, ​​who is looking for power, losing power can be regarded as the most severe experience.

However, Ram was a little embarrassed after reacting.

The last illusion of the power of the past, it was a little thought that even my sister Rem or Roswaal didn't tell, and even she was deceiving and trying to forget.

Now that she accidentally slipped the tongue, it made Lahm feel like everything was being seen through, and it was rare for her to twitch a little.

"La, Ram just thinks that it would be too cruel to refuse Master Edelweiss's cooking.

"And...and, moreover, Ram is a maid, and taking care of housework is her job, so if I entrust it to Mr. Edelweiss, it means that Ram is negligent."

She quickly found more excuses, trying to cover up what she had just accidentally said.

But the subtle eyes and flushed cheeks that did not dare to look at Yun Tian revealed the restlessness in the girl's heart.

"I don't know who often finds various reasons to be lazy and fish, but now he cares about dereliction of duty."

Yun Tian smiled and shook his head.

Ram moved his head away in embarrassment, looking like an ostrich who didn't want to talk.

But in the next second, Ram exclaimed a little.

Because Yun Tian stood up from the chair, the girl's posture also changed from half leaning in his arms to being hugged by the princess.

"Master Yun, Yuntian?"

"You won't be able to move for at least an hour. I'll carry you to bed. Go to bed early today."

Afterwards, Yun Tian hugged La Mu and put her on the bed.

He took off her shoes and socks and put them beside the bed, covered her with the quilt, and left the room without saying anything.

Ram huddled under the quilt and looked at Yuntian without saying a word until his back disappeared behind the door.

After a long time, the girl's eyes moved slightly to the shoes and stockings beside the bed.


The whole person retracted into the quilt, covering his head and never coming out.

. . . . . .

After that, it was a more ordinary day-to-day life.

It went on until the end of the week, when Ram and Rem switched shifts.

1991 change

The first day of the new week, early in the morning.

It was rare for Ram to get up early in the morning. He sorted out his grooming and hygiene as usual, and then started the daily housework that he had been familiar with for a week.

The treatment last night still lightly shook her mind, and even after a whole week, she still had difficulty adapting to the pain.

At the end of every treatment, Ram will inadvertently reveal her vulnerable side, but soon, she will regain her sanity.

If I have to talk about progress, I'm afraid it's only from making a sound in the first three days, and transitioning to being silent last night.

But what he got in exchange was a physical state that he hadn't experienced in the past ten years.

The whole day, no more weakness, no more fatigue.

She can clean the entire building by herself, she can follow Emilia around the streets like a curious baby all day, and she can purchase a large amount of items with an iron bucket in one hand and a wooden box in the other.

After a busy day, she was even able to help Edelweiss in the kitchen.

Then, when she returned to the room, she felt only a little tired with complicated emotions, and at the same time waited for Yuntian to knock on the door for treatment.

It's been a long time since there have been such days of activities without rest.

"Ten years... so long that Ram thought he was used to it."

Passing by the window, looking at the two figures in the yard who had already started their morning exercises, Ram set his sights on one of them.

A moment later, a sigh echoed by the window, the girl had already left here and continued her morning work.

She had a lot of things to do this morning, and soon it was time to change shifts with her younger sister. Ram wanted to reduce some of Rem's workload.

Although Yuntian's house is much smaller than the Mezzas mansion, there is still a lot of work to be done.

If possible, Ram hopes that Rem can take this opportunity to take a break.

Anyway, at this moment, Ram's physical condition can't last long. After leaving Yuntian's house, without the supplement of special food and the treatment of hydrotherapy, she will return to the usual low-power and weak state.

That kind of weak state without any sense of security.

Having been a burden to her younger sister for almost ten years, this is an opportunity for Ram to finally do something for her, even if it's just so trivial.

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