"Anastasia Hexin! Is it true that you are from the city state of Kararaki?"

"...It's true." Anna rolled her eyes, she already knew what Yun Tian was going to do.

Sure enough, the next second, Yuntian's announcement sounded.

"Dragon Priestess, Anastasia Hexin, is unqualified due to identity issues!"

"Wait, wait a minute!" Sensing that something was wrong, Bordeaux hurriedly opened his mouth and tried to stop Yuntian.

"What's the matter, representative of Bordeaux sages, but do you have any objections to the audit results?"

Yun Tian looked over with a half-smile, which made Bordeaux stiffen, but he still said bravely:

"As for Master Anastasia's qualifications, I think we can discuss it further."

"Oh? Discussion?"

Yun Tian smiled.

He had no intention of denying the other party at all, and turned his head to look at the corner of the hall, saying:

"Recorder, write this down. On behalf of Bordeaux, the sages claim that it is reasonable for the people of the Kararagi city-state to become kings of Lugnica."

"Wait! Didn't I say that?!" Bordeaux was almost taken aback.

No matter how stupid he is, he also knows what the consequences will be if the words just now are recorded and spread.

Just kidding, supporting people from other countries to become the king of their own kingdom, it's no wonder it's not regarded as a traitor and killed.

"Oh? Since the representative of Bordeaux didn't mean that, why should we discuss it again?"

"I...um...I just..."

Bordeaux was paralyzed, and he didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Yun Tian didn't make things difficult for him, and asked everyone directly:

"Whoever claims that it is reasonable for the Kalaragi to become kings of Lugnica, stand up!"

Suddenly, the Throne Hall returned to silence.

Many people had tangled and melancholy faces, but they dared not speak at all.

After waiting for 3 minutes, Yuntian nodded again and said:

"Anastasia, due to identity issues, she is unqualified!"

However, just when everyone thought it could finally end.

Like a devil, Yun Tian's voice sounded again.

"Priscilla Balier! Is it true that you are from the Holy Phlakia Empire?"

As soon as the words fell, the noble camp suddenly exploded.

Yun Tian's statement was exactly the same as before, and anyone could have predicted what would happen next.

And unlike Anna, Priscilla's noble supporters are not in the minority, it is impossible for them to let Priscilla be labeled as unqualified.


What do you use to refute?

2021 Loyalty!

Not many people knew that Priscilla was from the Empire.

But it's not a particularly well-kept secret, so some people know about it.

But before that, no one put this matter as the focus of any attention. After all, Priscilla's side is the relationship network established in advance by the inherited Baron Baliere.

They didn't know that Priscilla was from the Empire at the beginning, and even if they knew, they wouldn't care, because Priscilla's husband, Leip Baliere, should ultimately hold power.

It was only later that Laip went insane for no reason, and some time ago it was reported that he passed away because his body couldn't hold on.

Therefore, they had no choice but to switch from Laip's camp to Priscilla's camp.

Afterwards, she was overwhelmed by her strong luck as if she was really the chosen one, and completely worked for her.

In this process, whether Priscilla is an imperial person or not is completely unimportant.

After all, the identity of the other party's Dragon Priestess cannot be faked, even if it is an imperial person, as long as the identity is recognized by Shenlong.


"I think everyone should remember that the purpose of this re-examination is to confirm the qualifications of the Dragon Priestess. I don't think anyone will say something like 'Shenlong admits'?"

Seeing the smile on Yun Tian's face, the supporters of Priscilla's camp looked disgusted as if they had eaten a fly.

It is because they questioned the revelation of Longli Stone that the deprivation of Emilia's identity can be established.

And now, Yun Tian deprived Anna and Priscilla of their identities in the same way.

Don't you want to emphasize the qualifications of being a king?

Well, I won't accept a speck of sand.

In the name of the alliance between Kingdom Sword and Juggernaut, this retrial is labeled as affecting the survival of the kingdom.

Under such a major premise, do you dare to propose to let a foreigner become the king of the country?

Cut your head off on the spot without even explaining.

Seeing that the hall had returned to silence again, Yun Tian nodded in satisfaction, and announced:

"Priscilla Balier, due to identity issues, she is not qualified!"

Then, without giving the nobles a chance to breathe, they turned their eyes directly to Crusch.

Seeing his actions, everyone felt a 'thump' in their hearts.

Especially the nobles who supported Crusch had an extremely ominous premonition in their hearts.

"Wait, wait a minute! Master Yuntian!"

"Oh? This is the Earl, right? You have objected to my previous trial?"

"How dare you be called a master by you, Master Yuntian, and never dare to question your previous decision."

The strange count who stood up was obviously from the Crusch camp, and he didn't care about the elimination of the other dragon priestesses.

However, Yuntian must not be allowed to continue to speak against Crusch.

So the earl reluctantly spoke against the pressure and said:

"Master Crusch's speech just now is indeed a bit radical, but its true meaning is not unreasonable. It is essentially just reprimanding the kingdom's officials for being lazy because of the favor of the dragon. It does not mean to deny the favor of the dragon itself. We have to respect the evaluation of the dragon. .”

He spoke first, blocking the excuse that Yuntian was most likely to use against Crusch.

As a native of Lugnica, it is impossible for Crusch to be eliminated because of identity issues. The only fatal point is the disrespectful speech he gave to the dragon.

But the count himself was right. Crusch was not scolding the dragon, but himself and the courtiers who had fallen because of the dragon.

So, there is still room for maneuver.

The count is ready to argue with Yuntian, and he cannot be allowed to continue targeting Crusch no matter what.

However, Yun Tian had absolutely no intention of arguing with him.

"I understand your point of view, and I agree with your point of view, step back."

"this is."

The count was dumbfounded, including all Crusch's supporters and even Crusch himself.

Could it be that Yuntian had no intention of targeting Crusch?

Yes!He had a very good relationship with Crusch in the first place, so today he might not be an excuse to directly elect Crusch to the position!

Just when everyone secretly scolded Yun Tian as an old fox in their hearts, and was about to open their mouths to stop the development of the situation.

His next words shocked everyone.

"Cursch Karsten! Is it true that you were born into Duke Karsten's family and are the current head of the family?"

"That's true, what's wrong?"

Crusch looked at Yuntian, nodded calmly, answered his question, and at the same time expressed his own question.

However, Yun Tian didn't have the slightest intention to answer her, but just looked at the officials and announced loudly:

"Cursch Karsten, due to identity issues, is not qualified!"

"Wait a minute!" In an instant, the entire Throne Hall erupted.

"Master Yuntian! Your judgment is unfair!"

"That's right, the Duke of Karsten's family is the founding pillar of Lugnica. They are important ministers with a long history and trusted by the kings of the past. How can you judge that there is a problem with their status!"

"Lord Yuntian, we respect your status as the Sword of the Kingdom, but we cannot allow you to act so recklessly!"

For a while, many nobles expressed their dissatisfaction, and some even took the opportunity to try to attack Yuntian's identity.

Faced with such an emotional scene, Yun Tian was not only not angry, but smiled and asked the gray-haired record officer in the corner who couldn't see his face clearly:

"Due to dissatisfaction with the trial of Kingdom Sword Yuntian, all the nobles and officials questioned the retrial of the qualifications of the Dragon Witch under the joint name of Kingdom Sword and Juggernaut on the grounds of the kingdom's survival and safety. Have you recorded it?"

"I wrote it down verbatim, Lord Yuntian." The gray-haired young man lowered his head and dutifully completed a detailed record of the progress of the meeting.

Without any bias, without any modification, it recorded all the developments of the meeting in its original form.

After receiving a response, Yun Tian nodded, ignoring the ugly-faced nobles and shifting his gaze to the person in question, Crusch.

"Cursch Karsten, I ask you in the name of the sword of the kingdom, is Duke Karsten's family a loyal family of Lugnica Kingdom for thousands of years?"

"Exactly! Never mind!"

"Let me ask you again, the family coat of arms of Duke Karsten's family was given by the once virtuous king of Lugnica who was known as the last lion king?"

"Yes, 400 years ago, the symbol of Lugnica was changed from a lion to a dragon. It was the Karsten family who inherited the lion's family emblem. This is the royal family's trust in the Karsten family, and the Karsten family is proud of it. Proof of loyalty!"

Crusch's answer was decisive without any hesitation.

The fact is true, whether it is Crusch himself or her father, the Karsten family has always been the king's confidantes.

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