Listening to Mycrotov's words, he looked at the silver-haired half-elf standing on the high platform.

This time, no one dared to say a word more.

They have already lost the power to question Emilia, and even if the review after the meeting fails, these nobles will be directly imprisoned on the charge of shaking the kingdom.

After that, no one cared about Emilia's speech on the belief of 'equality'.

After all, the truth is decided from this moment on.

That is, the official start of the battle for the throne!

2023 Great cleaning

"Are you okay? Those nobles are obviously targeting you, and they probably won't let it go."

Walking in the passage leading to the depths of the high-level palace, Felut asked Yun Tian beside him.

After the meeting, Yuntian did not leave immediately, but came to the depths of the royal city with Felut and Reinhardt, preparing to go to a certain room.

On the way, Felut obviously couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere of the previous meeting, and was also very dissatisfied with the dress and high heels he was wearing.

But there was no chance to change clothes, and it was not a place where she could make loud noises, so she could only use talking to divert her attention.

"Those nobles are not actually targeting me. If I give up supporting Emilia, it will be too late for them to curry favor with me."

Yun Tian glanced at Felut, and then looked at Reinhardt.

"And, after today, at least half of the nobles you have met in the hall will never be seen again."

"Huh? Such an exaggeration?!" Felt was taken aback.

"It's not an exaggeration, this is the consequence of their crossing the line." Reinhardt answered, shaking his head with a sigh.

Then, he opened his mouth and explained to Felut:

"The trial of the high-ranking nobles will involve a large number of ordinary nobles. For such a major and serious issue, the final judgment will still fall into the hands of a few of us who participated in the voting of the kingdom's trial."

As he said that, Reinhardt looked at Yun Tian for a while, as if he was going to speak to persuade him.

But after seeing Yuntian's eyes, he gave up this plan, and continued to say to Felut rather helplessly:

"Due to the return of the Dragon Priestess, Crusch-sama's duke authority has been restricted again.

"The situation of the Earl of Mezas is special, he has the right to vote, but an 'Earl' does not have the right to rule in the kingdom trial where even the Marquis is involved.

"The subordinates will also voluntarily waive the final judgment power in this matter."

Hearing this, Felut suddenly reacted.

There were only seven votes in the Kingdom Trial. Now there is no king, and three people did not participate in the ruling for various reasons.

the rest of the results

"Isn't it just Yun Tian and that old man with the white beard?"

Hearing Felut's exclamation, Yun Tian kindly reminded her.

"You forgot Marcus, the leader of the Knights of the Kingdom, two-on-one, the specific situation is not certain."

Regarding Yun Tian's supplement, Reinhardt couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and unceremoniously opened his mouth to expose him.

"Your sword of the kingdom was drawn by the leader alone. If he doesn't help you, who else will he help? And the chairman of the conference too. Due to his status, he must remain neutral, so there is a high possibility that he will not participate in the referee."

"You guy, you really cover the sky with one hand, hello?!" Felut couldn't help being a little speechless.

But Yun Tian shook his head and denied her statement.

"Covering the sky with just one hand is far from enough. I have no factions, I don't get close to too many powerful people, and I don't even have territories under my command, so I can achieve the ultimate in the power of judgment.

"After clearing out this group of people, I can't place my own people in the most important selection of new dignitaries. I can't get any benefits, which is the main reason why McCrotov and Marcus stand by."

The final allocation of these vacant power resources will still fall into the hands of Mikrotov and Marcus.

However, the only thing that is certain is that no matter what camp the new dignitaries belong to, they will not dare to fight against Yun Tian again.

After all, Yuntian won't save any face, and all the nobles who are hostile to him will be wiped out in this trial.

This is the future belief base chosen by Yuntian, and it is impossible to leave any hostile figures to stir up trouble.

After this trial, Yuntian's prestige will also rise in a straight line, and the wind direction of the nobles will also usher in a huge change.

The most important thing is that Crusch and Priscilla, the two representatives of today's dignitaries, will certainly not protect them after the cross-border incident at the meeting.

The nobility will usher in a major reshuffle, and even officials will suffer in large numbers. At the same time, the authority of the upper-level noble meeting will be weakened to the greatest extent.

In this way, no matter which Dragon Priestess comes to power, it will be much easier and will not be restricted by the alliance of powerful and powerful.

But in contrast, the few people standing at the top of the kingdom will usher in an extreme expansion of power.

However, if it is the current Lugnica, there is really no need to worry about this problem.

Needless to say, Reinhardt, Roswaal is only thinking about slaying dragons, and has no interest in fighting for power.

Crusch is also considered an upright person, and her goal is the throne, and her immense power will be limited until the succession war is over.

Mycrotov is even more famous as an old loyal minister. With his prestige, he wanted to be king a long time ago, and no one even has any objections.

As early as when the entire royal family passed away from serious illnesses, he could ascend the throne on the same spot as soon as he ascended the throne. Anyway, when the king was there, it was basically McCrotov who helped with government affairs, so there was no difference.

The remaining Marcus is in a special situation. Anyone in this kingdom may betray, but the two of them are absolutely impossible.

One is the 'Jugmaster' Reinhardt, and the other is Marcus who was once influenced by the young Reinhardt's "Changing Protection".

He will only be loyal to the kingdom, and the leader of the Knights is the end of his life, and there is no possibility of surpassing it.

The power expansion of these people is actually a good thing for Lugnica. As one of them, Yun Tian will not have any objection as a vested interest.

. . . . . .

"It's here, it's here."

Yuntian brought Felut and Reinhardt to the door of a room.

"Then please guard the gate."

"Leave it to me." Reinhardt nodded towards Yuntian.

Afterwards, Yuntian took Felut in.

The room was very monotonous, the only thing that stood out was the large white bed and the sleeping blond youth lying on the bed.

This is the room of the fourth prince Flier.

Yun Tian walked to the side of the bed, stretched out his hand and touched Freeye's forehead, a faint blue light flashed away.

Routine inspections, in order to prevent problems with the weakness of Felier who was asleep, Yuntian and Phyllis would alternately conduct inspections every once in a while.

"This is the only survivor of that lesion, and your cousin, Flier Lugnica."

Yun Tian said to Felut who also walked to the bed.

The girl, on the other hand, had a complicated look in her eyes, and murmured softly:

"my family..."

Looking at the young man with the same blond hair, Felt didn't know what to say.

In the original book, none of the Lugnica family was spared, which made Felt's identity impossible to verify.

But now with Yun Tian intervening, everything is different.

After being certified, Felut was given the surname of Lugnica, and she also knew that she still had a real relative alive.

Felut couldn't express the complicated mood at all.

He could only look at Felier like this, and fell into a long silence.

2024 Open Session Proceedings

Leaving Felut alone in the room, after greeting Reinhardt at the door, Yuntian left.


"it does not matter."

When they came outside the royal city, Emilia, who had come out in advance, stood beside the dragon chariot.

The two got into the car and drove all the way home.

"Do you still mind?"

"I wouldn't say that I mind, but there is still some disappointment. After all, no one listens to my speech seriously."

Emilia shook her head, although it was not sad, but a little bit of loss was inevitable.

In order to be on stage today, the girl has also worked hard, and the speech expounded her own ideas about "equality" and "coexistence" from the bottom of her heart.

It's a pity that no one was in the mood to listen to any speeches at that time.

"However, even if they listen, the result will not change." Yun Tian spread his hands.

Emilia puffed up her cheeks unconvinced, and said:

"There will always be someone who can understand, even if there is only one or two, it is a huge improvement!"

"Your pursuit is too low." Yun Tian sighed.

He didn't mean to blame the girl, but just talking about her vision, Emilia, who has only been studying for half a year and hasn't practiced it, is really not broad enough.

"The war of succession to the throne will last for three years, and it will not end until today, one month before the dragon kiss ceremony to renew the covenant with Shenlong.

"The real judgment is still early. There is no need to be obsessed with this stage, and there is no need to waste time on those who will be eliminated."

"Elimination?" Emilia looked at Yuntian with some doubts.

"The end of this meeting means that they will be eliminated."

Yuntian didn't use the trial or jail this time, but specifically used the word "elimination".

This is also an important reason why he prioritized Emilia and Anastasia.

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