Therefore, when it comes to the White Whale crusade, Yun Tian and Edelweiss will split into two ways to handle different things.

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I came back late today, one less update, make up during the day

2027 Supplementary Combat Forces

"What did Roswaal say?"

After telling Edelweiss to be careful, Yun Tian looked at Rem who was walking behind them.

"My sister has sent a message, saying that she is ready and can proceed as planned at any time."

Rem nodded obediently, and answered Yun Tian's question.

There was an oath between Yuntian and Roswaal. According to the content of the oath, Roswaal must cooperate with Yuntian in catching the Witch Cultist and the Sin Archbishop.

Now that Emilia is on stage, the news that the silver-haired half-elf will participate in the king selection ceremony will sweep across the continent in the shortest possible time.

The Witch Cult will definitely take action.

At the same time, the crusade against the white whale led by Crusch is an excellent opportunity to draw them out.

Yuntian took Emilia to live in the royal city. No matter how mysterious the Witch Cult was, it would be difficult to infiltrate the capital of Lugnica on a large scale. With fewer people, it is impossible to have any impact on Yuntian.

The Witch Cultists are crazy, but they are not stupid. They will not ignore Yuntian, one of the top combat forces in the world, and launch a meaningless surprise attack.

Therefore, the white whale crusade is an opportunity to trigger the Witch Cult to do it.

Edelweiss will provide an internal information channel for the Witch Cult in Mezas Territory, and Roswaal can arrange manpower to pretend to reveal the information inadvertently.

such as

"Yuntian wanted to help Crusch in the crusade against the white whale, but Emilia had no defense, so he was temporarily transferred to Roswaal's side just in case. '

As a result, Emilia was left alone for a short time.

It would only take half a day to march from the royal capital to the Maesas mansion.

The revealed course of action for Yuntian is to take Emilia to participate in the crusade against the white whale, and then when the beluga appears, the combat unit headed by Yuntian will stay and carry out the crusade.

And Emilia will leave the battlefield directly, and use the cover of the fog to arrive at the Mezzas mansion without anyone noticing.

In this way, the time for the girl to be alone will be shortened from half a day to a few hours, and no one would have thought that her route of action would directly pass through the location of the white whale.

Once the news is released, it looks like a seamless plan.

I don't worry about the Witch Church's unbelief at all.

Not many people know the news of Crusch's crusade against the white whale, but some clues can still be found through careful investigation.

Witch Cultists who regard the Witch of Envy as their faith, at least that crazy archbishop with the name of 'laziness' will never miss this opportunity.

Even if there is danger, he will definitely come to Emilia to conduct the so-called 'trial'!

And the chance is only a few hours' journey for Emilia from the Flügel tree to the Mazas mansion.

The only choice for the Witch Cult is to lie in ambush on the road and wait for Emilia to throw herself into the trap.

At that time, they will face Yuntian, the sword of the kingdom, and the retreat route will be blocked by the forces in the Mezas territory led by Roswaal.

It can be said that it is impossible to escape.

In this way, the main mission of this world can be completed.

However, this obviously cannot be the whole purpose of Yuntian.

It's like Edelweiss's ostensible crusade against the white whale, but in fact it is targeting the archbishop of lust and gluttony.

Here in Yuntian, the bishop of the great crime of laziness was just done by the way.

The real goal is to distract Roswaal and even Ram from this matter.

After all, with Rem by his side now, Yun Tian no longer has to wait and worry about the big barrier set up by the lustful witch in the past.

Cremaldi Sanctuary, Rem has a way to get there!

. . . . . .

A week goes by in a blink of an eye.

Of course, saying it is a week is actually just a reference.

In fact, it was in the early morning of the fifth day that Yun Tian noticed the abnormal magical reaction from the Star Immortal Technique.

Therefore, he immediately notified Crusch and asked him to get ready to go.

In the original book, the white whale crusade took place in the early morning, which almost coincided with the time when Yun Tian felt that the magic reaction of the restlessness had reached its limit.

Apparently, the white whale was heading in the direction of the Flügel tree, and would arrive around the early hours of the sixth day.

Therefore, Yuntian had to set off before night, and after a few hours' journey, he had to leave time for rest and formation.

So he and Crusch set a meeting time in the afternoon.

But when Yun Tian brought Edelweiss, Emilia, Rem, and Otto to the Duke's Mansion, he saw an unexpected person appearing here.

"Aren't you surprised that I expected to intervene in advance?"


Yun Tian shrugged his shoulders, and casually passed the purple-haired girl's question.

"Anna, why are you here?" Edelweiss, who was beside Yuntian, asked unexpectedly.

"Sister Ed, long time no see~ I miss you." Hearing Edweis's voice, Anastasia immediately came over and took her hand.

"I think you want the dessert I made."

"Hey, think about it all."

Anastasia sneered, and then said:

"It's just a simple exchange of benefits. Miss Crusch asked me to borrow the Iron Fang mercenary group."

Anastasia stroked the fox scarf around her neck with a sly look in her eyes.

"However, it is also a major event related to 'Moby Dick'. After hearing it, you can't let it go easily. For us businessmen, the existence of the Beluga Whale is a big issue of life and death."

It didn't reveal at all what kind of exchange she and Crusch made to lend such important combat power of the Iron Fang Mercenary Group.

But since she used 'borrow', it meant that Crusch was still in charge of the crusade in name, and Anna didn't intervene in the issue of subsequent achievements.

Without this conflict of interest, Yun Tian didn't bother to care about their private transactions.

The only thing I care about is

"Will Julius join the battle?"

"No, no, Julius and I will stay in the capital, and it will be different if we follow up."

Anna waved her hand, as if she was worried that Yun Tian might misunderstand, so she explained a little more.

"People don't care about the achievements of the white whale crusade. What they want is more practical benefits. Isn't the mercenary group just like this organization? If you give money, you can do anything."

"I don't care about this, it's just...forget it, it's nothing." Yun Tian rubbed his forehead and didn't say much more.

Crusch must have listened to his advice, that's why he specially recruited the Iron Fang mercenary group to supplement his combat power.

However, she obviously underestimated the white whale.

There is no way to do this, after all, without knowing the details, no one would have thought that what Beluga is most afraid of with its special ability is the legion battle.

It was wrong from the beginning to want to defeat the white whale with the idea of ​​​​a large-scale team to fight against large monsters.

If Rius joins the battle, with him joining forces with Wilhelm and the elite of the Iron Fang mercenary group, perhaps it is really possible to seize the chance of victory.

But if it's just the Iron Fang mercenary group, the result will not be different from the original.

Without the key protagonist to attract firepower, they will only end in failure.

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This chapter makes up for what was missing yesterday, and there are two more updates today, but the time will be later

Been a little busy lately.

2028 Gathering Before the War

"Oh! Here, I was looking for you, Miss, eh? Miss Ed! Long time no see, haha."

Just as Yun Tian and the others were talking to Anna, voices and heavy footsteps came from not far away.

The loud voice made the visitor's words resound in every corner of the corridor, and his heroic character can be judged from his tone and tone, because it is too distinct.

The person who came was an orc with a canine face,

The body is covered with brown fur, and the elongated head is covered with brown hair.

Compared with Phyllis, a demihuman with only cat ears and cat tails, this canine orc has more obvious animalistic features.

He is more like a standing and walking dog than a human, which is why demihumans like them are often called orcs.

The sharp eyes and mouth full of sharp teeth are eye-catching, but unexpectedly has a pleasing face.

It doesn't look dangerous, but has a sense of intimacy.

However, his tall body of more than two meters and the well-developed muscles all over his body speak of wild power, so people will not underestimate him.

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