All the Witch Cultists who tried to do this were smashed to pieces by Rem.

She played the role of guard perfectly.

However, as the duration of ghosting prolongs, the flames of hatred burning in Rem's heart intensify. Stimulated by a large amount of blood, the girl who fell into madness began to gradually show signs of losing control.

Rationality is fading little by little, and the killing intent to drive the enemy to death gradually becomes stronger, and it is precisely because of this that the Witch Cultists seized the opportunity.

In a moment of negligence, he almost injured himself.

Fortunately, Emilia noticed Rem's abnormality in advance and took protective measures.

Under the protection of the frozen shield, the sharp and thick rock spear failed to really hurt Rem.

However, the impact force caused by the subsequent impact still has to be eaten.

Although the rock spear failed to crush the ice shield, it still pushed the girl back five steps, and the powerful force penetrated with the magic power.


A little pain and dizziness made Rem pause for a while, but at the same time, it also made her sanity disturbed by the killing recover a lot.

Before she had time to blame herself, the reminder sounded in her ears let the girl know that she had to deal with it immediately.

"Be careful! Rem!"

Hearing Emilia's words, Rem immediately let go of a hand holding the meteor hammer, lifted it up to him and shouted:


A layer of water film formed and unfolded in front of Rem, and at the same time, a huge fireball flew from a distance at extreme speed!


The moment the water and fire met, steam came out, but feeling the scorching sensation from the skin, Rem knew that the water attribute magic he used in a hurry could not completely melt the flame that the opponent had prepared for a long time.

But a moment of blocking has created an opportunity for her, because the rock gun's temporarily unbalanced body regained control, the girl exerted force on her feet, and once again burst out with amazing speed!

Rem used to be good at both offense and defense, with good melee combat strength, and also some attainments in magic and healing.

It can be regarded as a very well-developed all-around fighter.

But after becoming a ghost, her melee combat strength will skyrocket, plus the training for more than half a year.

Today's Rem has far surpassed magic in melee combat strength, and his fighting style has begun to lean towards berserk warriors.

There are pros and cons.

The advantage is that the girl has indeed become too much stronger, and the disadvantage is that her range attack or field clearing ability cannot keep up before reaching a certain level or mastering some special ability.

Even if they could gain an absolute upper hand in the face of the Witch Cultists, they would not be able to clean up everyone in the first place.

Rem could only smash them one by one, which forced the battle time to be prolonged, and also caused the problems caused by those small mistakes before.

such as now

Because of the loss of Rem's suppression, even if it was only for a short time, it was enough for a large number of Witch Cultists to break through the defense line she maintained with all her strength and approach the position where Emilia and Otto were.

More than a dozen black shadows passed by Rem with strange movements, and after paying half of the sacrifices, finally eight people quickly approached Emilia.



In the next second, they were pierced by the ice cone that appeared out of thin air, and they were directly nailed to the ground.

A total of eight people, even the Witch Cultists who required several actions to kill Rem, were instantly killed at the same time with just one blow!

The one who did it was naturally Emilia, the elf magician.

Among the people present, she was the only one who could use the power of the elves to shoot eight ice cones in a row without chanting.

Each one corresponds to a person, and the tip of the sharp ice pick mercilessly pierces through the Witch Cultists, killing them with one blow without exception!

The icicles that were staggered on the ground were stained red with blood, and the surrounding temperature began to drop, causing bursts of white mist, which was the result of Emilia's actions.

The girl who usually looks gentle and kind, often makes people unconsciously ignore the powerful strength she possesses.

Emilia, as the chief culprit who froze the entire Great Forest of Elliott, could even make the pretentious witch Pandora choose to leave when her magic power went berserk.

Moreover, Emilia is not a magician in the conventional sense, she is an elf magician, and the object of the contract is Parker, the pinnacle of the elves, the final beast.

A magic turret that can mobilize mana from the atmosphere without any chanting, no consumption, no prelude, and a very high output power limit.

This is the best description of Emilia.

If Rem is not good at clearing the scene, on the contrary, for Emilia, clearing the scene can only be done with a wave of hands.

"It's almost there, Rem."

Emilia's voice sounded in the forest, and Rem knew why she called herself and what she wanted to do.

Although he was disappointed that he couldn't continue smashing these abominable Witch Cultists with his own hands, after venting his anger, Rem, who had regained her sanity, knew that now was not the time for her to be self-willed.

Therefore, the girl drew back the iron ball, held the handle with one hand and the iron chain with the other, turned over and jumped back to Emilia.

At the same time, the silver-haired girl clasped her hands together in front of her chest.


The next moment, the extreme cold came!

A storm of ice and snow rose from the ground, and the severe cold without warning turned a large area nearby into a domain of ice crystals.

At the same time, all the remaining Witch Cultists were swallowed by the extreme cold and ice crystals in the blink of an eye, turning into ice sculptures and silently losing their vitality.

This is the power possessed by Emilia, who is feared as the 'Ice Witch' in the Elliot Forest.

Her strength, even if she has mental weakness, even if she is seriously lacking in combat experience, she can still be ranked first in Lugnica and even in the world.

It's just that Emilia rarely uses such large-scale magic, because it will affect others if she is not careful, so the girl mainly uses small magic.

But this time, because of the double dispersal of the White Whale Battlefield and Mezas Territory, there was no one around here at all.

It is rare for Emilia to vent her exaggerated magic power to her heart's content.

You know, in the original book, she also had a record of single-killing the archbishop of sin once, and now she is dealing with these witch cultists who don't even have fingers.

'Easy' is the word that says it all.

Rem looked at the Ice Crystal World, which was small but extremely close to the power of changing the world, and compared the damage he had just caused.

There was silence for a few seconds, and then he sighed silently in his heart.

2042 The Imminent Failure!

As the same frozen magic user, although Rem is of water attribute, she is different from Emilia's fire attribute.

But there are still many similarities in driving Mana into power.

Therefore, Rem knew how much magic power it would take to achieve Emilia's current level.

On this point alone, the gap between Rem and Emilia is too huge.

However, the girl was not given much time to feel emotional.

Just as the Witch Cultists were all wiped out, the battle stopped for a while.

The atmosphere in the air suddenly changed!

That is not a sense of tension, nor is it a sense of crisis of encountering a strong enemy.

It's a viscerally unpleasant, nauseous feeling, like finding a bug somewhere in the room.

The kind of subconscious resistance and disgust derived from physiology.

An extremely clear disgusting feeling began to crawl all over his body, as if the moment of time was stretched infinitely.

There is something, here it comes!

That's right, although it is a human form, it can only be described in terms of things.

After all, just this feeling makes people absolutely not want to put it in their own equal identity.

From the shadows in the depths of the forest, a group of brand new Witch Cultists slowly emerged.

They were dressed the same as the previous group of people, but the atmosphere was vastly different.

Anyone with a little strength can tell at a glance that these talents are elite, and the batch just now is just cannon fodder.

However, what is really worth caring about, the key to the sudden change in the atmosphere is not them, but the figure standing in front of them.

A scrawny male.

Surrounded by Witch Cultists, she was wearing a black robe that was very similar to other Cultists but slightly different in details.

A tall man, but his body is so thin that ordinary people can't imagine, almost a dead man with only bones and a layer of skin.

The dark green hair is also dry and lifeless, and the first impression is unhygienic and fragile.

Of course, the premise must be that the pair of eyes that are blooming with crazy splendor cannot be seen from the front.

The male did not look at the three of Emilia, but respectfully bowed to them with a ninety-degree bend.

"It's been a long time."

A voice filled with a strong and ominous smell sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the man maintained this posture of bowing forward at [-] degrees, only his head suddenly lifted up.

Looking at the three of Emilia who were frightened by his weird behavior and horrifying movements, the man said in an extra polite tone:

"I am the High Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult—in charge of 'Sloth', Petelgeus Romanee-Conti!"

There was a crazy smile on his face that was enough to make anyone shudder, and he was a crazy man with his tongue outstretched and drooling.

Petelgeus introduced himself to the three of Emilia with a piercing laugh!

. . . . . .

At the same time, the white whale battlefield on the other side also suffered a shocking change.

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