Although Felice's healing technique can remove this pollution, he needs time, a lot of time.

He is the only one in the entire team of therapists who can completely remove the mental interference of the white whale, and Phyllis must personally heal every warrior who falls into madness.

Therefore, the most important thing right now is to divert the attention of the white whale so that it cannot focus on the immobile crusade team at this stage.

If it can't be done, the white whale crusade will be considered a complete failure, and the battle will be taken over by Edelweiss.

And the one who took on this responsibility was naturally a small team of elite fighters led by 'Sword Demon' Wilhelm who had escaped mental disturbance.

The successful launch of the magic stone dispelled the concentration of the fog to a certain extent, which allowed Wilhelm and others to find the hidden figure of the beluga whale again.

After all, it is that kind of huge body, without the cover of dense fog, it is still very conspicuous.

Therefore, for the safety of the crusade team that was still being treated, Wilhelm and others launched an almost desperate attack.

The old swordsman's sword strikes shone with silver light, and his companions were Mimi and Hei Taluo, the kitten siblings.

The main attack of the three of them was to try to attract the attention of the white whale as if they were squeezing their own potential.

The sister and brother of the kitten family shouted loudly, and Mana overlapped with the voices, and the wave-like spread of sound waves brought amazing destructive power.

The attack of the three tore through the defense of the white whale, making it cry out in pain and temporarily give up the idea of ​​attacking the crusade team.

Immediately afterwards, Ricardo led all the fighters who could resist the mental disturbance to attack from another direction.

Their target was the mouth-like gills of the beluga whale that were constantly spouting mist, and the successive attacks made them shut up one by one.

The belief and fighting spirit that burst out in despair are always admirable.

Under the leadership of Wilhelm and Ricardo, this team of only a dozen people burst out with unimaginable fighting power.

After losing the key bait of the male lead in the original novel, he insisted on holding back the white whale with his desperate assault, turning the battle into an impossible miraculous protracted battle!

Of course, the role of Edelweiss is indispensable.

According to the agreement, Edelweiss, who stood behind and used the star fairy technique to save their lives, was the key to the formation of the current situation.


As time passed, the long and protracted battle failed to bring about a turnaround, and instead made the crusade team's chances of winning lower and lower.

The huge body of the white whale was still writhing in the air, even though it was covered with scars and a lot of blood flowed out.

Its vitality has not been reduced at all, and its terrifying durability is like a bottomless abyss, starting to cause invisible psychological pressure on everyone.

Even if the soldiers began to recover one after another and returned to the battlefield after Phyllis' treatment, there was no way to reverse the situation and suppress the white whale as they did at the beginning.

After all, there is an element that almost represents the critical point of the entire battle, which is about to reach the limit!

"Mr Wilhelm!"


"Get out of here—! Danger——!!!"

Wilhelm, who avoided the white whale's counterattack at the critical moment, hadn't had time to catch his breath when he heard panicked shouts and screams from not far away.

Instantly realized that something was wrong, the experience of many battles made him not even think about why he clearly avoided the counterattack of the white whale above the sky, but at this moment the threat of death came from behind.

As soon as he got the warning, the old swordsman moved his body, turned into a flash of silver and left the place.

Even if it was half a minute ago, the result should be like this.



The sudden fatigue and the undetectable pause of the body led to a completely different situation!

Behind Wilhelm, the huge mouth of the white whale had already opened, but he was unable to leave the spot because of this momentary delay.

The sword of the previous kingdom, 'Sword Demon' Wilhelm, who fought desperately, squeezed all his strength to the limit, and his aged body finally reached the critical value.

In the next second, under everyone's horrified eyes


The jaws of the huge white whale closed suddenly, eating the ground centered on Wilhelm together with the old swordsman!

The shocking scene stunned all members of the subjugation team.

Wilhelm is the absolute main force in this white whale crusade, and it is also the strongest point and the key to supporting the high morale of the entire battlefield.

His defeat left everyone in shock and bewilderment.

However, they were stunned, but the white whale would not.


Just when there was a momentary pause, Ricardo, the leader of the Iron Fangs on the other side, was also attacked by surprise!

The huge whale tail whizzed past, and Ricardo, who was the secondary combat force, disappeared in place with a lot of blood.


It wasn't until he hit the ground far away that he didn't respond for a long time that everyone realized what had happened.

In the blink of an eye, the two important combat forces of the crusade team were all lost.

But that's not the key to what's happening right now.

The scene that brings true despair and crushes all hopes of the crusade team is the figure that covers the earth with a huge body in the sky, in front of the eyes, and from the side.

Three beluga whales are wandering around, their energetic movements seem to be mocking the overreaching of ants on the ground.

Looking up at the three huge figures swimming in the sky, voices came out one after another.

It was the sound of weapons falling to the ground, the sound of someone slumped on the ground, and the sound of uncontrollable trembling and whimpering from the throat.


The remaining troops were less than half of what they were at the start of the battle. After several hours of fierce fighting, the remaining people who hadn't fallen were actually exhausted long ago.

They persisted with their beliefs, gritted their teeth against the tremendous pressure and exhaustion, and squeezed their own words desperately to persist in the final battle.

However, what's the point of continuing to persevere without Wilhelm and Ricardo?

This is just the result of a white whale, and now the opponent has tripled.

No chance.

Everyone realized this, and also understood the outcome of this battle.

The horror and absurdity of the three major monsters, the reasons for the failure of the crusade team led by the previous generation of sword masters 14 years ago, the result of fighting so far but being impossible to win, the helpless self-blame and the setback of being deeply aware of one's own weakness.

Everything turned into an invisible hand, quietly crushing their courage to fight again.

This is - defeat!

No one would think of it before the war, the worst possible outcome!

. . .

. . .

. . .


I didn't update yesterday, my fault

I've been so busy recently, I couldn't get up at all when I lay down yesterday, I had a meal in the middle, and slept twice in a row for more than 20 hours

Code all night today

2062 Judgment!White Whale Down!

At this moment, on the battlefield shrouded in despair, there are still some people who have not lost their fighting spirit.

For example, Crusch, as the commander, she is still trying to mobilize the morale of the troops.

Wilhelm is not dead yet, if there is still a glimmer of hope to rescue him if he launches an attack now.

Phyllis didn't stop healing the soldiers. Even though it seemed very useless, he still dutifully completed his mission until the last moment.

It's a pity that among all the remaining people, there are only about five people who are mentally strong enough to ignore despair like them.

Just as Yuntian predicted, Wilhelm was the key to all morale support, and if something went wrong with him, the situation would definitely collapse.

As for the old swordsman's current state, as long as the battle is dragged into a protracted war, fatigue will be the inevitable result.

This is the case in the original book, and now Yuntian is even more sure of this after having had direct contact with it.

Therefore, when the first phase of the plan was not successfully achieved, the crusade that was forced to prolong the battle was actually doomed.

Desperate defeat, the result of morale collapse is terrifying in any era and in any world.

At the same sentence, they stopped, and the white whale would not.

Under such a desperate situation, the soldiers who fled without breaking down are considered very elite.

However, whether to escape or not to escape has no effect in front of the white whale that has lost the restraint of cutting-edge power.


The white mist of annihilation swelled in an instant, sweeping towards the crusade team that was stunned by the shock!

This blow, hit is inevitable.

And as long as it hits, almost [-]% of the crusade team fighters will be swallowed by the fog of annihilation.

'lost. '

At this moment, the conclusion emerged in everyone's mind.

Until the next second, they saw that pure white light!


A sword chant, weak, crisp but resounding across the plain, echoed in everyone's ears.

It was a ray of light, a radiant and extreme sword light that disappeared in an instant!

No one realized what happened, and no one could capture where the pure white sword light came from and where it disappeared.

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