From that day on, the sword ghost disappeared.

Wilhelm left the Royal Army, and no one knew where he went, but no one cared about it at that time.

'Juvenile Master' Teresia Van Astrea was born, interpreting the legend of the town of Lugnica with an invincible attitude.

With the activeness of the Juggernaut, the long demihuman war came to an end in two years.

In order to celebrate the end of the long civil war, a celebration banquet was held in the capital.

However, under the eyes of everyone, the man who was once known as the sword ghost returned.

In front of everyone, he defeated the legendary Juggernaut who had just ended the Asian Human War with invincibility!

No one knows what he went through in those two years, and no one knows what kind of faith it is that allowed him to complete the miracle beyond the legend.

The only thing that caught everyone's eyes was the young man who was almost at the peak and only one step away from the Heavenly Sword.

Wilhelm, who regained the word "Guardian", became a brand new legend of the Kingdom of Lugnica from that moment on.

. . . . . .

Because the clone of the white whale was wiped out, the eyes of Wilhelm, who escaped from his stomach, shone with memories.

Dragging his exhausted body, after saluting to Edelweiss to express his gratitude, he walked step by step to the front of the fallen beluga whale.

His eyes were blurred by tears, his exhausted body kept shaking, and he was a staggering old man, but no one would laugh at him at this moment.

Because, only the right hand holding the sword did not tremble.

"Slumber, forever—!"

In the silver light that cut into the head of the white whale, amazing sword intent and faith bloomed!

That was the last pursuit of the swordsman named Wilhelm Van Astrea in this life.

Beluga's eyes lost their luster.

With its death, 'Wilhelm Van Astrea' also died.

Completely falling from the world-class realm, the sword in Wilhelm's hand fell to the ground.

The old man covered his face, trembling slightly, and confided his heart in a hoarse voice.

Only he himself knew that it was a love language that he hadn't had time to tell the other party directly.

Until the last day 14 years ago, the old man never put it into language and said three words to the other party.

It's a pity that she can't hear it anymore.

. . . . . .

"Moby Whale, crusade!"

With the final announcement, the catastrophe "Warcraft of Fog", the white whale that has plagued the world for hundreds of years, ends here!

On the foggy plain, the effect of 'night repelling' gradually faded, but it was almost dawn.

The soldiers cheered and cast respectful glances at Edelweiss.

But the attention of the parties at this time is not here.

Feeling the vibration of the soul, Edelweiss walked aside alone, and took out a stack of papers full of words from the shared space.

That was Yun Tian calling her through the contract ability of the covenant instrument.

Edelweiss, who knew that Yuntian had something to look for him, replied to him immediately, and at this point in time, Yuntian was on his way to the Sanctuary led by Rem just after dealing with Qius.

. . . . . .

"I got some information about the Witch Cult from Sloth, which contains some of the manifestations and properties of the powers of other great sin priests."

"I see, what about laziness?"

"I killed myself, the lazy factor is in my hands."

"...Is that so."

"what happened?"

"No, it's just a little sad."

"Because of Wilhelm? It's over on your side."

"Hmm... That lazy bishop is called Joss, right? Is Emilia okay?"

"It's fine for the time being. After all, the memory was sealed by Parker. However, the trial in the sanctuary might not be easy for her."

" her."

"is this okay?"

"Well, it's okay."

"Okay. Be careful too, pay attention to that gluttony, don't be touched by him."

"I know... Yuntian."


"I love you."



"I love you too?"

"Remove the question mark!"

"I love you... so?"


"It seems that Wilhelm's reaction is not small."

"Come back and tell me yourself."

"I know."

Looking at the last three words written by Yun Tian, ​​Edelweiss put down the letter paper used for the conversation between the two.

She looked in the direction of Wilhelm, and seeing the old man still standing silently in front of the white whale, she couldn't help but sighed.

2064 Book of Power and Wisdom!

"She's doing a trial."

Echidna probably also noticed Yun Tian's gaze observing her, but she didn't mind too much, and asked along the way:

"Her situation is not very good. It is impossible to pass the first test with that kind of mental state. Your expectations of her are too high."

"You really hate Emilia." Yun Tian didn't pay attention to Echidna's words, and instead directed the topic to her.

"...I don't deny it." Echidna picked up the teacup with a calm expression, and took a sip of the tea.

However, the disappearance of the smile that had always been on Yun Tian's face since the first time she saw Yun Tian may also be indicative of her inner fluctuation at the moment.

"Don't deny it... It's different from what I've heard. Echidna was said to be a gentle and kind woman who could be friends with all witches 400 years ago."

With an inexplicable smile on the corner of Yun Tian's mouth, he slowly spun the teacup on the table and asked:

"The reason why you hate Emilia, can you tell me?"


This time, Echidna did not answer.

"Silence, well, I'm not a very curious person who insists on getting to the bottom of it."

Yun Tian shook his head and gave up asking.

However, both he and Echidna knew that this silence was an answer in a sense.

"Since you don't like this topic, let's skip it and get back to business."

Facing the lustful witch, Yun Tian, ​​who was still able to take the initiative in the conversation, chose to advance the topic.

This is not a good opponent. A momentary verbal confrontation cannot represent the result. If you talk too much, you may be caught by the other party.

"I want to participate in the trial, give me the qualifications."

Neither 'want' is used nor 'need' is said.

Yun Tian didn't intend to disclose to Echidna the necessity of his participation in the trial, he chose to ask for it unilaterally.

Advance the topic here.

The situation becomes 'I'm not going to explore your secrets, but you have to fulfill my requirements'.

Yun Tian never said that, and in fact it was not such a thing, but the atmosphere deliberately created by the topic can make the other party understand it as such.

Yun Tian Zi Di Wrong World learned the methods from Finn. After experiencing multiple worlds, as the objects to deal with gradually increased and became more difficult, it gradually formed its own style.

He will deliberately lead the opponent to guess and make inferences to achieve his goal.

The so-called misunderstanding and diverted thinking, once changed from accidental passivity to deliberately created initiative, will become an extremely sharp sword in dialogue.

People with normal logical thinking ability may have different degrees, but they will be affected to some extent.

People are always subconsciously willing to believe in the possibility of high probability. Once the probability of a certain possibility has an overwhelming advantage compared with other options, this possibility will often be called "correct".

As for other possibilities, the 'too small to be negligible' category is deadly enough in certain circumstances.

What Yuntian did was to turn this rare situation into reality.

For Yuntian, this is basically a means of conversation that has always been unfavorable.

Facing gods such as Loki in the wrong world, dealing with old monsters like Yakumo Zi in Gensokyo, even if the opponent is the original Athena in the world of Godslayer, or even the "God of Foresight" Prometheus s.

Yuntian can at least guarantee that he will not fall behind in terms of dialogue and conversation, relying on his ability to negotiate.

To use this approach successfully, there are two prerequisites.

One is that the other party has basic logical thinking, and the other is Yuntian's biggest advantage as the space agent of the main god - unequal information gap.

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