The last time I used it was in the world of godslayers. With the ability of Twilight's mischief, Mithra was pulled down by invincibility.

The harvest is indeed not small, but if it is not necessary, Yuntian absolutely does not want to use this ability a second time.

But right now, it was obvious that Yun Tian, ​​who had begun to be led away by Echidna through the Book of Wisdom, was the only way to break out of this predicament.

"The world is not static, the direction of destiny will also change, and the future has countless branches and possibilities.

"Of course there were conversations between us, and you just happened to miss one of those trivial ones.

"After all, you don't like to use the book of wisdom, and every time you open it, you end it as quickly as possible, don't you?"

Accident, coincidence, this is the possibility that will happen.

Echidna is not a true omniscient and omnipotent god in the true sense, she makes mistakes, she also has weaknesses and flaws.

However, the probability is extremely low.

What Yuntian did was to rewrite this route whose probability was so low that it was impossible to happen into an actual realistic script.

"Even I can't accept such an explanation." Echidna sighed.

She knew that Yun Tian must have done something, and Echidna, who knew the existence of Pandora, could easily associate it with the power of ostentation.

At the same time, she also understands that it is difficult for the two sides to be called the same camp at present, let alone a so-called trusted companion.

It was impossible for Yun Tian to tell himself his hole cards at this time, so Echidna didn't bother to ask.

However, besides ability, she is also very interested in another thing.

"Even if your ability is beyond what I predicted with the book of wisdom, how can you be sure that I am different from Echidna 400 years ago?"

"I don't need affirmation."

Yun Tian spread his hands, pointed to the white thick book and said:

"You probably confirmed that I can't find evidence that you are different from Echidna 400 years ago. Without evidence, I can't draw a firm conclusion."

Speaking of this, Yun Tian smiled.

"For a character like you who pursues all knowledge and is thin on human emotions, this is common sense."

"Is it not?"

Echidna really couldn't fully understand what Yun Tian said.

"There is no evidence, no matter how low the possibility is, there will be countless branches, which means countless results. You can't completely rule out the possibility that I am Echidna."

"I don't need to exclude."

Yun Tian's words made Echidona stunned for a moment.

"The initial doubts came after I got to know Roswaal."

Without giving Echidna a chance to ask questions, Yun Tian took the initiative to explain his thoughts.

"I know that you are still alive and know that there is a soul of a lust witch in the sanctuary, so at the same time, I think Roswaal should also know.

"But that would be a contradiction."

Roswaal may not know that the souls of six witches are sealed in the sanctuary, but he must know that Echidna's soul is here.

Because in the original book, he explicitly asked the protagonist 'Have you seen her'.

"Then why does Roswaal, who is paranoid about resurrecting his teacher, go after the dragon?"

Yun Tian looked at Echidna, and stretched out a finger.

"That's the first question, but like you said, there are too many possibilities to make a definitive statement."

"Then the second question arose, what kind of personality was Echidna 400 years ago?"

This question arose from the information Qiu Si told Yuntian.

In his description, Echidna, the "Witch of Greed", should be a gentle and kind-hearted person. Although she has a strong thirst for knowledge, she is always on the road to salvation.

A kind woman who can be friends with anyone, literally.

Maybe there is Qiu Si's subjective filter in it, and Echidna 400 years ago is not really a good person.

But no matter how there is a gap, it shouldn't be as big as it is right now.

Moreover, according to Qiu Si's description, Echidna's age should be around 400 years old more than 25 years ago.

At least her appearance conforms to the impression of a 25-year-old, not the age of a 19-year-old girl.

Echidna is not a long-lived species, she is a pure human being, otherwise there would be no need to pursue the secret technique of immortality of soul reincarnation.

"But after all, so long has passed, it is reasonable for people to change."

As he spoke, Yun Tian stretched out his second finger, then paused for a moment, and stretched out his third finger again.

"Then, why do you hate Emilia? Or, why do you hate her—the Witch's Son?"

The witch's son, or the witch's daughter.

This is the name Pandora called Emilia in the original book when she invaded the Ariol Forest in the past, and it is also the name Echidna called Emilia when she tried her in the original book.

Yun Tian didn't know what the real meaning was, but he could make a reasonable guess based on this condition.

such as

"Let's guess why you hate Emilia."

2069 Echidna and Echidna

The witch of lust, the embodiment of lust.

Echidna, who has a personality of extreme pursuit of the unknown, has an extremely thin human emotional side.

Yuntian also had such a state and time.

Just like Yuntian in the past would not care about anything other than getting stronger, Echidna should not pay attention to things other than the unknown.

Yuntian has been guided by Fan Xinglu, taught by Fenn, and washed by Bell. . .Confidentially, and finally contacted Edelweiss tentatively with a skeptical attitude.

After a long period of years of baptism, there have been some changes seen today.

What about Echidna?

Her soul is trapped in the city of dreams, and she has never seen anyone in 400 years, so why does she have strong emotions other than lust?I still hate such emotions that need a reason to be born.

Unreasonable, or in other words, there should be some reason.

This problem probably lies with Emilia, or the jealous witch Shatila who looks exactly like Emilia.

"Echidna, what do you think of the jealous witch Satila?"

"...At this stage, it's purely dangerous."

"Knew it."

Yun Tian nodded, and then asked additionally:

"So, what's your opinion on the difference between the Envious Witch and Shatila?"

"There's no difference, whether it's the Envious Witch or Shatila, they don't all refer to the same individual."

Echidna answered without any hesitation.

As she said, from Echidna's point of view, there is no difference between the Witch of Envy and Shatila.


"Nobody else thinks so except you, does they?"

Yun Tian looked at the silent Echidna, he knew that the other party understood who the 'others' were referring to.

In this city of dreams, besides the soul of Echidna, there are also the souls of five other witches.

And the five of them, even all the people who knew Shatila's situation 400 years ago, including Qiu Si, would not equate her with the Envious Witch.

It is an accepted fact that Shatila and the Witch of Envy are completely different existences.

But only Echidna didn't think so.

Because she doesn't know Satila's situation?

Of course it's impossible, as one of the six guardians of the Witch of Envy's seal, how could the 'Witch of Lust' Echidna not know about Shatila's situation.

Then why is she the only one who thinks that Shatila is no different from the Envious Witch?

Or think differently.

Echidna, no, does this Echidna have any reason to regard the two as one?

Or, in her cognition, only when the two are the same can certain 'facts' be explained?

such as

Echidna 400 years ago and Echidna today or something?

"You are sure that you are Echidna, but others are denying the consistency between Shatila and the Witch of Envy. Does that mean denying you?"

Facing Yun Tian's topic, Echidna just kept silent.

But Yun Tian didn't expect her to answer him.

after all

"This is just one of my guesses, it is hard to say whether it is correct or not.

"I can also think and deduce in a different direction. Let's not talk about the Envious Witch herself, let's talk about Emilia and your dislike for her."

The son of the witch.

Regardless of the essence, its connection with the Witch of Envy is real, and the key that Pandora is looking for to release the Witch of Envy's seal is in Emilia's body.

Nor does her identical appearance to that of the Witch of Envy seem like a coincidence.

If it wasn't accidental, it was deliberately created.

Whatever the purpose, who would it be that could do it?

Jealous of the Witch herself?or

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