After all, the prerequisite for everything is to be able to leave the tomb where the witch's soul is sealed.

. . . . . .

"Give her a chance. But whether to stay in the team or put in the main god's space, I will make a decision after I meet her in person."

The content uploaded on the letter paper is the reply Yun Tian received after sending the conversation to Edelweiss after bidding farewell to Liu Zi.

"The rest is to deal with Emilia."

Yun Tian took out his pocket watch to check the time, and the super intuitive warning reminded him that Roswaal should start to take action.

There is still some time, but hurry up, in the costly influence of Twilight Mischief, things may change at any time.

It's been a while since Emilia rested, and all other aspects have been dealt with. It's time for Yuntian to see Echidna again and complete his own trial.

Before that, he had to confirm Emilia's condition and whether the girl still planned to undergo the trial. If the situation was not optimistic, Yun Tian would choose to let her stay in the village first.

After everything is over, it won't be too late for Emilia to have a trial.

As long as an agreement is reached with Echidna, there will be plenty of opportunities after the other party becomes a partner.

2075 The important thing is to 'decide for yourself'


Walking into the room, Yun Tian knew that the girl was awake, so he spoke directly.

However, Yun Tian who entered the room did not see Emilia immediately, which made him pause for a while.

Looking at the empty bed, Yun Tian shook his head helplessly.

Walking into the room, he closed the door casually, then walked inside and bypassed the bed, and finally saw Emilia sitting on the ground and huddled against the edge of the bed.

"Like a kid, the floors here aren't as clean as they are at home."

"I don't sleep well... I'm sorry, it's a lie. In fact, I can't sleep at all."

Emilia, who knew it was Yuntian by the sound, didn't move, she was still sitting on the ground, holding her knees with her hands and burying her head in her legs.

Perhaps because she knew that her current expression would not look good, the girl refused to look at Yun Tian in this way.

Seeing her appearance, Yun Tian sighed, walked to Emilia's side and sat down on the ground.

"Rem said that she lit some incense for sleep in the room, did she not fall asleep even then?"


The weak voice may not be expressing affirmation, but simply expressing that he is listening to Yuntian's speech.

Obviously, the girl's condition was as bad as Yun Tian expected.

After all, the original book is like this, even if the current Emilia has grown a lot in comparison, if the key problems are not resolved, there will be no real transformation.

"I'm sorry, I lost my mind when I woke up in the tomb, and let you see such a shameful look, I promised not to cry..."

After a moment of silence, Yun Tian did not speak, but Emilia was the first to apologize.

"Are you scared?"


Without answering Yuntian's question, Emilia just reached out and grabbed his clothes, and at the same time leaned her body unconsciously, as if she was subconsciously looking for support.

"Parker is gone, and he didn't respond to how I called him. He clearly promised that he would always be by my side."

Her hands and body trembled a little, and Emilia's voice revealed a choked sob.

The trials she experienced ruthlessly crushed the girl's heart.

With her memory sealed, Emilia, who has a major mental defect, could not accept what she showed in the trial.

What she saw was exactly the scene where the false witch Pandora invaded the Great Forest of Elior.

From the destruction of the elven village to witnessing the adoptive father killing the adoptive mother because of the power of Pandora, Emilia, who finally could not accept the reality, ran away with magical power and turned the Great Forest of Elior into a piece of permanent frozen soil.

The elves were eroded by the black snake brought by Pandora, her adoptive father Qius fell into madness, and her adoptive mother died in front of the girl's eyes. The thawed forest that is now the goal of her struggle was frozen by herself in the past.

With so many tragic facts, it is extremely difficult for Emilia to accept it completely in an instant.

But more importantly, because of the double memory seals of Pandora and Parker, Emilia herself does not have even the slightest impression and cognition of this aspect.

This cognition of "I can't do it, but it's my own mistakes and past" has become a key factor preventing Emilia from accepting the facts.

If you want to successfully challenge the first level of the trial and accept this tragic past, you must first cancel the fairy contract between Emilia and Parker.

It is not difficult to do this, but the difficult thing is that the termination of the contract must be done by Emilia and Parker, otherwise it will be meaningless.

The elven contract with Parker is the only sustenance for Emilia when she is mentally weak. If outsiders intervene to cancel it, not only will it not have a positive effect, but it will lead to accidents.

The mentally broken Emilia appeared in the original book.

Therefore, in order to terminate this contract, the prerequisite is for Emilia to find a new support and sustenance.

A bond that would give her the courage to face her tragic past.


"I told you before entering the sanctuary barrier, don't expect me to comfort you."

Yun Tian's heartless voice made the girl's body stiffen.

"I know." Emilia's voice contained indescribable complex emotions.

At this time, she is extremely fragile, as long as Yun Tian has that kind of thought, a soft-spoken comfort can turn the girl into a dead-hearted girl in a matter of minutes.

At that time, Emilia will regard Yuntian as everything in her heart, the only reliance and the sustenance of all her spirit.

She doesn't need any so-called contractual constraints, she will willingly obey all of Yuntian's orders, no matter how absurd they are.

But at the same time, this also means that Emilia has become a string puppet in Yuntian's hands, and he needs to control every move.

"I will not stop and wait for anyone, and I never force anyone to keep up with me."

Yuntian's voice reached Emilia's ears.

There is not too much emotion in it, but it contains an unshakable firm will.

"Those who can't keep up, then slowly move forward along your own path and ideas. I will go one step ahead, whether you can stand up or not."

Yun Tian stood up, didn't say anything more to Emilia, but explained a fact to her in a calm voice.

"If you can't do it, then give up."

After finishing speaking, Yun Tian left the room without waiting for Emilia to answer.

Only the girl sitting alone on the ground and the almost icy atmosphere in the room remained.

. . . . . .

"That, that, Lord Yuntian, are you being a little harsh on Lord Emilia?"

Going out of the door, Rem who was waiting outside looked at Yun Tian, ​​and said with some hesitation:

"Miss Emilia's situation is quite special. If such stimulation has the opposite effect on her and leads to her depression..."

"Then it's better to be helpless."

Yun Tian's words seemed a little heartless, which made Rem stunned for a moment.

However, Yun Tian didn't mean what she thought.

"It's her own choice which way to go. It's very unreasonable to unilaterally plan other people's future on the grounds of 'for her own good' and 'this is the right way'."

Yun Tian looked at Rem and asked back:

"Do you think it must be the most correct thing to force Emilia to accept her tragic past?"

Rem thought for a while, then shook her head with some indecision.

But she understood what Yuntian meant to a certain extent.

Just like Lei Mu who chooses to stay with Yun Tian now, this is the choice of 'Li Mu', so she will not regret it.

Similarly, Emilia's decision must be made by 'Amelia' himself.

Instead of Yuntian intervening to make her 'be strong enough to accept the tragic memories of the past'.

The important thing is that 'Emilia made her own decision'.

Mental problems can be solved in other ways, and memory can be accepted a little bit by time when Emilia's life experience is richer.

The current situation is different from the original book. Emilia has the right to choose to give up. There is no need for her to force or force herself to undergo extreme short-term growth.

Sooner or later, the frozen sky in the Elliot Forest will be solved, and the poison of the black snake is not completely unsolvable, and there are more than one way to solve mental problems.

Even if the girl lay flat, Yuntian would not ignore her given her current relationship with Yuntian, and Qiu Si's request before his death.

She can choose the life she wants and wants at will, as long as it is Emilia's own decision, Yuntian will not dictate.

Respecting the choices of others is Yuntian's unswerving interpretation of his own will.

He doesn't dictate other people's decisions, and he doesn't allow others to dictate his own choices.

There has never been a 'certainly correct' future in this world.

The so-called 'correct' is nothing more than the development that people prefer to see.

But what Yun Tian prefers to see is the belief and will of the person concerned.

Another point is

"The last sentence is not just for Emilia."

Yun Tian knew that what he said to Rem now, he in the room would also understand.

2076 The girl following

After Yun Tian left, the air in the room seemed extraordinarily cold.

Emilia was still sitting on the ground, holding her knees with her hands in silence.

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