However, she reached out and grabbed Yun Tian's clothes, and after hesitating for a while, she blushed and whispered:

"So, so, a little... Just a little bit, lend me some courage."

Yun Tian looked at Emilia in surprise, and after a pause, he looked at the girl whose pointed ears were starting to turn red, and then understood what she was asking for from him.

"Is this okay? I can't promise you anything."

Yun Tian reached out and touched Emilia's head, and confirmed to her seriously.

"Well, that's fine, I know, but it's my own decision."

It was Emilia who raised her head and looked over with firm eyes that answered Yun Tian.

Looking at the girl, seeing the emotion revealed in her cyanotic eyes, Yun Tian didn't say anything more.

He lowered his head and kissed the girl lightly.

. . . . . .

"Doing that kind of shameless thing at the gate of someone's grave, even I will be angry."

Being on the grassland, the smell of nature fills the nostrils.

Yuntian, who came to the City of Dreams for the second time, was greeted by Echidna's obviously dissatisfied complaints.

Still the same scenery and hills as last time, the only difference is that this time the sky directly appeared on the table on the hill.

He pulled out the chair casually and sat down, accompanied by Echidna's words of dissatisfaction.

"What's so good about such an ugly woman? A shameless person who cries and flatters a man dares to challenge the trial. The level of shamelessness even scares me."

"Your hostility and prejudice against Emilia have overflowed."

Seeing Echidna like this, Yun Tian helplessly shook his head.

But to be honest, at least Echidna, who showed her true feelings in front of her eyes, was more pleasing to Yuntian than the gentleness and kindness she had completely pretended before.

A little more real, not so fake.

"You think Emilia can't pass the test?"

"Don't you think she will accept that past? Accept that fact?"

"Maybe." Yun Tian spread his hands.

The development different from the original book made it impossible for him to predict the result of Emilia's trial, but in any case, Emilia, who mustered up her courage, did have the qualifications to pass the trial.

The most difficult thing for a girl is the first level of the trial. As long as she can pass it smoothly, the subsequent second and third levels will not be so scary.

Facing Yuntian's ambiguous and somewhat trusting statement, Echidna was silent for a moment.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Yun Tian didn't continue to dwell on this topic.

"Let's talk about the contract."

"Have you made up your mind?"

Hearing the word contract, the expression on Echidna's face changed instantly.

The gentle smile hangs on the corner of the mouth again, the body sits upright, and the whole person becomes dignified, as if the person who was full of malice and hostility to Emilia just now is not her.

The speed of this face-changing made Yun Tian sigh.

However, thanks to this, he also noticed a detail.

"You guessed the result?"

It could be seen that Echidna was trying to hide her excitement. Although she was relatively calm, her eyes that were staring at Yun Tian revealed some information.

"Not really, it's just that the opening remarks you just used will basically lead the result to the direction I want without accident."

Echidna nodded at the thick white book at hand, and Yun Tian also nodded in understanding.

"If it is a refusal, I will use other words."

"'About the trial, let's talk about the conditions', if it's this type of statement, then I can basically give up."

Echidna took a sip from her teacup, and a look of gratitude and relief could be seen on her face, which she didn't hide much.

"If you agree, it's a 'contract', and if you don't agree, it's a 'trial'. The characteristics of your dialogue are actually very obvious, didn't you notice it?"

"It's impossible for someone with a book of wisdom like you to discover this thing. How could a normal person predict such a level of precision? Even I myself don't know what words to use in other situations."

Yun Tian sighed, once again lamenting the terrifying ability of the Book of Wisdom.

To be honest, if it weren't for Dusk's prank, Yuntian really didn't have a good way to deal with this ability.

"Not to mention these, the key is the contract, you have already made a decision, haven't you?"

Echidna obviously couldn't wait, which also reflected how attractive the unknown of the new world was to her, a lustful witch.

"Conclude a formal contract, and our souls will be connected. Just leave the details to me. In short, give me your hand first."

Echidna stretched out her right hand and turned her palm towards Yuntian.

She motioned for Yun Tian to reach out and stick her hand over, and a genuinely happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

However, at this moment.

"Wait for me—!"


Before Yun Tian could reach out, the roar instantly swept everything around with the impact!

The hills were blown away, the white dining table and chairs were also turned into pieces, the ground shook violently, and the terrifying impact turned the grassland into ruins.

Suddenly appearing next to Yuntian and Echidna, it was a beautiful blonde girl who struck the ground with her fists to prevent the contract from being carried out.

"Signing the contract, you'd better think carefully about it, boy!"

The beautiful blonde girl who suddenly appeared said this to Yun Tian.

2078 The Great Sin Witch!

Suddenly falling from the sky, it was a beautiful girl with shining blond hair who interrupted Yuntian and Echidna's conversation with her fist.

Her long golden hair was tied into a bundle and hung down in a side ponytail. A pair of clear blue eyes seemed to be shining with pure light.

Wearing a short skirt that emphasizes movement and a white-based jacket, it looks quite modern at first glance.

The height is unexpectedly petite, but the development of both the front and the back is extremely good, full of sensual charm.

The aggressive girl gives a lively impression.

However, judging from her performance of turning hills into deep pits as soon as she appeared on the stage, she may also be called violent.

Just like that, the beautiful blond-haired and blue-eyed girl—"Angry Witch" Minerva looked at Yun Tian who drew back and stepped aside, and said:

"I'm talking about you! How could you just agree to sign a contract with the witch! Are you really ready!"

Angry flames flashed in Minerva's eyes, she looked at Yun Tian viciously, and kept waving her fists.

But because of her hateful tone and her petite body, she looked a little cute when she was angry.

If one ignored the deep hole that had just been punched out, Minerva's behavior would probably be misunderstood as coquetry rather than anger.

After all, she had tears in the corners of her eyes as she spoke, as if she had been wronged.

"Huh, this is a development that I didn't expect."

Echidna was also standing on the other side, casting her gaze at Minerva.

Perhaps it was intentional, the angry lady witch stood between Yun Tian and her, separating the two with herself.

As for the purpose, as she said herself.

"I don't agree with this contract!" After complaining to Yuntian, Minerva turned her head to Echidna without waiting for his reply, and glared at her with her arms crossed.

"Concluding the witch's contract is still very important. You don't know it. It's not very polite to interfere suddenly, Minerva."

Echidna still had that gentle smile on her face, she looked at Minerva, and asked as if in doubt:

"Could it be that you also fell in love with him? Jealous?"

"Don't think you can get off topic with this kind of joke! You know why I'm mad! I'm furious! I'm mad! I'm raging!!!"

Echidna frivolously tried to change the subject, but this trick obviously didn't work on Minerva who was familiar with her, and instead made the angry witch even more angry.

It's just that Minerva's words are said to be angry, but it's actually quite subtle.

This simple and repeated behavior of emphasizing that he is angry is more like a little girl acting like a baby. With the other party's angry expression and a height of barely more than 1.5 meters, it is really hard to be serious.

"Set a trap for others, let him sign a contract with you foolishly, and he will get angry after seeing it!"

Minerva's words made Yuntian's expression a little helpless.

He felt like he was lying on the ground, and the angry witch probably misunderstood something and underestimated him.

However, the appearance of the other party is also based on goodwill, which is relatively easy to understand.

Among the several sinful witches 400 years ago, the one with a kind personality must be honest.

Shatila who has not been eroded by the jealousy factor is counted as one, and the real Echidna has yet to be verified. Other than that, I am afraid that there is only Minerva, the "Wrathful Witch".

"It's hard to say it's a trap. I'm trying to create opportunities to get to know him, and it's him who took the initiative to break the record in the Book of Wisdom and finally got to this point, right?"

Echidna stretched out her hand to brush the white hair near her cheeks, and said with a slight smile:

"As a result, we will maintain mutual trust in the form of a contract. Isn't it a good thing?"

"It's your attitude that seems to be conscientious in explaining everything that makes me angry! You didn't tell him anything at all, about the contract!"

Minerva stomped her feet angrily, as though acting coquettishly, but with astonishing power, the whole ground trembled and cracked, and a large amount of dust and sand was rolled up with the impact.

"It's not that I didn't say it, but I just don't think it's necessary to say it. Anyway, the final contract will be finalized, right? The witch's contract, I won't mess with it."

Echidna looked past Minerva and looked at Yuntian, as if she was worried that he might misunderstand.

"This time I even explained the price in advance. I will dedicate everything I have. All I ask is to leave this world. In the name of the witch, there will be nothing superfluous in the contract and there will be no concealment."

On this point, Echidna did not lie, every word of her came from the heart, without any falsehood.

In this contract, she will not move any hands or feet.

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