A-level agents will be paid more attention by the main god space, and Yun Tian, ​​who knows this, has a new understanding of this matter at this time.

In the past, the main god space would not care about the agent's situation in the mission world at all, but now it obviously provides some extra help that cannot be seen on the surface.

The extent is limited, and there are also conditions. Perhaps only after reaching a higher level and reaching the S-level agent will he have more weight.

It's a good thing anyway.


Faced with this trial that was intervened by the main god space and constructed with the power of the Re0 world, Yuntian felt a little unsure of what to do.

Looking at the child who was still wielding the sword, Yun Tian's heart was so complicated that he didn't know how to describe it.

Yes, it is him.

This child is the former Yuntian.

This dim martial arts arena, the word 'sword' and the dagger in his hand are all that Yun Tian remembers from his childhood.

The reason why "it" is used to describe it is because Yuntian at this time cannot be regarded as a human being at all.

Just like the current Echidna, there are not many elements that humans should have in him.

What is forged in this martial arts arena is a sword, not a person.

What should I say?

Yuntian didn't know either.

Do you sympathize with or pity your former self?

To be honest, no.

The martial arts field in front of him obliterated his childhood that a normal person should have, but it also created the talent that Yuntian is famous for today.

Without this extreme environment, Yuntian's talent probably would not have been developed to such an extreme level, and perhaps he would not have been selected by the main god space to become a representative.


Yuntian has almost no emotion in this regard.

As for gratitude or gratitude, it is even more out of the question.

So, facing the 'past', what should Yuntian do at this moment?What else do you want to say?

He didn't know it himself.

This was the first time that Yuntian felt such a strong sense of confusion.

"How should I do?"

Yun Tian murmured to himself.

This is the key to his indifference.

Echidna heard his voice and didn't talk too much. It wasn't the answer she should give, even if she really said something, it was meaningless.

The meaning of this trial space is to allow Yun Tian to face the past.

The existence of Echidna is just a mechanism similar to the instruction manual, and it can only appear here in order to explain part of the situation to Yuntian.

"However, your original world is not as ordinary as you imagined."

"Why do you say that?"

Yuntian didn't know what to do now, and he was a little hesitant to go up and talk to 'himself'. In this case, chatting with Echidna seemed to be a good choice.

Echidna probably also saw through Yun Tian's thoughts before she took the initiative to speak.

"In the ordinary world, no one would deliberately use such extreme means to cultivate a sword."

Echidna's words made some sense, and Yun Tian had thought so too.


"I don't remember learning any energy system like Mana. After leaving here, the society is also an ordinary modern technological era."

This is Yuntian's previous cognition.

"A fan of the authorities, there is one thing that is like eating and drinking to you, which cannot be counted within the scope of common sense in the 'ordinary world' you call."

"Speaking of..."

Echidna's words made Yun Tian pause.

Immediately recalled the memory of the past.

Before undertaking the first official mission, before obtaining the first energy 'star power' which symbolizes the beginning of his strength transformation.

Yuntian already has power beyond the scope of ordinary people and common sense.

He was able to unleash his sword energy before entering the space of the main god. Although it didn't have earth-shattering power, it was indeed something that ordinary mortals could not do.

Even at that time, Yuntian had already touched the threshold of sword intent.

That is to say, the world Yuntian originally lived in is indeed a modern society with the development of science and technology, but there is at least a certain degree of special power behind it.

Maybe not strong, but not zero.

To have or not to be is the fundamental difference.

There is no social interaction in Yun Tian's life, it was like this when he was in the martial arts arena, and it was also like this after he left the martial arts arena.

So he doesn't know.

Maybe after a long time, he will discover this by chance, but then Yuntian entered the main god's space, and the trajectory of his life changed drastically.

It is even more impossible to know.

Echidna's words made him realize this.

It's not a critical thing, but right now it brings Yun Tian a brand new thinking.

His talent is very strong, at least in the original world, it is shocking and terrifying.

The reason can no longer be traced, but the only thing that can be determined is that Yuntian was forged 'nature' because he possessed 'innate' conditions.

It was the combination of the two that made him who he is today.

So, even if there is no such special childhood, the result must be good?


Yun Tian shook his head with a slightly self-deprecating smile.

With his current realm and experience, and the power of destiny in his hands, he will naturally come to a conclusion.

In the former world, Yuntian was probably like a man of destiny like Kakki Kurogane or Bell Cranney.

At least one of the best.

There is no doubt about the fact that he has a huge fortune and destiny, otherwise how could the main god space have taken a fancy to him.

Therefore, no matter what happens, Yuntian will probably embark on the path of pursuing becoming stronger.

The difference is just like entering the main god's space like now, or reaching the pinnacle in the original world like Edelweiss.



It's just that no matter which Yuntian will choose in the end.

Extreme or not, he will eventually embark on a journey to a higher level.

The difference is roughly, to be a sharp sword with a fierce glow, or a sword-wielding person with wanton sword spirit.

sword or man.

"?" Suddenly, Yun Tian froze for a moment.

Where did he seem to have heard this question?

"Ah! That's how it is."

The consciousness seems to have returned to the moment when he was studying and fighting the urban world in a hazy state.

Before that battle, Yuntian faced a problem that pointed directly to his heart for the first time.

"So, Master, she had anticipated this scene at that time, and that's why she reprimanded me for being greedy."

Yun Tian smiled and sighed.

"If it wasn't for this opportunity, I would probably be stuck at this step for a long time, and I don't know how I will be scolded by Master."

Know your mind.

From the choice of the past, I began to transform into my own path.

In the past, Yuntian was still at the level of 'searching', but at this moment, he began to 'advance'.

2082 Roswaal Arrives in Sanctuary!

I don't know how long it took after Yun Tian started the trial.


There was a slight fluctuation at the entrance of the sanctuary barrier, and several figures walked in through the barrier.

"Sure enough, he has come in."

Roswaal felt something, with a serious expression on his face, and his tone of voice was no longer that of a clown in the past.

He glanced at the pink-haired girl beside him, and didn't say much, but the meaning in his gaze made the girl silent.

"Rem..." Ram bit her lips, her heart full of worry and anxiety.

She didn't know what happened at all, but just like Roswaal speculated at the beginning, not many people knew about this sanctuary.

Right now, Rem is completely out of contact, and there is almost no other possibility for the person who leads Yuntian to come here.

"What the hell are you thinking?"

This is the only time since Ram was born that he couldn't understand his sister's behavior.

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