Ignoring the stench of repelling and rejecting visitors, Roswaal walked inside without hesitation.

'This time, you won't be stopped again, right? '

For some reason, Roswaal felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart, which made him a little more vigilant.

This core center is a key node in the sanctuary, and even Ram, Roswaal never told her anything.

Therefore, even if it was really Leim who led the way, it would be impossible for Yuntian to find here and set up measures.

One step further, he would have no reason to know the existence of this center.


"I'm sorry to meet you for the first time, Mr. Mazas Frontier Boss."


With the sound of words, the entrance of the building was sealed by a suddenly rising earth wall.

At the same time, a figure came out from the nearby forest and bowed slightly to Roswaal.

"My name is Otto Suwen, and I am serving as a steward under the Sword of the Kingdom, entrusted by Lord Yuntian..."

Otto, who came out, stood in front of the earthen wall, looked at Roswaal, and said to him with a little apology on his face:

"Currently no traffic here."

"Otto Suvin?"

Roswaal looked at the gray-haired young man in front of him who pressed his hat on his chest and bowed, and stopped with his eyes narrowed.

Names that I have vaguely heard, faces that I have never seen or have no memory of, until the other party introduces himself, I finally match them with the characters in my memory.

The president of the Kingdom Sword Chamber of Commerce, the only retainer under Yuntian's command, and a well-known butler in the capital, Otto Suwen.

However, I have never heard that he is also good at fighting.

"Are you going to stop me?"


At the moment of polite questioning, a magical flame blasted past, approaching Otto in his breath!

As I said before, Roswaal is in a hurry, and he is not a decent knight.

Courtesy?Small talk?

At this time, Roswaal didn't have that thought.

Maybe he is not enough to look at in front of Yuntian, but Roswaal is also the real chief magician of Lugnica, the absolute powerhouse of the North Rejecting Holy Kingdom alone!

How dare a housekeeper or a businessman stand in front of him, he really doesn't know what to say!



The flames hit the dirt wall, and the powerful force shattered it instantly, stirring up dust all over the sky.

This result made Roswaal's pupils shrink slightly.

His magic, blocked?

"I know I'm a small character, but every once in a while I want to be in the limelight."

There was still a trace of cold sweat running down Otto's cheeks when he came out of the smoke, but he didn't have any intention of flinching.

Even if the opponent is the most powerful magician who is famous all over the world, Otto will never take half a step back at this moment!

The young man looked at Roswaal with a smile on his face.

"During the master's absence, let me, the housekeeper, act as the temporary agent."

2084 Sister and Sister!

Ram, who watched Roswaal leave, had an extremely complicated expression on his face and emotions in his heart.

Today's events or accidents are too sudden.

It was originally discussed a long time ago against the Witch Cult, but for some reason it suddenly turned into an offensive and defensive battle against the Sanctuary.

Ram was not told anything.

Her position is still in Mezzas' house, Yuntian will not disclose any information to her, and now even Roswaal no longer trusts her.

No, Roswaal didn't trust her from the beginning, and now it's just no longer covering up on the surface.

Ram understood his situation very well, but as expected, he still sighed a little.

The feeling of not being trusted by others is really bad, but what makes Ram most emotional is the gap between Yuntian and Roswaal.

There is an oath of allegiance between Ram and Roswaal. After the ghost horn is broken, she must rely on the other party's treatment to survive. She has been loyal for ten years without any mistakes.

Roswaal even has a book of wisdom that can judge her actions.

With so many factors combined, the superposition of contracts, handles, time, and prophecies cannot exchange Roswaal's trust in the girl.

However, Yun Tian dared to trust another girl and entrusted her with the success of the plan.

For the pair of twins who have lost their hometown and relatives, their pursuit is actually very small.

But just want a shelter.

Now, Ram had to admit that Mezzas' house was indeed not a suitable choice.

In the past, it was not possible to choose because of the treatment, but now it is due to the restriction of the oath.

But aside from the shackles, the sisters have too many better choices.

'Is this the reason why you chose Lord Yuntian, Rem. '

Ram remained silent, and turned his gaze to the other side of the tomb, looking across the scorched earth at the forest in the distance.

It has been some time since Roswaal left. According to him, he should use the power of the sanctuary enchantment to try to suppress the Black Furnace Demon Sword as soon as possible.

Since there is still no movement until now, it is obvious that some obstacles have been encountered.

If there is no accident, Yuntian has already made preparations in the sanctuary. Roswaal has met an opponent, and he is probably no exception here.


The friction sound of the iron chains colliding made a helpless look appear in Ram's eyes.

Of course she recognized the voice, and she would never mistake the blue figure that came out of the forest and slowly approached on the scorched earth.

After all, that was her sister.


"elder sister."

Seeing Rem walking step by step to the front of the tomb, and standing opposite him holding the meteor hammer, Ram finally couldn't help asking:


There are too many doubts in this question.

But the most important point is what made Rem summon up the courage to stand in front of her, and chose the scene where the sisters faced each other.

"Because Rem believes that the only way to grasp happiness and the future!"

The younger sister's answer made the older sister stunned.

Not because of the answer, but because of the gleam in my sister's eyes.

That is the strong will and belief that my sister has never seen, and I have always hoped that my sister will have.

"Rem, you..."

"My sister should be clear in her heart."

Ram wanted to ask something, but was interrupted by Rem unexpectedly forcefully.

This is the first time in my life that my younger sister loudly explained her thoughts to her older sister.

"Lord Roswaal, no, Roswaal just treats us as pawns!"

"...I understand, but he saved us after all, this kindness."

"That's not kindness!" Rem interrupted her sister again.

"Rem doesn't think that a person who hid on the sidelines and watched the destruction of our hometown is our benefactor. It is a fact that he saved us, so Rem will not be angry or hate him, but this kind of kindness Rem thinks that ten years of life That's enough to pay off."

Watching the destruction of other people's hometowns, deliberately wait until only Ram and Rem are left before saving them.

What Roswaal did is really not good to comment on.

Objectively speaking, he did save the two of them, but emotionally speaking, do you still want others to be loyal to you when you just watched other people's hometowns be destroyed?

Not to mention the statement that "he is capable but helpless" is suspected of moral kidnapping.

Even if it is the purest life-saving grace of kindness, you cannot expect others to bow down to you for the rest of your life.

What's more, Roswaal is not kind, all he has is pure interest.

Ten years of devotion, especially Rem, all the work in the entire Mezas mansion was taken care of by her.

She took on the work of a dozen or even dozens of servants by herself. This situation lasted for several years, and Rem didn't even say a word of complaint.

How can you ask for more from a little loli who was only a single-digit age at first, and who is still a girl even now?


What did Rem get in exchange for achieving this level?

"It's just a chess piece."

"You already know." Ram sighed.

Roswaal had watched the destruction of the ghost village back then. Ram knew from the beginning and never told Rem.

After all, the two had no choice at the beginning.

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