"...But it's impossible, I don't have their memories, let alone know their looks and personalities."

"That's true, so I'm afraid it's impossible to complete this scene with the ability of the Book of Wisdom alone."

Echidna withdrew her gaze from observing the room, looked at Yuntian, and corrected as if she was curious about his reaction:

"But you are wrong about one thing. You really don't know their personalities, but you have seen their appearances, although not many times."

"Have you seen it?"

"That's right, isn't there someone who will deliver meals to you at regular intervals in that martial arts field? There is no rule, and everyone will only appear once a month. To you, they are probably so-called strangers. "

Echidna pointed to the kitchen and the door, and at the same time did not forget to observe Yun Tian's expression.

"But there are only two people. They appear more often than others. They will appear twice a month, and they will stay a little longer each time after you finish eating."

Unfortunately, to Echidna's disappointment, the expression on Yun Tian's face did not change.

He just nodded calmly to show that he understood, and then said:

"Let's go to the next trial."

"Huh? Don't you plan to stay a little longer? If you miss this opportunity, it is very likely that you will never have it again."

"What are you staying for?"

Yun Tian asked Echidna back.

"Hmm... feel the love of your parents?" Echidna blinked and said tentatively.

But Yun Tian just shook his head, ending the topic with emotion and sigh.

"That just makes me sad."

Those two middle-aged men and women with black hair and black eyes are Yun Tian's parents, and it is probably not wrong.

But Yuntian didn't have any memory with them.

After breakfast, all that lingered in his heart was a simple sense of strangeness, not to mention that Yuntian knew from the very beginning that this world was a fiction.

Here, it is impossible to bring him the slightest real feeling.

"Knowing that I didn't pop out of a rock or some artificial man is already a reward."

"Although I guessed this result in advance, it turns out that the second trial can't affect you."

Echidna expressed her helplessness to Yun Tian's indifferent reaction, twirling the hair beside her ear, and said in a sighing tone:

"The third trial is ready, do you want to go back to Dream City to rest?"


Yun Tian narrowed his eyes, and caught some kind of information from Echidna's words.

"In your opinion, do I have to rest and get ready before facing the third trial?"

"Who knows~"

Echidna spread her hands, and blinked innocently at Yuntian.

"Unlike the useless second trial, I can't reveal too much information about the third trial."

Having said that, Echidna paused, as if she was thinking about something.

After a while, she said as if she had made a decision:

"If it's just a simple reminder, I can say a little bit, after all, you are different from the previous subjects, and the trials you will face are also different.

"If the first and second trials are to go back and build based on your memory, then the meaning of the third trial is completely different.

"The third trial, which symbolizes the 'future', will completely deviate from the framework of the Book of Wisdom, after all, your future cannot be predicted from the perspective of this world.

"Therefore, the main god space will completely take over the dominance, thus showing the possibility of 'future' in the true sense."

Maybe it's cause and effect, maybe it's fate, or maybe it's some other force that Yuntian has never touched.

But compared with the first and second trials, the third trial is no longer a so-called false construction, it may be a corner that truly symbolizes the possibility of the future!

2091 The Future!

[Face the disaster that will come sooner or later. 】

The familiar voice signaled the beginning of the third trial.

Yun Tian, ​​who has read the original book, actually has some inferences about the situation he will face.

In the original book, Emilia saw the tragic future from the perspective of a bystander when facing the third trial.

Without a body, all that exists is consciousness, so that future pain and sorrow can be clearly felt to some degree.

When he had the feeling that his consciousness was floating in the air, and his soul seemed to be sinking in the water, Yun Tian guessed that his third trial might also be of this type.

However, before he could come up with a definite answer, the world in front of him changed.

When he came back to his senses, Yun Tian was already standing on the top of a mountain.

There is no cover on the vast mountaintop, and the platform that is large enough to be used recklessly looks familiar.

At a glance, you can see the sea of ​​clouds on the horizon that is level with you.

This scene brought back a certain memory in Yuntian's past.

"The last time you came here, you hadn't stepped into the world class, right? It feels like a long time has passed, but when you think about it, it doesn't seem that long."

A familiar voice came from the opposite side, drawing Yun Tian's attention back to the figure standing opposite him.

Silver-gray long hair hangs down behind her waist like a waterfall, and part of the hair behind her head is tied into a butterfly shape.

Delicate pretty face, perfectly sculpted face, a cheongsam set off the proud growth and slender legs.

There is only one person in Yuntian's cognition for such a beautiful woman combined with such an attire.

'Master? '

He wanted to open his mouth to say something, but to Yun Tian's surprise, he couldn't make a sound.

Not only did the voice not appear, even the movement of opening his mouth failed to respond as Yun Tian reacted.

At this time, Yun Tian noticed.

Although he is now No.1's subjective perspective, and even the five senses can feel clearly and normally, but this body does not seem to be under his control.

Just when his thoughts turned here, 'Yun Tian' opened his mouth to respond to the girl version of Fan Xinglu on the opposite side.

"Compared to your experience, Master, it is naturally a time span that is not worth mentioning, but it is long enough for me."

"Is it long enough to dare to challenge me?"

I don't know if it's because of the restoration of the girl's body, or because I have seen more longevity and even immortal species after entering the main god's space.

Fan Xinglu no longer calls herself an 'old body', and her tone of voice and words seem much younger.

Only by addressing Yuntian as "Ru" can we see the remnants of some old habits.

"After all, the ceremony of leaving the teacher did not satisfy Master in the end, and he was ashamed of the senior brother's entrustment. Although this matter has not made much sense after entering the main god's space, my senior brother and I are actually a little bit grumpy. Yu Huai's."

It is not Yuntian who talks to Fan Xinglu, but 'Yuntian'.

The body is talking by itself, and Yuntian, who is watching and feeling everything, has a subtle sense of dislocation.

However, he also understood the status quo, and what was in front of him was probably something that might happen in the future.

Although I don't know what state I have reached at this time, since I dare to challenge the master for the second time, I am afraid that I must get an A+ at least?

Maybe it will be even higher.

After all, when Yuntian itself was growing up, it was impossible for Fan Xinglu who entered the main god's space to stand still.

Thinking of this, Yun Tian subconsciously focused on 'self', wanting to feel how much transformation his future self will have.

However, the unexpected was also reasonable, Yun Tian couldn't feel anything.

Maybe it's the limitation of the trial itself, or maybe it's because the gap between the two sides is too big to succeed, but no matter what, from Yuntian's perspective, his own strength hasn't changed much.

It's just that the internal and deeper changes cannot be understood, but the superficial differences can still be seen.

For example, in addition to the familiar Black Furnace Demon Sword, there is another sword hanging on his waist.

The angle of view will not follow Yuntian's consciousness, but Yuntian, who is very familiar with himself, can naturally sense that there is something more or less on his body.

The clothes are also different, no longer the ordinary swordsmen's clothes or casual clothes in the past, I don't know if it is because I found armor and equipment with special effects.

Of course, it might just be a simple change of clothes.

Only Yun Tian was surprised by the strange wearing feeling from the waist.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword is hanging on the other side. It seems to have changed a bit, but there is generally nothing wrong with it.

But on the other hand, the sword here is not the Starfall Sword. The weight and size of the feedback are different, and the difference is so large that it is impossible to make a judgment like Heilu.

'Maybe it's because the Star Death Sword has changed since it grew up? '

Yun Tian doesn't know, after all, it's something in the future, and he has no way to find out now.

While he was observing, feeling and thinking, the conversation between Fan Xinglu and 'Yun Tian' was almost over.

"I still remember a brat who dared to slap me in the face with a branch. Don't expect me to be merciful this time."

"Uh... If you mind, I apologize, but there is no need to be merciful."

'Yun Tian' laughed a bit, then held the sword at his waist with both hands, and said to Fan Xinglu:

"Disciple Yun Tian, ​​please check the results of your practice!"

The voice hasn't fallen


With a sword chant, everything in Yuntian's field of vision was replaced by 'light'!

Dazzling light replaced everything, as if the world faded in an instant.

What remains is only the white and black intertwined tones and a monotonous world that seems to have a hole.

Yun Tian watched this scene silently.

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