This shadowless and invisible sword that perfectly integrates itself into the environment is no longer what it was originally.

Combined with the silence of the Sword of Wings, and later covered with a natural atmosphere.

This type of assassination sword is now enough to get rid of the framework of the two swords of life, and it is truly incorporated into his own swordsmanship.

Yun Tian, ​​who appeared behind Pandora, understood the message that Edelweiss wanted to convey to him.

Originally, he planned to try to cut off the concept and was prepared to take revenge if he failed, but under the prompt of Edelweiss, Yuntian changed his strategy without hesitation.

When Pandora realized something was wrong, it was already too late!

Howling wind!

In an instant, it enveloped Pandora's delicate body.

The pitch-black storm is a 'wind' but not a 'wind', it is a wind that symbolizes the erosion of death!

As the storm whistled, there were vaguely butterflies dancing along with it, and the cherry blossoms that came from nowhere were swept up by the strong wind.

The underworld butterfly and the demon cherry blossoms are intertwined, adding a touch of beauty called 'death' to this sword that represents extinction!

Two Swords of Life·Comprehensive Mysteries!

For Pandora, what caught her eyes was definitely not a beautiful scene.

Feedback is within the field of vision, and there is only one concept reflected in the heart-death!

After life is completely devoured, the balance of everything collapses and eventually leads to the result.

Ultimate death!

The sword of death!


The sound of the sword being unsheathed rang in Pandora's ears, along with those last words.

"Death, Westbound Spring Wind Slash!"

The next moment, the fire of life went out.

In the extremely sublimated concept of death, the false witch named Pandora ushered in the wither.

The whole body turned into dust and disappeared with the wind, without being able to utter a word.

But this time, she didn't recover for a long time!

Yun Tian didn't care whether Pandora was resurrected or not, he kicked Regulus who was on the ground to the side of Edelweiss.

He knew that the false witch would not die just like that.

But in fact her death is not important to Yuntian, the key is not to let her make trouble for the next period of time.

From the beginning to the end, the goals of Yuntian and Edelweiss have not changed.

The witch factor of lust!

Seeing Regulus flying to his feet, Edelweiss took out the pure Rubik's Cube placed by Yuntian in the shared space without hesitation.

Just like what Yuntian did to laziness before, Edelweiss began to strip out the lust factor with the help of the Pure Rubik's Cube.

Unlike the mismatched archbishop of Joss, Regulus and the Lust Factor are highly adaptable and therefore take longer.

During this period, it must be ensured that Pandora would not intervene, which was also the main reason why Edelweiss waited for Yuntian to arrive.

But right now

"You probably don't have the ability to interfere with Xiao Ai."

Yun Tian blocked Edelweiss behind him, and looked at the figure slowly emerging from the other side.

Yes, slowly emerging.

This time, Pandora no longer appeared intact in an instant, but gradually recovered into shape.

To be more precise, before she fully recovered, part of her would turn into dust and scatter, and then the effect of false power would continue to take effect, Pandora recovered again, and part of her would still turn into dust and scatter.

Such repetitions put her in this strange state of life and death.

Yuntian's sword of death is a deduction of the concept of 'death', its core idea is the collapse of the balance of life and death, the withering after death devours all life.

Therefore, it is not that simple to get rid of the mystery of killing.

If Pandora's ability is really 'death and resurrection', then it's okay to say that she, who is actually dead, has a chance to end the subsequent erosion of the sword of death.

However, the effect of Pandora's pretentious power is to rewrite the fact of death. Without death, the erosion of the sword of death will always exist.

She must rely on her own power to continuously fight against the concept of death that Yuntian imposed on her.

"This time I was careless."

Pandora looked at Yun Tian with that charming expression full of kindness.

She admitted her failure very frankly, and at the same time completely set her sights on Yun Tian.

"I shouldn't rewrite the fact that I died, I should rewrite the fact that I was stabbed."

"You can't succeed. As long as your power still has the activation process, my sword will touch you sooner or later."

No matter what facts Pandora wanted to rewrite, her defeat was doomed from the moment the first sword hit.

After all, today's Yuntian is no longer the one in the world of godslayers who can only play the profound meaning of the collection once.

If what Pandora changed was not the fact of death, but the fact of being hit by the sword, then Yuntian's second sword would be ushered in the moment her power was activated.

"There is a limit to your power, or to say that there is a limit to your own use of pretentious power. If the profound meaning of the sword of death is superimposed, how much can you eliminate at one time?"

"Perhaps all of them?"

"Then you can't be in this half-dead state now."

Yun Tian held the Hei Furnace and Star Death at his waist, watching Pandora's body continue to wither and recover without letting down his vigilance.

"I didn't expect that besides the Juggernaut, there could be people like you in this world."

For the first time, Pandora's expression changed, and there was a little imperceptible emotion or sigh in her tone.

"Is your goal the witch factor?"


"In that case, don't you try to keep me?"

Pandora's gaze crossed the sky and landed on the sky blue Rubik's Cube in the hands of Edelweiss behind him.

"The pretentious witch factor, I really want it."

Yun Tian said so, but he knew it would be difficult to keep Pandora.

The main premise is that Yuntian can't kill her.

In terms of lethal ability, the sword of death is the limit Yuntian can take out at present.

Collecting profound meanings consumes a lot, even the current Yuntian can't use too much.

In the current confrontation between the two sides, Yuntian is waiting for the lust factor to be obtained, and Pandora is waiting for the erosion of death to be wiped away by the pretentious power.

Pandora can still speak right now, but it's hard to say whether she has the energy to spare.

But there is a high probability that it will not be possible to directly interfere with powerhouses like Yuntian and Edelweiss, but it may not be difficult to simply let oneself escape.

Yun Tian strikes, Pandora escapes, this is the most likely outcome.

Then, before the stripping of the lust factor is over, it will become a tricky state of the enemy from the dark.

The first time the sword of death was used against Pandora's ostentatious power.

Yuntian didn't know how long this state of weakening Pandora's ability could last.

Even Yuntian must be cautious about the power that can even rewrite the established facts. Pandora's ability is too dangerous.

The best situation is to ensure that the lust factor is obtained first.

Then Edelweiss and Yun Tian, ​​who had freed up their hands, dealt with the false witch together, and then considered keeping the other party.

If Regulus is left alone, Pandora's awakening will lead to changes.

While Yuntian waited for Edelweiss to end, Pandora was also waiting.

What she was waiting for was how long it would take for her to get rid of this weakened state.

I don't know how long it will take for Edelweiss to strip the lust factor, if Pandora solves it first, then she can force Yun Tian to continue.

At that time, there is still a chance to take Regulus away.

Now Yun Tian stopped in front of Edelweiss without taking the initiative to attack, and Pandora, who wanted to allocate part of her strength to fight against the Sword of Death, was not sure to bypass him.

Only by mobilizing Yuntian can opportunities arise.

But apparently Pandora underestimated the power of the Pure Rubik's Cube.

Seeing that Edelweiss' stripping of the lust factor is being completed rapidly, Yun Tian, ​​holding the sword, is also eager to try.

Pandora knew that she couldn't stay here any longer.

She took a serious look at Yun Tian, ​​then smiled and said:

"That's fine, I'll leave the lust factor to you."

Before the words were finished, the platinum-gold witch suddenly disappeared in front of Yuntian.

Pandora, leave.

2116 Return to the capital

Looking at the place where Pandora disappeared out of thin air, Yun Tian did not relax his vigilance.

The word 'frills' says it all.

Pandora's words cannot be trusted.

Yun Tian believed that if he relaxed a little at this time, Pandora might turn around and come back.

In the final analysis, it's hard to say whether she really left or whether she used her pretentious power to hide her figure.

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