Therefore, the task of commanding the crusade team fell on Henkel, the deputy commander of the crusade team at the time, who was highly anticipated by the kingdom.

That is the son of the Sword Master and the Sword Demon, and everyone is sure that he will inherit the protection of the Sword Master.

Even if it's not now, it's just that Henkel is still young, and his mother's generation of sword masters is just in their prime.

It won't be too long, and Heinkel will definitely take over this supreme honor from his mother.

Perhaps, the white whale crusade is an opportunity.

It was the great battle in which the heir to the Juggernaut stood up and declared that he was ready to take the lead on his own!

Huge fame, trust, and expectations were the wind direction of Lugnica at that time.

They have a contemporary sword master who is also at the upper level in the past dynasties, and a kingdom sword that even a sword master can defeat.

Lugnica was in high spirits at that time.

As the son of two top players who are invincible in the world, no one will question Henkel's talent.


Only Henkel himself knows that he is not the heir of the Juggernaut at all.

His training was extremely hard, and he practiced swordsmanship very seriously. At that time, there were not many people in the Knights of the Guards who could defeat him, so he was able to become the deputy head in the eyes of everyone.

But only Henkel himself knows that all this is an illusion.

He has unreservedly taught him everything from the Sword Master and Sword Demon since he was a child, and his starting point is far beyond ordinary people from the moment he was born.

He himself worked very hard and never slack off in the slightest.

But even so, in the end, he was only slightly stronger than the guard knights. Among the contemporary knights who admired his strength, there were even talents who had not been trained since childhood.

I can only be a little better than them, and I am worse than some others.

Marcus Gildaku, as a friend, Heinkel knows how powerful he is, and is also very aware of the gap between himself and him.

Heir to the Juggernaut?Lugnica's future star?

He doesn't deserve it, really doesn't deserve it.

Without Wilhelm leading the team, the White Whale crusade would have no chance of winning.

Heinkel will kill all trusted brothers who follow him.

The moment he learned that he was going to be the commander in chief, his huge trust and expectations turned into fear that destroyed his heart.

He is not afraid of dying in battle, but he fears that the soldiers of the entire crusade team will die because of him!

Henkel, who returned home, was on the verge of despair under tremendous pressure and fear, and finally confided his heart to his mother.

Looking at her exhausted son, the 'Juvenile Master' Theresia, who hadn't held a sword for too long, decided to take over the task.

Instead of her husband and son, she commanded the crusade to set off.

As for the result, everyone knows.

Henkel, who was about to collapse under tremendous pressure, was asked by Teresia to stay at home, waiting in pain.

He waited until the news of the death of 'Juvenile Master' Teresia.

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The beloved lover fell into an eternal sleep due to the unexplained Sleeping Beauty Syndrome. In the pain, Henkel moved forward with trust and expectations far beyond his own abilities.

He tried his best to respond, but in the end he came to understand his own powerlessness.

Finally, he couldn't hold on anymore, and asked his family for help, hoping to get comfort to relieve his heart that was on the verge of collapse.

In the end, he personally pushed his mother to the battlefield of death.

Heinkel could no longer hear the heart-piercing roar of his father Wilhelm.

He just looked at his son who had inherited the protection of the Juggernaut, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

From that moment on, Cavalier Heinkel fell apart.

It was also at that moment that the world-renowned Astrea family fell apart.

Then, the 'Juvenile Master' Reinhardt was born.

The Moby Dick Crusade 14 years ago was the direct cause of all this.

Today, 14 years later, how could Henkel, who heard about the attack of the white whale again, remain indifferent.

So he came to the capital, waiting for the ending with a feeling that he couldn't describe.

And now, he waited for the answer.

"The white whale is dead, do you want to see the body?"

Yun Tian's words made Henkel pause for a moment, then he was silent for a few seconds, then he shook his head and said:

"No need, and it doesn't make any sense."

I don't know if it was because he was sober, or because he heard the ending of the white whale crusade, Henkel's tone became calmer and calmer.

Compared with the frivolous and violent attitude before, now he has a little so-called chivalrous demeanor.

But soon, this demeanor was broken by himself.

"The two of them must be very happy now, right? After all, the murderer who killed his lover and grandma is dead. Maybe a grand memorial service will be held?"

Strong sarcasm almost overflowed from the words, and there was a smile on the corner of Henkel's mouth, which was a mocking smile.

Not only the 'two of them' in the mocking words, but also mocking himself.

Yuntian knew who Henkel was talking about.

Wilhelm and Reinhardt, who would be brought out together with himself to ridicule, could only be his father and son.

Henkel's attitude was extremely bad, and his words were filled with strong malice.

But Yun Tian, ​​who knows what he has experienced, can see through the maliciousness on the surface to see through his true thoughts hidden underneath.

So, Yun Tian thought for a while and said:

"The vengeance has been avenged. If the opportunity is right, this may be a rare opportunity for the Astrea family to reconcile."

"Huh? Are you kidding me on purpose?"

Yun Tian's words caused Henkel to sneer, he waved his hand casually, and said:

"Reconciliation? With what? What is the need for reconciliation?

"Are you still going to play a family game now? Don't laugh to death.

"Back to the previous family? The trash who forced his lover to go to the battlefield because of his dereliction of duty, the trash who snatched away the guardian and killed his grandmother, and the trash who sent his mother to die because of his cowardice, three Can the trash live a happy life happily?

"Do not make jokes!"

Henkel slammed his fist on the table, and in a complicated tone, fell off a cliff after being emotional, and said very calmly:

"Will Teresia van Astrea allow it? Allow her murderer to forget her?!

"She will curse us in hell and we will not be forgiven for three generations."

Henkel couldn't get out.

Because he killed his mother himself.

At the same time, he would not allow Wilhelm to come out, because if it weren't for Wilhelm's rebuke and departure, the family would not have developed into what it is now.

As for Reinhardt, the one who took away the protection of the Juggernaut is actually the one who got into the deepest, and even his way of life was distorted.

In Henkel's eyes, the three of them were all sinners who killed Theresia, and they deserved to live with their sins.

What's the point of letting go now.

let go?

What about the dead Theresa?

Who will help her let go?Who knew she let go?

"Then why do you maintain this sword so well?"

Yun Tian pulled out the knight sword that Henkel used before and put it on the table, and asked gently stroking the blade.

This question made Henkel's expression stagnate, and the whole person fell silent.

"Holy Sword Astrea, I'm right." Yun Tian nodded the sword with a look of admiration in his eyes.

It was a fine sword, and a well-known sword in the Kingdom of Lugnica.

This name has a very special meaning.

The former kingdom hero, the sword of the kingdom Wilhelm inherited the holy sword from the previous generation of Astrea Patriarch.

If the Dragon Sword Red is the symbol of Juggernaut status, then the Holy Sword Astrea is the proof of Astrea's Patriarch.

This sword was inherited by Heinkel from Wilhelm, and it also represented Wilhelm's recognition of him in the past.

On the slovenly Heinkel, only this holy sword shines like new.

Henkel didn't know how to answer Yuntian, so he could only keep silent.

And seeing him like this, Yun Tian understood almost.

He reached out and took out a document from his portable pocket and threw it in front of Henkel, saying at the same time:

"I want to form a new independent army, and I still need a commander for the time being. You are a barely qualified candidate."

Heinkel didn't answer, he was completely attracted by the title on the document.

"Comparison of the new report on Sleeping Beauty and the ability description of the Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult"

This is a copy of the report to be submitted to the Council of Sages, and the signature is Phyllis.

Originally, Yuntian planned to give it to Reinhardt, but it is just right to take it out now.

"Sleeping Beauty... Witch Cult... Gluttony... Power..."

Henkel almost couldn't wait to flip through the report document, and at the same time kept chanting the contents above.

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