Such miraculous protection can only be used once, and it will disappear after use.

Yun Tian had just seen Pandora's power some time ago, both of which are resurrection, and the essence of the two is completely different.

Pandora has rewritten the fact of death and put herself in the reality of not dying.

However, Reinhardt was really dead. He was reborn from the ashes through a one-time blessing and returned to his peak state.

The revived Reinhardt held the dragon sword tightly and pointed at Yuntian, watching his movements and the unwavering look in his eyes, Yuntian couldn't help but sigh.

"Do you still want to do this?"

"This is the path I have decided for myself!"

"Even if that will make you stagnate?" This time, Rao Yuntian couldn't help raising his voice a little bit, and couldn't help but produce obvious emotional fluctuations.

Regret, regret, and even the meaning of hating iron for not being steel was seen by Reinhardt, and he knew why Yuntian was like this.

Raising his head with emotion, and looking at the sky of the Temple of Stars, where the sun and the moon were shining together, Reinhardt sighed in a complex tone:

"Maybe I won't be able to reach this realm in my life."

"You clearly have this ability!"

"Only this, I will not give up."

Words cannot shake the heart of the Juggernaut. Reinhardt is a real strong man, whose belief and will are indestructible.

Even though Yuntian told him with practical actions, there was still no opening in his heart.

As Reinhardt himself said, his sword intent was flawless.

But it was precisely because of his perfection that he lost the possibility of going further!

Perfection means that there is no room for further growth.

Therefore, Reinhardt polished his sword intent to the extreme, but failed to enter the next level like Yuntian.

The core part of Yuntian's leapfrog battle is the realm of swordsmanship - the sword field!

Divine Art·Star Temple is the result of Yuntian's in-depth development of the sword field, just like the application of sword intent added to sword skills in the past, and the profound sword skill born from the transformation of sword intent into imagery today.

Turning the Sword Domain into an enchantment, domain, and world that he controls, this is Yuntian's development of the Sword Domain, and it is also the process of his Sword Domain growing and moving towards the next stage.

The Sun Sword and Moon God Sword with four strokes and two moves are not Yuntian's attack at all, but the power of the completely transformed Sword Domain itself!

Today's Star Temple is Yuntian's domain, as long as you are in it and fight against him, the entire space is your enemy.

In this case, it is no different from facing two Yuntians teaming up at the same time.

The death of Reinhardt just now was the result of being flanked by two clouds.

2137 Shackles and despair, the escalation of the battle!

There is more than one way to crack the Sword Domain, or the Temple of the Stars.

The so-called realm is not a panacea. It is one of the links that constitute a person's complete combat power, just like a series of elements such as energy, physique, skills, equipment, skills, and concepts.

The realm of swordsmanship is not as good as Yuntian's, but it doesn't mean that Reinhardt can't defeat Yuntian.

Yuntian has Yuntian's advantages, and Reinhardt also has his own strength.

But what really made Yuntian unacceptable was not whether Reinhardt was strong or not, but that he had the ability to go further, but he chose to stay where he was.

With Reinhardt's talent, touching the realm of the Sword Domain should be a matter of course.

However, the name of the Juggernaut is the strongest, and the protection of the Juggernaut is perfect.

This is the path Reinhardt has chosen and the unshakable foundation of his faith.

This belief brought almost absolute and invincible strength to Reinhardt, and at the same time locked his future for further growth.

He is a hero, and he can only be a hero. The evaluation given by Parker in the original book reflects part of this fact in a sense.

As the sword of error correction chosen by the world, Reinhardt held the sword for the first time at the age of five, and reached his peak at the age of eight.

From then until today, the 19-year-old Reinhardt has not made any progress in 11 years!

Didn't his strength become stronger?

of course not.

The accumulation and increase of protection, the rich combat experience, the tempering of the body, the condensing of magic power, and the understanding of concepts all make his strength improve every day.

But, only swordsmanship!

Regardless of skill or realm, the current Reinhardt is the same as when he was eight years old.

Exactly, this is the most regrettable and unacceptable thing for Yuntian.

Since the moment he regarded bearing the name of the Juggernaut as a responsibility and obligation, and regarded the 'Jugger' as the perfect incarnation of justice, Reinhardt has come to an end in the art of swordsmanship.

Perfection is the limit where it is impossible to go further.

11 years ago, it was the Juggernaut who protected Reinhardt.

The protection that brought out the swordsmanship to the extreme allowed the young Reinhardt to skip the process of hard work, and directly reached the end point that countless people could not match.

Today, 11 years later, when Reinhardt himself reached the peak and wanted to take a step closer, the Juggernaut's protection became the shackles that bound him.

Once Reinhardt breaks this limit, it is tantamount to denying the statement that the Juggernaut is perfect.

Reinhardt himself will take precedence over the responsibility of the 'Juvenile Master' Reinhardt.

Reinhardt can lose, but the Juggernaut does not allow failure, but in fact, just the Juggernaut's protection can't interpret the whole of this child of the world.

The name of the Juggernaut needs to be above the individual, but the individual already has the ability to surpass the limit of the so-called Juggernaut.

In the final analysis, the protection of the Juggernaut is just a power inherited in the blood because the first generation of the Juggernaut was too powerful. It is not something incredible.

For others, the inheritance of the Heavenly Sword is unparalleled, but for those who have the ability to step into the realm of the Heavenly Sword, it is an obstacle in the way.

As Yuntian often said, what really matters is what belongs to him and his own path.

The Juggernaut Guardian is the path of the first generation of Juggernaut Reid in the past. If he doesn't step over and walk out of his own path, Reinhardt will only be blocked from the realm of the Heavenly Sword throughout his life.

At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to master the power of Sword Domain.

Because the Juggernaut cannot lose, Reinhardt lost.


"This is really an indefensible reprimand."

Yuntian's harsh evaluation reached Reinhardt's ears, but he just sighed helplessly and did not refute.

Seeing Reinhardt's reaction, Yuntian knew why he was so angry in the third trial.

It can be said that Reinhardt is the very expected and very satisfied opponent that Yuntian has come across all the way, after Edelweiss finally met again.

The existence of the two of them is a ladder of transformation for Yuntian.

Once Yuntian officially ushered in the first leap in growth when he met Edelweiss in the world of fallen knights, and the first time he came to the world of Re0, Yuntian had the same feeling for Reinhardt, the sword master. expectations.

The best opponents, but the beliefs and pursuits of the two run counter to each other.

Yuntian is on the road of becoming stronger and growing, but Reinhardt has long since given up growing, or he never pursued becoming stronger from the very beginning.

Reinhardt's powerful strength was innate and a gift from God, but it was not his own pursuit, and he didn't even intend to turn this power into his own.

For Reinhardt, power and strength are nothing but tools and means necessary to maintain justice and order.

But in Yuntian's eyes, becoming stronger is an ideal that is enough to spend a lifetime pursuing, even surpassing his own life.

The roads taken by the two sides will never intersect after today's battle.

This is the greatest regret and regret that Yuntian has ever experienced in his life.

That's why he uncharacteristically gave such a harsh evaluation of 'stupid'.

But even so, Reinhardt remained indifferent.

In the past, such a firm belief and will would only make Yuntian admire, but today, he can only sigh.

Yun Tian understood that it was impossible for Reinhardt to not know what he meant.

"Forget it." Sighing, Yun Tian gripped the Black Furnace Demon Sword and Star Death Sword again, looked opposite and said:

"Just let me crush your unrealistic fantasies about the 'juggernaut'."

As soon as the words fell, Yun Tian's figure disappeared in place.

At the same time, with the light of the sun disc shining again, the sun in the sky fell down again!

Celestial Elephant Sword Profound Truth!

Sun Sword · The First Day!

Reinhardt raised his head and looked directly at the dazzling sun, murmuring Yuntian's last words in his mouth.

"Fantasy... what?"

He knew that he had let his friend down.

Yun Tian, ​​who originally had some thoughts of dialogue, completely lost interest in speaking this time, and he who had restrained and reserved until just now would not hold back any more.

Next, the duel will escalate into a real fight.

Reinhardt, holding the dragon sword in his hand, shook his head

Next second


The bright aurora also bloomed three times like the sunset, dividing that sun into two as before!


Just when Reinhardt thought he would face the blue Luna Sword next


The pitch-black flames turned into stars, and a black sun exuding a destructive aura rose from the ground, approaching him in an instant.


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