He defeated his father Heinkel for the first time holding a sword at the age of five, and reached the peak at the age of eight.

He simply has nothing else to work on.

Protection is born, huge magic power is born, and even swordsmanship skills are perfect.

So he can devote all his practice time to the development of concepts, and, with the love and blessings of the world, Reinhardt is much easier than ordinary people when comprehending concepts.

Even so, he still failed to officially complete the second ultimate sword skill, and he could only use it freely under certain tricky conditions.

However, Yuntian showed him two kinds of extreme sword skills, which are completely opposite concepts!

The conflict and difficulty of opposing concepts need not be elaborated too much, such as water and fire, light and darkness, life and death, etc., and the difficulty of understanding is far beyond ordinary.

It's always easier to understand burning after understanding searing, and a concept like death itself includes many different types.

Just like the use of space, Yuntian is good at cutting space, while Reinhardt prefers space expansion.

The definition of concepts is much broader than most people imagine.

Yuntian, who has a deep understanding of the concept of death, can completely develop a collection of mysteries in different directions, but he just showed the mysteries of a single life.

"Amazing talent."

Reinhardt's admiration emerged along with the flames of the phoenix.

The withering of the sword of life is different from the sword of death. The sword of death is a designated target, and the target will always be entangled in the concept of death before it dies.

Reinhardt's resurrection is a real death, so after resurrection he can get rid of the subsequent erosion of the sword of death.

The effect of the sword of life is not aimed at a single target, the sun flower field will swallow all the strength and vitality within the range.

Regardless of whether Reinhardt is resurrected or not, as long as he is in the temple of stars covered with sunflowers, he cannot escape the withering of life.

In this way, the infinite resurrection of the phoenix's protection is meaningless!

Unless it reaches the limit that Yun Tiansheng's sword can devour, no matter how much life force is poured into the corpse, it will only add nutrients to the flower field.

As long as Reinhardt's infinite resurrection can be sealed, Yun Tian has a way to defeat the Juggernaut in front of him who "didn't use his full strength" like in the third trial.

But obviously, things won't be that simple.

At the moment when the Sword of Life began to devour Reinhardt's power, new protection was superimposed on him again.

The flames of the phoenix surrounded the red-haired youth, and this time they did not disappear again.

And no matter how much strength and vitality the sun flower field devoured, Reinhardt himself would no longer be weakened, as if the flame of the phoenix had borne the price he should pay instead.

This is not the first time that Yuntian has felt the unreasonableness of Reinhardt's ability in battle, but he still feels helpless, and marvels at this terrifyingly strong love for the world.

The two types of total collection of profound meanings have both hit the mark and played their due role.

Even Pandora chose to retreat for safety's sake after eating Yun Tian's sword of death.

Ke Reinhardt is just fine, and he's even back to his peak form.

Extreme sword skills are not that easy to use, and Yun Tian can only use two or three moves now before being drained.

Reinhardt's resilience will really make his opponents feel desperate.

Fortunately, Yuntian was also prepared.

The reason why the sword of life must hit is because of this moment.


While Reinhardt was surrounded by the flames of the phoenix, a huge energy surged from Yuntian's body without warning!

2141 Infinite loop, the turning point that has changed!

The profound meaning of the total collection is Yuntian's full blow, an explosion that leaves no room for it.

Therefore, not only the number of times of use is limited, but also there will inevitably be a certain amount of stiffness and recovery after the end of the sword skill.

This is common sense, but it is indeed a flaw.

Since it is a defect, Yuntian will naturally find a way to solve it.

The sword of life, which does not seek to defeat the enemy, was born based on this idea.

Huge energy began to emerge from Yuntian's body. The terrifying fluctuations and monstrous aura all indicated Yuntian's changes.

This is the root of the sword of life.

A large amount of energy and vitality were transformed by the sun flower, and finally flowed into Yuntian's body.

This power comes from everything around, and even more from Reinhardt. They have different breaths and imprints, so it is difficult to absorb them for their own use.

But what Yuntian wants to do is not to absorb, but to burn!

The power absorbed by the sword of life will be ignited in the most brutal and direct way in Yuntian, and will be used for completely irreversible and destructive use.

Life force is the source of all things, and burning life force is the ultimate means of dying no matter which world you are in.

The explosive state of burning life will make Yuntian enter an extreme increase.

The most frightening thing about this kind of explosion is that there is no price, because what Yuntian is burning is not his own vitality, as long as the effect of the sword of life still exists, Yuntian can maintain the state of burning life.

It just so happens that Reinhardt, the main target of the Sword of Life right now, has endless life energy supported by the world!


With the unsheathing of the Black Furnace Demon Sword, the Black Flame Star descends again!

It is still the Profound Truth Slashing Stars, but the power this time is completely different from before.

Reinhardt's face changed slightly, and the dragon sword in his hand burst into a bright aurora. He wanted to use the profound meaning to counter the profound meaning, so as to judge the extent of Yuntian's changes that were almost visible to the naked eye.


If the previous confrontation between the two was considered a back-and-forth, but Yuntian had a great advantage, then now, the gap between the two sides is simply one-sided!

Star Slash defeated Reinhardt's Aurora Slash destructively, and even continued to attack him unabated!

At the same time, the sun sword above the sky also fell together.

Two suns, one black and one white, appeared in the sky at the same time, one rising and one setting.

The scene of the two suns and the same sky brings another shocking scene that is completely different from the previous sun and moon!

The moment he realized the huge gap between the two sides, there was only one choice left for Reinhardt.

The ultimate sword skill that faded the world appears again!

The life-burning Yuntian's combat power increased exponentially, and Reinhardt, who was already at a disadvantage, almost lost the possibility of confronting him on an equal footing.

It is also the profound sword skill, Yuntian showed the crushing force.

However, no matter how strong it is, it is only a profound meaning constructed by relying on images. As long as there is no real transformation, it is still a whole realm behind the ultimate sword skill at the conceptual level.

In the faded world, the two suns, black and white, were burning wildly, and for a while they were barely in a stalemate.

It's a pity that it only took a few seconds, and it slowly went out under the absolute gap.

The world fell into a strange fading once again, as if it was the same as before, without any difference.

Even if he burns his life, the promoted Yuntian can't really turn the battle from an advantage to an end.

Just when Reinhardt thought so.

Suddenly, two colors, one black and one blue, tore apart the faded world!

That was the second attack of Moon God Sword and Zhan Xing!

Reinhardt, who reacted immediately, waved the dragon sword in his hand, and the aurora slash greeted the two sword strikes that were obviously weakened after tearing apart the faded world.

However, the result was already known the moment he swung his sword.

Before switching to the newly born sword, Reinhardt can undoubtedly repel the two incomplete mysteries.

But now, even if it has been weakened, the two types of profound art still have the same power as before when they were complete!

It is also a profound meaning, the result of one move vs. two moves, Yun Tian had already told him in the previous battle.

The gap in the realm of kendo, one left and one right flanking.

Reinhardt could only continue to use conceptual sword skills to break the situation.

However, the consumption of conceptual sword skills is huge for Yuntian, and it is the same for Reinhardt.

After two moves in a row, his state will drop rapidly.

At this time, with the alternation of the sun and the moon, the sun sword also fell again.

Yuntian, who is waiting for an opportunity, will not give him a chance to breathe.

. . . . . .

The subsequent battle entered an endless loop.

Judging from the battle situation, Yuntian overwhelmingly suppressed Reinhardt.

His use of profound art is enough to break through the limit of sword skills, and Reinhardt has no countermeasures at all.

Under the effect of the Temple of Stars, it is equivalent to facing two clouds at the same time, one of which is still in a state of burning life.

Because of the gap in the realm of swordsmanship, Reinhardt could only be cut by Yun Tian's sword again and again.

However, every time he dies, he always revives while breathing, turning the supposedly one-sided battle into an endless loop with no end.

If you were a normal person, you would have already lost at this time.

As long as the energy is not infinite, and there is a limit to physical strength, they will be dragged down by Reinhardt's resurrection again and again.

After all, the resurrection of the phoenix protection will restore him to his peak state.

It can even be said that such an overwhelming gap is largely due to the burning of vitality.

As a means of self-destruction, the burning of life is just a flash of fireworks, gorgeous but short-lived.

But Yuntian is different.

Based on the mystery of the sword of life, as long as Reinhardt is not dead, his life burning will not end.

And in the self-detonation process fueled by vitality, there is no need to worry about the so-called energy consumption.

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