——The huge energy, along with the rising momentum, turned into waves that were almost visible to the naked eye and swept around.

Star power, magic power, mana, three kinds of energy are intertwined and surged, and all of them are poured into this blow.

The sword energy was reckless, the sword intent rose, and the sword field that had just been smashed together with the Star Temple was formed again, and the nameless sword hung above Yuntian's head.

——Another force that was difficult to observe also began to burn.

The power of faith, a kind of power that Yuntian has never used in battle but must not be ignored.

The power of faith, which has always been used as a growth accelerator, has always played a role silently, but this power can not only be used here.

Yuntian didn't want to limit himself, so he didn't bind his strength and the power of faith, let alone pin his foundation on it.

But even so, the power of faith can still be used as a catalyst to temporarily increase combat effectiveness.

The most primitive and simplest way, and also the most wasteful way, is to directly ignite the power of faith and forcefully use it to sublimate one's own power.

Just like the effect of the sword of life igniting the vitality, Yuntian's strength was given a qualitative leap.

——In addition, there is a brand new ability.

After coming to this world, I learned a new sword technique from Edelweiss, Heavenly Sword!

It is not the realm of Heavenly Sword pursued by every swordsman in the Re0 world, but a skill brought by the title of Edelweiss, dubbed by the two of them as Heavenly Sword.

Integrating one's own emotions or will into swordsmanship, the sword of the soul that transforms sword intent and sword strikes!

And Yuntian's belief in this sword with the Heavenly Sword is related to the profound meaning he is about to wield.

——Finally, it was the trump card that this style made its debut in battle.

The third form is a collection of profound meanings!

No, that's not quite right.

In fact, this move should be the first move, and the sword of death and the sword of life were born after it.

I once said that the reason for the creation of the first two forms of extreme sword skills is very simple, it is purely used to defeat the enemy and win the sword.

The sword of death is a must kill, so of course there is also a sword of "must win"!

He mobilized almost all the power he could use, and abandoned Yuntian's habit and persistence all along.

No longer think about growth, no longer worry about whether it is all for yourself.

At this moment, all thoughts are concentrated on one point - defeating the enemy and winning!

This is the existence called 'Yuntian', who is also a sword, the crystallization of all his own achievements at this stage.

The sword-drawing technique born at the end of the stars.

The Mysteries of Star Swordsmanship Collection!

"The Extreme of the Stars, the Sky—!"

Essence, energy, and spirit are highly unified. At this moment, only the last belief remained in Yuntian's heart.

Do your best and pour everything into it!

Then, win!

A little bit of starlight went upstream against the flow of light from the Juggernaut's slash, like a moth to a flame, overwhelmed.

Even if Yun Tianji condenses the crystallization of his own existence, facing the torrent of the revision world, he is like a lonely boat in a storm, extremely fragile.

There is no suspense at all, and the secret of the ace kept by Yuntian is annihilated in the brilliance of the world.


Struggling with all your strength is not meaningless!

The rout was a fact, but death did not come.

At the same time, the count of a certain ability also ushered in an increase.

"That's it, two swords."

2146 The beginning of change!

The torrent of light slowly disappeared, and Yun Tian's figure reappeared in the astonished Reinhardt's eyes.

To be honest, it was horrible.

Yun Tian, ​​who tried his best, lost a trace of vitality under the sword master's slash, but it was only the last trace of vitality barely hanging on his life.

From the left hand to the chest, most of the body has completely disappeared, including a large number of important organs such as the heart.

His handsome face was bloody and bloody, and he couldn't see his original appearance at all.

The bones of both legs turned outwards, if it wasn't for the Heifu Demon Sword leaning sideways, Yun Tian, ​​who had lost the ability to stand, would have fallen to the ground long ago.

As for the star perishing sword that was originally held in his left hand, it has long since disappeared.

Dead body.

Even Reinhardt had this adjective in his mind the moment he saw Yuntian's appearance.

That is not an injury that humans can survive, and even Yuntian has no reason to continue to speak.

Leave it alone, and within a few tens of seconds, Yun Tian will face death again.

The reason why he was able to hold his last breath was all due to Yuntian's exaggerated self-healing ability.

Lv8's God's Grace and durability made Yuntian's physique far beyond the comprehensible range of ordinary people.

Hydrotherapy is also playing a role, providing him with a valuable element of life.

At the same time, the 'curing power' and 'treatment' of the development ability are also activated.

Under such circumstances, Yun Tian barely struggled from the moment of death to the last tens of seconds.

"Yuntian, you..."

Reinhardt was very sad, but he didn't know what to say.

This kind of injury is hopeless, Yun Tian, ​​who is no different from a dead person, can't save him even if Phyllis is present.

In resisting the final blow of the Juggernaut, Yun Tian really burned all of himself.

Not only the vitality of the sword of life, he even ignited his own vitality.

Even if this sword didn't cause any harm to Yuntian, it is impossible for Yuntian to continue to live under such an extreme, pure, and regardless of cost and consequences.

does it worth?

Reinhard wanted to ask this question, but he couldn't and didn't need to.

After all, he already knew the answer.

The duel that could have ended peacefully has escalated into a life-and-death fight like this, which was caused by Yuntian on his own initiative.

This end is his own choice.

"Farewell, my friend..."

Just when Reinhardt closed his eyes and sighed in pity.


The sound of glass breaking suddenly came over.

Reinhardt, who opened his eyes again in surprise, witnessed a 'miracle' happen!

It can be called a miracle of the flesh and bones of the living dead!

Yun Tian, ​​who was almost indistinguishable from a corpse, healed all his injuries in the blink of an eye, and even fully recovered the energy that had been squeezed to the limit and completely exhausted.

What created this miraculous scene was only a potion bottle that fell on the ground.

Spirit Potion 'Blood of Energy No. 2'

It is prepared with blood and materials that contain extremely high-strength energy.

Class A props

Effect: Super large and comprehensive recovery of the user's state, and a large number of comprehensive recovery effects that last for a period of time.

Obtained from the hands of the pharmacist Yaowan in the Autopsychic Dimension, it is an A-level medicine made from Yuntian's own blood as the main material.

For Yuntian, as long as he has his last breath, he can play one of the trump cards that is no less effective than the phoenix's protection effect!

Yun Tian, ​​who had recovered completely, shook his lost and regained left hand, and then with a 'buzz', accompanied by fluctuations in magic power, the Star Death Sword reappeared.

Yun Tian, ​​with an unabated smile on his face, looked at the sluggish Reinhardt, and provocatively said with his fighting spirit still burning fiercely:

"I can still stand this time, Juggernaut!"

Hearing Yun Tian's words, Reinhardt finally couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, he understood Yun Tian's feeling when he was faced with the continuous resurrection of his phoenix protection.

At the same time, Reinhardt also felt a little distressed for Yuntian.

Miraculous medicine, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a priceless treasure.

If it wasn't for Longjian not sensing the breath of the dragon, Reinhardt even thought that what Yuntian drank was the legendary dragon's blood preserved by the Lugnica royal family.

Should it be a waste?

But that bottle of potion really saved Yun Tian's life, and it came in handy at a critical moment, how can it be said to be a waste.

but. . .Obviously the battle wouldn't develop like this, the near-death injury was caused by Yun Tian himself.

In this regard, Reinhardt was a little speechless.

As a sword master who was born to stand on top of the world, he couldn't understand how firm Yuntian was in his pursuit of a higher level, as he stepped up step by step.

The gap here is almost a reflection of the two completely opposite personalities.

Reinhardt didn't understand, or it should be said that [Jugmaster] didn't understand, but there was only one thing he understood.

"You still have to continue, right?" Reinhardt sighed silently.

"What do you think?" Yun Tian, ​​who hung his swords back around his waist, still had the same smile on his face.

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