Props: Mission Abandoned

The first thing I saw was this kind of straightforward props. Just looking at the name, I knew that this thing was a product of the main god's space, and it was also one of the life-saving means that most agents would always have.

Yun Tian has a C-level card in his hand, which is the insurance that he prepared to prevent her from falling out before he was going to tell Loki the Lord God space information.

It was useless at the time, and now Yuntian doesn't plan to use it anymore.

The reason is simple, the price of such items is too high, especially low-level ones.

This method of forced return is very safe, otherwise Yuntian would not have prepared to prevent a god like Loki with a C-level item.

Essentially, the main god space takes you away, so even if the will of the world makes a move, you will not be able to keep you, but the resistance in the process of returning will determine the punishment you will accept later.

There are two common ones, exchange points and evaluation.

The level of this type of props corresponds to the degree of reduction or exemption of the subsequent cost. The higher the level, the lower the cost.

But even A-level missions have to pay a price for giving up props, and there are few but there are.

Exchange point is not a problem, the key is evaluation.

The former Yuntian had no idea about this evaluation, so he thought that this kind of props were not bad, at least it was stable and life-saving, right?

It's just that after he became an A-level agent, senior Yas asked him to talk about evaluation.

Yun Tiancai realized the importance of evaluation.

The reduction in evaluation is far from acceptable compared to exchange points, and it will even directly affect the tendency and type of your future tasks.

From this point of view, the price of such items is too high, and at the same time it is worthy of the almost absolute security.

It is enough to keep a spare in hand, but it must be a high-level one. This thing belongs to the bottom of the box that you don't want to use it for a lifetime.

After looking past such props, there are all kinds of resurrection items.

There are many kinds, but it is not appropriate to use a dazzling array of things, and odd shapes may be more appropriate.

'Resurrection', a power that has something to do with miracles, is the most common inferior product with a price.

For example, the props that Yuntian saw at the first sight met his requirements.

'Self-Curse · Decay Reincarnation'

Grade: A-

Explanation: Set up a ritual altar in advance, targeting yourself to engrave an irreversible and dispellable curse.

Effect: After death, the consciousness and soul will return to the altar, and the body can be reshaped at any time. As the price of reshaping the body, the strength will drop to a level.

At a glance, most of them are of this expensive type.

2183 Cheap props, buy materials

This Rotten Reincarnation is actually quite high-quality, because it is essentially a ritual, and the whole team can use it after buying it.

It also has no limit on the number of uses, as long as your altar is not found, you can be resurrected as many times as you want.

The only disadvantage is the decline in strength, which is also the most unacceptable price for Yuntian.

But in comparison, this thing is already considered good.

Many other costs, such as soul damage, nature loss, energy dissipation, etc., are more outrageous than the other, or there are resurrection restrictions. It is easy to resurrect a mortal, but the strong cannot.

But to be honest, Yuntian also understands, in fact, this is the status quo of most of the world.

Equivalent exchange is a relatively common truth in the world. If you want to touch a miracle, you have to pay something. Most of the things in the exchange are brought back by agents from various worlds, and their laws will also conform to the world in which they were born.

The good thing is that these props are not expensive, at least they belong to the lowest level among the same level, and some of them even drop a whole level in price.

The more I look at Yuntian, the more I understand the quality of the phoenix's protection, and the more I am moved by the Prometheus cheats.

You must know that Yuntian has not paid much attention to this magical tool all this time, and just put it in his portable pocket as a collectible.

Because this magical tool actually has restrictions on its use, it must have a certain foundation of trust or goodwill between the user and the target.

Then ability is not copied, but stolen.

It's like you want to take away his ability from someone who has good intentions for you. It's a very painful mechanism.

Take Reinhardt as an example, if he hadn't been able to continuously restore the protection of the phoenix, Yuntian would not have taken away this power from him.

After all, the relationship between the two is actually very good.

But enemies with bad relations are not allowed to use it, so Yuntian himself didn't expect that one day it would have a miraculous effect.

With the divergence of thinking, the products on the list that meet Yuntian's requirements are almost finished.

Not as expected.

It is the reality that nothing that perfectly meets Yuntian's requirements appears, and it is impossible for everything to go smoothly.

Therefore, Yuntian can only choose the one that is taller than the short one, and pick a price that seems relatively acceptable. Fortunately, it is not expensive, and Yuntian has more options.

In the end, his gaze settled on a consumable item.

'String puppet'

Grade: A-


Turn the designated target into a puppet in his own hands without resistance.


* It is possible to physically interfere with the puppet, and the intensity depends on the strength gap between the master and the puppet and the puppet's own resistance.

* When the puppet is about to die, it will automatically transfer to the owner and lock the dying state. During this period, it will not be attacked for three months. After the dying locking state ends, the props will be half destroyed.

* If the puppet survives after unlocking the state of near-death lock, it will fall into a state of trance, and all behaviors will be controlled by the master. The duration depends on the puppet's own willpower. The shortest period is three months, and the props will be completely destroyed after the end.

* Binding puppets can be replaced at any time if they are not damaged.

A very subtle prop, at least at first glance, this thing is neither used to save life nor to protect teammates.

But if you think about it carefully, you can find that this prop can only be more effective if you trust each other.

The first effect determines the difficulty of using this item, and it is probably also the key to the lowered evaluation.

The strong use it against the weak, and the weak may be ineffective if used against the strong. It seems like a means to control the enemy, but it turns out to be ineffective.

To be honest, Yun Tian felt that this thing might be a failure, or a trial work like Echidna's Black Dragon Bracer.

Even this thing can't be used to revive, it can only save one life, and if it is dying without treatment, it will eventually die.

It is still a one-time prop, which will be scrapped after use, plus the negative effect of being in a trance.

No matter how you look at it, it is not a high-quality prop.

The big reason for being able to go to A-level is that on the transfer method, you can click on it further, and there are more detailed descriptions in it.

It is a special method that is difficult to be stopped, and it is precisely because of the value of this technology that the evaluation of this worthless prop is abruptly pulled up from below.

This is also the reason why Yuntian likes it.

There are exactly two of these items, and they are suitable as life-saving items for Edelweiss and Echidna.

The treatment of near-death is not a big burden for Yun Tian who can get the potion from the pill for free.

The important thing is that there is no trust problem among the three, and the mental burden of using such dominance items is much smaller than that of ordinary agent teams.

not only that

For all its shortcomings, this item is one of the few items on the list that doesn't have a permanent or unacceptable serious cost.

This is invaluable.

Also, it's really cheap.

If you exchange it for [-] points, the agent who sells it probably knows the worthlessness of this item, otherwise A-level items would not be able to be sold at such a low price.

The last time Yuntian put up for auction here was the Holy Spring of Blessing, which sold for [-] yuan. It was said that healing items would be much more expensive, but it was a B-level after all.

So, after thinking for a while, Yuntian bought the two 'string puppets'.

Afterwards, his gaze moved to the top of the list again, and he was silent for a long time looking at the item 'Mission Abandoned'.

Do you want to buy it?

Yuntian was thinking about this question.

To be honest, after buying this item, Yuntian felt that he would not be able to use it for the rest of his life, no matter how bad it was, it would not fail to pass the task.

But what if?

This thing is like insurance, you can never use it for the rest of your life, but when it happens to catch up with the negligible chance to use it, you can't live without it.

Due to the unacceptable price of deduction of evaluation, the price of the item of quest abandonment is not expensive, but as a necessity for some people in a certain sense, the price will not be as low as exaggerated like a puppet on a string.

If you want to buy it, you have to buy a high-level one. After all, the low-level Yuntian has one in his hand, and he is just thinking about whether to dispose of the low-level one and replace it with a high-level spare.

But no matter how you think about it, it's a waste of money, and you can exchange it for something.

After several times of thinking, Yuntian still chose not to buy.

Because Echidna's research on the Black Dragon series of equipment still needed funds, Miss Witch asked Yun Tian to drop by the exchange to see if there were any specific materials for her.

Over the past few days, the exchange points have also been reduced in a series of consumption. Considering the needs of Echidna, Yuntian still decided not to waste exchange points on such non-emergency spares.

Having made up his mind, Yun Tian put down the paper displaying the products, and asked the waiter to sort through the materials Echidna wanted again.

It didn't take too long this time, Yuntian roughly bought all the things he wanted for this trip.

Afterwards, Qi Lin also looked at the list, but she had just completed a novice mission, and it was not time for her to urgently need various equipment and props.

In the end, I just looked around and didn't buy anything.

2184 eating

After some purchases, the exchange points in Yuntian's hand also shrunk visibly with the naked eye.

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