Not one step back!

Faster, stronger, wielding the blade of soul beyond one's own limits.

In order to defeat Yuntian, Stella forced herself to evolve continuously.

If there is no 'enemy' in front of him, if there is no encounter with this 'opponent', the possibility that it will take years or decades to blossom is fully released at this moment.

And facing Stella like this, Yun Tian also suppressed her from the beginning to the end.

"But..." Kurono spoke.

It seemed that he didn't want to continue this topic, or it might be to persuade Ning Yin to let go of her past obsessions, Hei Nao interrupted her.

"No matter how beautiful and moving the time is, it will eventually come to an end... Yes, just like you and I once did."

Kurono looked at the two people on the field, feeling a little unbearable.

Because, the ending has already vaguely emerged.

It is indeed a battle as beautiful as polishing a gem, but the beauty is only the gem after all.

When the gem is polished to the extreme, there is only one ending!

That is, an extremely sad and cruel reality.

This ending will be presented in the eyes of everyone in a clear form.

The balance is broken.

At the moment when a certain critical value appeared, Yun Tian, ​​who was unable to grow, retreated!


Yun Tian retreated, and if he retreated, he would fall into a fight of absolute disadvantage, and was repelled by Stella!

Before he had time to think about it, Yun Tian waved the Star Death Sword in his hand, blocking Stella's slashing attack that was chasing after him like a raging fire.


With the clear sound of the two swords intersecting, Yun Tian's sword strike was bounced away!

That's not because Stella has surpassed Yuntian in swordsmanship, nor is it because Stella's strength has grown to the point where she can break through tricks.

The problem lies with Yuntian himself.

Not enough magic power!

More precisely, it should be that the energy is not enough.

Ever since he had the Meditation scabbard, Yun Tian rarely encountered such a thing as energy exhaustion.

In his impression, it seems that there are only two times.

Once was a nightmare event that I experienced in the dungeon world. After resisting the fallen fairy clone, I led the trapped adventurers all the way back to the ground.

The other time was the fight with Edelweiss when they met for the first time.

The two energy depletions were due to unpreparedness for unexpected situations and the addition of leapfrog battles.

And now it's the third time I experience this feeling, it's actually on an opponent who is not as good as me... no, it should be an opponent who is in the same realm as me now.

Not only is the magic power and star power close to exhaustion, but even the physical strength has dropped significantly.

The resilience brought by the "Dragon God Relying on" was too terrifying. Stella used the way of exchanging injuries for injuries to drag Yuntian into a state of exhaustion.

Those who can do this kind of thing, looking at the whole world, even if all the devils are counted, there may not be more than five fingers.

Among them, Stella was probably the only one who was able to drag Yuntian to a tired state and still be in his heyday like now.

Feeling the strength that one hand is completely unable to contend with, and feeling the terrifying power that is still rising from the hand.

Rao Yuntian couldn't help but feel a bit of bitterness in his heart at this moment.

This feeling of being caught up in a short period of time and about to be surpassed, to be honest, it's really not very good.

However, for Yun Tian, ​​this bitter feeling will also be transformed into his motivation to move forward.

The most important thing is that this seemingly hopeless situation has already been expected by him!

Stella's growth in this short period of time will be the help for him to knock on the door of the next realm!

Chapter 446 Dragon King Flame Reappears!

"Competitors Yun and Yuntian... that Lord Sword Emperor was actually suppressed! He was completely unable to fight back and fell into a passive position!"


" could..."

"Do you want to..."

The sudden change of the situation caused an uproar in the audience.

Especially the three players who had been defeated by Yuntian who secretly came to watch the match, couldn't help but exclaimed.

And Shizuku and Arisuin, who couldn't see through Stella's frightening growth rate, were a little unbelievable because their realm hadn't reached a certain level.

"Until just now, Yuntian had an overwhelming advantage...why did he suddenly..."

"Simply put, it's 'fate'." It was Ikki who explained aloud.

The winning side between Yuntian and Stella will be his opponent in the next game, so he takes this game more seriously than anyone else.

And because of his strength and understanding of the two, Ikki understood far more clearly than others.

He brought himself into Yuntian's role at this time, and after careful consideration and calculation, he realized that if it were him, he would probably encounter exactly the same situation.

Even the duration of persistence will only be shorter.

The current situation can be said to be the end of Stella's opponent.

"The total amount of magic power of the knife cutter is determined by God, and thus derived the view of magic power destiny, which is now regarded as the truth."

Ikki's tone is also a bit complicated, because he may be the biggest victim of this so-called theory of fate.

He has a deep understanding of the cruelty of fate.

"If the theory of fate is true...even if it's not entirely true, as long as it's relatively reasonable, then everyone who is Stella's opponent will eventually face this moment."

"The fate of Stella, who has the world's most magical power, is also extremely huge. We can't know how big it is."

"But it's definitely not something that a mere Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival can restrain."

"So, she has grown, and is still growing...but Yuntian..."

Having said that, Ikki clenched his fists unwillingly.

Because he knew that it would be the same for him.

Stella like this is simply invincible!

"Drink ah ah ah ah-!"

The girl shouted angrily, and the golden sword bounced off the Star Death Sword, and after taking a frontal blow from the Black Furnace Demon Sword, the whole person instantly took a step forward!

Seizing the opportunity that Yun Tian couldn't defend with both hands, the girl directly got into his arms, clenched her gleaming right hand into a fist, and ruthlessly hammered Yun Tian's abdomen!


A direct hit without a doubt!

This was the first time in this match that Yun Tian was hit directly by Stella without a trace of defense.

The berserk power immediately vented inside Yuntian's body, and immediately sent him flying.

With both feet off the ground, Yun Tian flew backwards like a ball of paper in front of the dragon's arms.

And at this moment!

"Pierce through the sky, the flames of purgatory!"

Stella thinks it's time for a decisive victory!

A sky-high flame rose from the Concubine Dragon Sin Sword.

Dazzling extreme light and heat soared into the sky, and the temperature of the entire venue rose again at a terrifying speed.

That is not a swaying flame, but a huge sword of light and heat condensed into substance!

Then, Stella raised the huge sword of light and heat without hesitation.

"Burn it up! Burning Heaven and Earth Dragon King Flame!"


The extreme light and heat swept towards the sky!

There is no way to avoid it!

Facing this giant blade of light that seemed to be able to split even the sky and the earth, Yun Tian had no way to avoid it at this moment.

Hit directly!

The torrent of light that burned everything swallowed Yun Tian's figure in an instant!

"Straight, direct... Contestant Yuntian was hit directly by Contestant Stella's stunt!!!"

The narrator's exclamation sounded.

"Yuntian, who was knocked into the air just now, doesn't have any chance to dodge or defend... Is this the end of the game?!"

The might of Stella's Burning Dragon King Flame was so powerful that the professional magic knights who had set up defensive barriers around immediately withdrew the barriers.

Then Kurono took the shot and directly cleared out the audience in the direction of the blade's attack.

Fortunately, the attack direction of this blow was towards the sea.

I don't know if Yun Tian and Stella consciously controlled the direction during the battle.

After this blow split the venue, the venue, and the entire port city, it split the sea in half!

It continued to extend as far as the eyes could see, and a sword mark that could not heal for a long time was engraved on the sea.

"This, too terrifying."

"Where is Lord Sword Emperor... Lord Sword Emperor will not die..."

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