Afterwards, the flying equipment and part of the armor separated from the body as if floating, and at the same time, several huge pieces of Huang-style weapons spread out in the air, surrounding Limxi.

"Hahahaha! Come, come, come! Finally here! Start connecting!"

Ardi laughed and shouted the command, and then all kinds of equipment that came out of Limxi flew towards Ardi as if they were guided by something.

Under the traction of the signal, the position was adjusted, and the flying equipment was separated into two pieces, one on the left and one on the right, and connected to Alti's shoulders.

Various brilliant weapons are attached to his hands and feet, and part of the armor is connected to various parts of the body.

At the same time, all the Wanying mines on Ardi's body changed colors at this moment.

The light of ordinary universal mines is actually a fixed green color, and it will only turn into other colors after absorbing the star power of the star vein generation or other things.

And Ardi obviously didn't take in any external force, but it turned from green to blue.

This means, the full activation of Wanying Jingjing!

In the absence of external interference, only the universal crystal will appear in various colors!

A strong blue light bloomed in his eyes.

"Wow ha ha ha ha! This is our true attitude!!!"

Chapter 635 Another purpose

Just when the battle on the stage was heating up, Yun Tian was sitting in an independent suspended box above the auditorium of the Sirius Dome, watching the match between Julis and Qi Lin.

Generally speaking, Yun Tian seldom went to the auditorium to watch the game, and he was always waiting in the player lounge for Julis and Qi Lin to return from victory.

But this time is a little different, Julis and Qi Lin will not return to the waiting room after the finals, so there is no need for Yuntian to stay there.

"How's the game going?"

The person who opened the door from the back of the box and asked Yun Tian was Edelweiss.

But Yun Tian turned his head, beckoned her to come and sit down.

"You came just in time, just at the critical moment."

Edelweiss nodded, walked to Yuntian and sat down, and at the same time handed him the bento box in his hand.

"Here you are, the 'supply' you asked for."

Yun Tian took the lunch box, listened to Edelweiss' choice of words, hesitated for a moment, and then persuaded in a low voice: " less games at ordinary times."

"What...?! How do you know... No, no, I didn't play any mobile games!"

"But I didn't say it was a mobile game."

"!!!" Seeing Yun Tian's teasing eyes, Edelweiss blushed slightly, and looked away in embarrassment.

During this period of time, she lived comfortably.

Join the club, have the friends you once dreamed of, go to class obediently every day, meet classmates and live an ordinary after-school life with them.

Participate in club activities, go shopping and play games with friends and classmates, go to class and do homework on time every day, and finally meet with Yuntian after school to share the happiness and joy of this day with him.

(Then turn off the lights and go to sleep.. Cough cough.)

This kind of life is something Edelweiss could not experience in the previous world, and it is the life she has lost and has always yearned for.

It can be said that the main purpose of Yuntian's choice of exploration mission this time, 'to let Edelweiss experience the girl's time' can be regarded as a successful completion.

At least one day after returning to the Fallen World, when he saw Edelweiss only elder Yueying Tapiraya again, Yuntian could tell him without hesitation.

I made up for her past regrets.

Edelweiss is also well aware of this, but with the current relationship between the two, there is no need to say thank you.

At this time, it seemed that he couldn't resist Yun Tian's eyes, and Edelweiss looked around, then changed the subject and said:

"By the way, I didn't even know there was such a special audience seat."

Although it was mainly to change the topic, it was indeed the first time Edweis came here, so he was somewhat curious.

The space is not large, and there are not many seats, but it is enough for Yuntian alone.

"This is the special box for the Jielong Student Union." Yun Tian smiled, not breaking Edelweiss' mind.

"Several other colleges have similar places, which is considered a special treatment."

"The original intention should be to allow the president of the student council and the members of the student council to watch the battle comfortably. However, you also know the situation of Jielong."

"Although we also have a student union, it's no different from an empty shell. If the master doesn't come, only our core disciples will use it."

"So that's how it is." Edelweiss glanced at the huge World Dragon School emblem printed on the wall behind him, and suddenly continued to ask as if remembering something:

"Speaking of Xinglu, she will come over later, right?"

"Well... a game of this level should not allow her to attend in person, at most she can just watch the live broadcast."

"That's all right, just pretend to be stupid, you know what I mean. Of course Xinglu won't be here now, and I'm afraid she won't be attending the closing ceremony and awards ceremony later."

"You know her quite well..." Yun Tian rubbed his forehead, reached out and pressed the school badge, and showed Edelweiss a space window.

'The attendance after the game is left to you. You just happen to be at the scene, and I will go to the scene to watch the title competition later. '

by——Fan Xinglu

Yun Tian had just received this email, and it was obviously Fan Xinglu's impromptu idea.

"I'm getting more and more aware of Senior Brother Zhao's sadness. Attending the awards ceremony and the closing ceremony can be decided on a whim, so it's normal... Tsk tsk, poor Senior Brother Zhao."

While mourning for Zhao Hufeng in his heart for three seconds, Yun Tian opened the bento box that Edelweiss handed over just now.

Different from the small box given to Julis and Kirin last time, the bento box this time is very huge, divided into five layers, and each layer is quite deep.

It is filled with all kinds of food.

There are staple food, vegetables and meat, and two layers of dessert snacks.

"Wow!" Yun Tian couldn't help admiring even though he was used to the food cooked by Edelweiss.

Edelweiss himself didn't respond.

During this period of leisure life, she even had less time to practice swords, but her cooking skills were still improving.

If it weren't for the special ingredients used, the dishes could be several times richer.


"Is it necessary to be so serious?"

Edelweiss was actually a little surprised by Yuntian's decision, because Yuntian specifically told her to use special ingredients for this bento.

And the reason is obvious without even thinking about it. He is in order to adjust his physical condition and meet the challenge in a true peak state.

"Although I don't think there is anything wrong with you doing this, but can that 'Paladin' get you so much attention?"

Edelweiss is the person who knows Yuntian's strength best. Although it is rude to say that, to be honest, she thinks that Arnest has no chance of winning.

"Since it is a battle for the title of 'Sword Master', with your personality, you must only use the power of the stars and the Black Furnace Demon Sword to fight."

"But even so, I don't think you will lose at the hands of a student."

"Indeed, I don't think I will lose." Yun Tian swallowed the food in his mouth, and then replied with a little inexplicable color in his expression.

"However... such a result is not what Ernest and I want."

"This game, we have another purpose."

"Another purpose??" Edelweiss was a little confused. She had never been in contact with the pure Xinghuang weapon, and she couldn't imagine the ultimate goal of the battle between Yuntian and Arnest.

"What about the title 'Juvenile Master'?"

"What's the use of that thing?"


"Do you want it? Give it to you?"

"...what do I want this for?"

"Then what am I going to do?"

Listening to Yun Tian's words, Edelweiss fell into deep thought.

It seems that it makes sense? !

Chapter 636 Qualitative change!

"The title of Juggernaut, if you have it, you have it, if you don't, you don't. It doesn't affect me at all."

Yun Tian smiled, looked at Edweis who was a little confused and said:

"Actually, it's the same for Agnest. Although he has a little more desire than me, he hasn't risen to the point where he must take it away."

"Yanest just wants to fight with me. He can use this to get rid of the shackles that have been bound to him all this time, and he may even break through the level of sword intent to peek at the sword domain with his understanding."

"And I..." Saying that, Yun Tian put down his chopsticks, and reached out to touch the Black Furnace Demon Sword on his waist.

"We have been stuck at 100% for too long, and we have been unable to go any further. On this point, Ernest, who has now vaguely found a way, is one step ahead of me."

Yun Tian's words evoked a reaction from Hei Fu Demon Sword, and it shook slightly, as if he was unwilling or annoyed.

The adaptation rate between Yuntian and the Black Furnace Demon Sword is not as simple as 100%. With Yuntian's mastery of the sword, it is not surprising that it rises to 200%.

But the problem is that the pure Xinghuang-style armament seems to lock the upper limit, and it can't break through this limit no matter what.

But Ernest found a way to unlock this shackle first, even if it is not sure whether it is successful, even if it is opened, it may only be 101%, even if it needs Yuntian's cooperation to try.

But in the end, he was one step faster.

"Well, it's hard to say whether it will be successful or not, but if it is successful..." Yun Tian pointed to Ardi on the stage below.

"The power of a fully awakened Omnipotent Crystal that no one cooperates with should be more or less a reference."

At this time, Edelweiss also felt the rapidly expanding presence on the stage.

She turned her eyes away from Yun Tian and looked at the stage.

"This level of power... no wonder."

"The pure Xinghuang-style armament can have such a qualitative change, it will take some effort for Qi Lin to do so."

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